
Chapter 1 Blue Eyes

Travis was in a conference room, debating on a deal that was worth 200 billion dollars. The air was thick and silince was in the room until there was a phone call. The board of director broke in invincible sweat as he looked at his phone.

Travis narrowed his eyes at the board of director whose phone was ringing and he chuckled. All the board of directors stared at their CEO in fear because they knew that if their CEO laughed or smiled it wouldn't end well with them.

"What does the rule about switching off cellphones during a meeting imply" it was more a statement than a question.

"Sir the rule states that if any cellphone interrupts a meeting, the holder of the phone will face dismissal" said his secretary.

"Sir please forgive me, it won't happen again" the director said as he stood up and started to beg Travis.

Travis made a jester with his fingers and two bodyguards came into the room and dragged the wailing director out of the board room.

After a while of silence "l settle for 350 billion dollars no less than that rubbish of 200 billion dollars" said Travis.

Travis stood up and left the board room. As he entered his office he instructed his secretary.

"Nara book a reservation near the river side at Ria's Delicacy"

"Okay sir"


After work Travis rode his Lamborghini at Ria's Delicacy. As he made his way inside the restaurant, all eyes fell on him. Travis was devilishly handsome and his sense of fashion added to his looks.

He wore a dark grey blazer and shirt, white trousers, white sneakers and a black LED watch. His black hair was combed elegantly making him look like a Mythical Greek God.

As Travis didn't mind the people staring at him, the people didn't stop ogling him. Travis sat down at his table and ordered a cup of black coffee.

Travis stared at the fishpond in thought of that day. Travis never thought that he will be intrigue with anything in this world.


5 years Ago

Travis was seated at Ivory club while drinking alone. Even though there were people dancing and singing, he was the only one sitting there with a gloomy face as if he was forced to sit there and drink.

Just as Travis was about to leave, he heard a small voice behind him. As he turned around, he saw a small girl being dragged out of the club while shouting. Half of her face was covered leaving only her eyes visible and her reddish hair.

Travis didn't want to stay longer but he kept looking at the girls eyes. Her eyes were dark blue, bluer than the sky and ocean. Her eyes showed an innocence that he wondered how such a small girl like her was doing at a place like this.

"Hey stop, what are you doing" Travis said as he walked towards the small girl.

"Sir please mind your own business, this girl is causing trouble, firstly she is too young and secondly she has drunk too much and hasn't paid for her drinks" said one of the man.

Travis was eighteen but the way he spoke and his aura emitted an adults "ls that all, l will pay for her drinks, let her go"

The two men looked at each other in thought for a few seconds before finally letting her go. As the two men left, Travis took the girl back at he place he was seated.

"Little girl how old are you, what's your name, and what are you doing here?" asked Travis.

"OK my name is 'uhm' Ria and l'm 15 years old".

"Ria you said" Travis said as he took a sip of his irish whiskey and choked on his drink after hearing her age 'cough'.

" Fifteen!, Ria aren't you too young for a place like this and shouldn't you be in high school".

"l'm not that young sir, l just look young and about school l won't tell you the matter about that as for what l'm doing here, l am here to drink and forget my problems" replied Ria.

"Don't call me sir, call me Travis" seeing that the girl was totally drunk, Travis didn't bother to ask more questions.

After a few more drinks, Travis was drunk as Ria.

"Why do you look so sad" asked Ria.

"I'm not sad you're mistaken"

"You are sad, the way you look and the frown on your face is evidence"

"l said l'm not sad okay" Travis said in a serious tone.

Ria didn't mind Travis's tone "l know you are sad, admit it, admit it..."

Seeing that Ria wouldn't stop, already drunk, Trale did something he couldn't dream about, sharing his emotions "Fine, firstly promise me you won't tell anyone"

"I promise, now tell me"

"Okay, l'm sad because my father and mother treat me as if l am not their own son. I work hard in my studies and in our company but they don't value me. My elder brother gets credit for everything l do"

"You know, you do not need to prove yourself to yourself parents or anyone else not even your idiot brother"

"You know, you are preety wise than the girls your age, you are an adroit"

"Stop your adulation"

"Don't you like people complimenting you, l wanted my parents but l received none, all l wanted was their love but l received none"

'l thought l was the most sad person in the world, but it seems that there are other people who are sadder than me too. I wonder why his parents don't like him. He seems kind and is handsome too' Ria thought as she stared at Travis.

Guys it's my first novel tell me what you guys feel about it. Your comments will help to improve my work

AshNzvcreators' thoughts