

Just because of misunderstanding they separate for 6 years, and on their reunion they met again. They become the ruthless CEO of the world and they killed their enemy without mercy. But would they fine who's behind their accident and who wants their head? Follow the story for your answer. Thank you for your time I hope you don't mind my mistake and please feels free to comment on my mistake so that I can improve. This is my first novel and I hope you like it. It's my own imagination, I'm sorry if it entangled with one's personal please take it as a story. Than you

Linzzziii · Ciudad
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56 Chs

Chapter-10-Had lunch together.

Careen hug him and said, "i thought i was dreaming",

Kevin chuckle and said, " huumm I'm here happy, "

Smiling, Careen said "yes happy, thank you for coming".

Kevin help her with the lunch container, and they eat lunch together, sometimes they fed each other.

After lunch as Careen have meeting to attend, so she asked Kevin to wait in her office if he don't want to go back.

Kevin already cancelled his meeting so he nodded his head and said, "I will wait here, you can go do your job".After Careen left.

Kevin while waiting for her, he got bored so he roam around her office and he was amazed at how big and beautiful her office look, but everything look secretive, if anyone wants to robbed it's hard for a person who don't have knowledge about codes, as her office was well designed in such a way that there's no loophole. It looks like she don't trust anyone in her office.

He was happy that she knows how to beware of her surrounding.While checking on her office he found some of their old photo together, he smile while looking at it, he now understand she never forgot about him all those years.

He also feel like this is not the end of this room, it was big enough for one office but, it like their something behind those wall it look like a secret room maybe a rest room he thought as he often found out that sometimes she didn't come back after work hour.

After sometimes Careen come back from her conference meeting, she found him lost on his own thought looking outside her window.

Smiling she went and hug him from the back, Kevin come back to his sense and said, "you were done with your meeting". Careen just nod her head while resting on his shoulder.

Kevin turned around and hug her back, " are you tired, do you need to rest for a while".Careen continue to hug him without answering, Kevin carried her to the couch and make her sat on his lab while hugging her.

Careen don't move and after sometimes she felt asleep on his lab, hearing her soft breathing he chuckle while make sure to sat properly to make her comfortable, and try not to disturbed her sleep.

While both of them rest on the couch, someone knock on the door, Kevin reply, "come in, "

Careen assistant walk in, seeing the scene she don't know what to do, placing the files on the table. Kevin asked her to cancel all the appointment that afternoon.

Before leaving, she said"master this was the first time I saw boss slept soundly in office, she never sleep even if she was tired, everytime she slept she will cried in her dreams so Mrs Kelly asked us to called her or the doctor when she is crying I don't know what happened to our boss, so please take care of her master. "

Kevin nodded his head and smile at her he said, "ok I will don't worry, if Mrs Kelly called told her that she's fine".

After Careen assistant left, Kevin look at his love face and whispered, "I'm sorry I'm not by your side while you're hurting but now that I am here I won't allowed anything happened to you". He kissed her forehead and then he carried her from the office and told her assistant to bring her belonging to his car and look after her office carefully.

After Kevin left with Careen, her assistant contact her boss mother and told her about today events, on hearing of what had happened in Careen office her mother feel scared what might happen if that man take advantage of her daughter so she contact husband and son and told them what was happening she repeat what the assistant told her.

Mr Kelly told her "don't do anything reckless, I will go and check right now to her apartment, dont worry she'll be okay".with that he left his office and went straight to his daughter apartment.

When Jackson heard about that he contact his brother as soon as possible scared what if something happen to his beloved sister, but when James pick up the called he said, "she is fine she's with Kevin, don't worry he won't do anything ".

When Jackson heard about it, he said "what the heck when did that bastard come back" with that he continue with work no longer worry about his sister.

When Kevin reach their apartment he brought her to her bedroom ,and help tug her in the cover but when he tried to leave he can't escape himself as Careen hold his shirt tightly so ,he took off his shirt and put it on her pillow. Then he went back to his room to take a shower, after he freshen himself he come back to her room and start preparing some late lunch, for her.

While preparing lunch someone ringing the door bell, so he left the kitchen and went to open the door. When the door open he got smacked on his head without knowing anything.

Mr Kelly left him on the door without talking to him, what he care for now was his daughter, he run to his daughter bedroom, on seeing her sleep soundly like a child he didn't dare wake her up and left closing the door slowly scared to make a sound.

When he enter the kitchen he saw Kevin busy himself with the food like nothing happened, Mr Kelly got angry, he smacked his head one's again and said, "you punk when did you come back, and why didn't you tell us you were with Careen, you give us a fright".

Kevin chuckle, " sorry uncle I forgot to tell you, about when did I come back, I didn't travel anywhere so I didn't come back I'm always here near your daughter ".

Mr Kelly look at him confused, " what are you saying, you didn't went anywhere else, then where were you? "

Kevin just smile and said, "don't worry uncle I won't leave your daughter alone".

Suddenly Mr Kelly phone rungs, he pick it up and said" yes she is fine, don't worry, yes she asleep now I will asked her to contact you when she's awake, okay unnmmm bye".

Remembering his daughter face sleeping like a baby, he asked Kevin" did she takes her sleeping pills before she sleep " Kevin just shake his said.

Mr Kelly asked again, "how many second did she slept".

Kevin chuckle again and said, " probably till now," while checking his watch, he said, " 3 hours "

Mr Kelly mouth open wide his eyes lid up and scream "3 hours !!!!!!!! are you kidding me, " Kevin shushk him and whispered quiet down you will wake her up.

Mr Kelly then said slowly, "she never slept that long, this was the first time after you left she slept peacefully", anger caught him again and said " you asshole you're the one who make her suffered".

But Kevin just sigh and said, "it wasn't me, someone else but I don't have any proper evidence yet, when we got the things you will know, James was on it so don't worry, just continue to make her happy, she got depression".

Mr Kelly nodded his head and said, " I know James talk about it but I'm scared what if we can't cure her illness ".

Kevin patted his back and said " I'm here don't worry , we will find ways to cure her and we are on it right now so you don't have to worry, tell auntie to beware of her circle of friends, don't allowed her to talk much about Careen ".

After sometimes, the sky was turning dark, Mr Kelly wave goodbye to Kevin and for Careen she still sleeping so he didn't wake her up, before leaving he told him to be careful and if anything happened contact him.

Kevin walked to Careen bedroom, on seeing her clutch to his shirt tightly as if afraid someone will snatched away, he chuckle he thought she would wake up soon but from making late lunch he have to prepared early 🍽dinner.

He sat on her bedside and wake her up, " Careen baby, you need to wake up it's time for dinner, honey wake up"

Careen just hold his hand tightly and murmur, "let me sleep I'm tired". " You have to wake up right now, or you will end up starving, wake up sleepyhead, come on baby wake up".

Careen slowly open her eyes on seeing his face, smiling at him she stretch out her hands waiting for him to carry her,.

Kevin chuckle he pinch her cheeks and help her to the washroom before heading to the dinner table together,...