
My love for you

In the running train he adjusts everything only to purpose her. when he is busy in talking with his best friend lu yimo & suddenly felt upcoming of cherry blossoms then he turnaround and saw her coming to them. She is looking as stunning as she always looked in her simple yet gorgeous dressing sense. with smile on her face which is only for him she walks towards them she inwardly feels that tuday something big is going to happen but what it is she don't have any idea...

Reetu1811 · Integral
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16 Chs


Ning Xi liked photography very much she read about it from her computer in very detailed manner so that she can be able to click or cought beauty around her. she loves nature very much so she started taking pictures of nature around her and makes collection of them. but hide them carefully because her family is like outdated one . they didn't allow girls to do things which they are interested. in their point of view girls show learn etiquettes so that they perform in better version of themselves as a mistress in the future.

Not all wants to become a mistress and stop their own dreams thats what Ning Xi thinks. At a very early age she understood this concept very well. if you want to be recognized by others then you have to think differently from others because they will only noticed you when you have out of box thinking, which means you have your own vision and prospective towards this world.

Ning Xi took out her mobile to record the Vedio for today's occasion. so that she can show how they celebrate welcoming of her little brother to her friends. she wanted to capture every single movement in her Mobile. So she starts her vedio from her father's study room from where she got her family portrait.

When she talked with her father at that movement her Mobile's vedio mood was already on. Her mobile captured the whole thing between her father and the worker. Then she turned towards garden and shooted every thing that comes in her way.

The worker looks very scared as if he did something wrong. Ning Xi absorbed him in her way which he didn't noticed. when he turned to saw something behind him but find nothing . then he feels relaxed. Ning Xi thought to herself he is behaving abnormally. so she started to follow him.