
Walk in the Woods

*Amber's point of view*

It was a very nice after noon. Amber helped her mom make lunch for themselves and for Amber's brothers. Amber and her mom made steak and potatoes, smelling up the whole house up with the declivous smell of their cooking.

Amber couldn't just stay inside any longer, so she decided to go out for a walk. Amber's family lives farther away than rest of the pack more. They live more into the forest than everyone else. Amber figured that she would be left alone and wouldn't have to deal with people today. Amber tends to not be a very, social person.


Amber looks at her phone and realizes that many hours have gone by. Amber was about to leave the forest and go back home. It was almost dark by this time. The sun was starting to set, and the temperature was plummeting. Amber realized that she needed to head home before it got too late because she wasn't wearing the right close to be in weather that hits 50 and below when the sun goes down. Amber was started to head back home when out of nowhere she hears a loud scream. The scream was so bad it made her blood freeze. She was just frozen in her fear after what she just heard. Amber knew all too well what that sound means. After what feels like hours she finally starts to run off in the direction of her house. However, by the time she gets there her whole family is dead. She slowly walks into the house and looks around. then all of a sudden, she heard something that made her jump at first. Then, she realized, the sound was knocking. Amber slowly looks around trying to find where the sound is coming from. She walks around, through the kitchen or what is left of it, then the living room, and the bathroom before finally looking at the dining room. She starts to walk around the dining room, and she keeps hearing the sound getting louder and louder and louder. Finally, she realized the sound, it is coming from under the floor. Amber starts to slowly, peace by peace tearing the wood on the floor off. Then she finds her little brother, Jackson in a blanket, terrified. Amber's brother is newly born. He is only a year old. She picks him up and takes him out of the house, holding him very close to her so that he can't see the death and destruction around them. Amber hugs and holds Jackson to calm him down and stop him from crying.


After a couple of minutes amber decides to take herself and her brother to the pack houses, so she can find out what had happened and hopefully find out who is still alive. When Amber got to the houses all she could see was about half of the pack was dead and the other half was injured some deadly some livable. All of the pack that wasn't dead or deadly injured was in a circle in the middle of the town.

Amber goes close to the circle, "What the hell is that!?!?!?" she whispers but everyone there is a werewolf so any wolf listening could hear her. Then it hits her....