

It's a story that follows a werewolf thrown into havoc.When his uncle murders his parents for the throne to rule the werewolf kingdom and banish him from the werewolf kingdom...

CO2_GHOUL · Fantasía
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91 Chs

Chapter 77

Zain is walking down a hallway in the Noble House of Xeno.

Zain:(Joshua and his group ,is probably about to ambush the carriage.)-Thought as he has a calm expression on his face.-

While walking down the hallway Zain overhears a conversation between two noble werewolf knights.

Noble werewolf knight 1:So they sent James away.

Noble werewolf knight 2:Yes they sent him away but I heard that the humans are planning to ambush the carriage.So King Siegfried instructed Sawyl to accompany the carriage for extra protection.-said as Zain gets a worried expression.-

Noble werewolf 1:Isn't that a bit overkill,I heard Sawyl was even more ruthless than King Siegfried and almost as strong as him.-said as Zain stops walking behind them and stands still in the hallway and looks at the floor with a stressed out expression and sweat dripping down his face.-

Zain:(My Father really sent that monster but how did he find out.Luke and Justin wouldn't have said anything.So maybe there is a mole in Joshua's party.And I don't think he knows I'm involved or I would of been dead already.What am I thinking about, Joshua is in danger.I can't believe he sent Sawyl Xeno The Crocodile.One of the 36 heroes.He got that name for his viciousness and overwhelming strength.I gotta go tell Joshua's group before it's to late.)-Thought while sweating and with a stressed out expression as he stares at the floor.Then he begins running to the ambush point.-

Meanwhile at the ambush point Joshua runs infront of the carriage causing the horses to stop.Lancelot and Jack climbs onto the side step of the carriage.Lancelot opens the door and puts his sword against the neck of a extremely muscular Werewolf with blue eyes ,white hair and a white beard.The werewolf looks at him slowly and then smiles like a villain.Then he kicks Lancelot causing him to fly against Jack causing them both to fly through the sky and hit the ground hard.Joshua runs to the side and sees Lancelot and Jack laying on the ground.

Then a the werewolf jumps out of the carriage, revealing his tall and big stature and he closes the door of the carriage.

Jack begins sweating profusely as he recognises who it is.

Sawyl:This three people,how disappointing.

Lancelot gets up and gets ready in his sword fighting stance.Aswell as Joshua .But Jack is still sitting on the ground frozen in fear.

Sawyl:Come at me kiddos.-said as he takes his great sword from his back and gets into his one hand sword fighting stance.-

Joshua and Lancelot dashes towards Sawyl simultaneously and then they throw horizontal sword slashes towards Sawyl's waist on each side but Sawyl blocks Lancelot sword slash with his sword and simultaneously punches the flat side of Joshua's sword causing Joshua's swing to be stopped as his hands is in the air from the force.Sawyl then front kicks Joshua against his exposed stomach causing him to tumble away from Sawyl, tumbling through the dirt.Then he punches Lancelot against his Jaw with his free hand causing Lancelot also to tumble through the dirt from the force.

Sawyl: Isn't your friend also gonna try attacking?-asked as he looks at Jack cowering in fear.-

Joshua and Lancelot gets up from the ground, then they get into their sword fighting stances again.

Joshua:Yeah, Jack what are you doing?-asked as he looks at Jack.-

Lancelot:I thought nothing scares you.-said as he looks at Jack.-

Jack: Don't you know who that guy is.He is Sawyl Xeno The Crocodile,One of the 36 heroes.He is almost as strong as Siegfried and he is ten times as vicious.He would kill his own squad if he felt bored.He is the incarnation of evil,my parents always use to tell me his story when I was misbehaving and he would come get me if I wouldn't stop.-said as sweat drips from Jack's face as he sits on the ground in fear.-

Sawyl:Hahahahahaha,you a funny one.So I'll make your death quick.-said as Sawyl is amused by Jack's story.-

Joshua:What is wrong with you ,we have a chance saving James but instead you worrying about stupid stories.Don't you wanna see Sam happy?-asked with a angry expression.-

Jack:Yeah, you right ,what the hell am I doing.-Jack grabs his sword then he stands up and gets into his sword fighting stance.-

Sawyl gets into his sword fighting stance as the trio dashes towards him.Jack gets to him first and jumps up, then Jack throws a downward slash but Sawyl easily blocks it with his sword,then counters with a left uppercut punch towards his stomach.The punch connects causing Jack to cough up blood and he his sent flying through the sky from the force.Joshua then tries slashing him diagonally but he blocks it also with his sword then he counters with a roundhouse kick that connects against Joshua's head causing his eye's to turn white as the force of the blow send him tumbling across the ground away from Sawyl.Lancelot then tries a plunging sword attack aimed towards Sawyl's heart but he blocks it with flat side of his sword and counters with a right side kick that connects against Lancelot's face.Causing blood to splatter against Sawyl's boot and the force of the kick sends Lancelot tumbling across the ground away from Sawyl.Jack finally falls out of the sky and hits the ground hard.

The trio gets up slowly and gets back into their sword fighting stance.

Sawyl:How disappointing ,I expected more.I know what can light your guys fire.Bring out James!- shouted as he smiles.-

Axel and Blake brings out James who is handcuffed in chains.His covered in bruises his hair is long ,covering his eyes and he is malnourished.Sawyl waves Axel and Blake to go away they both go back into the carriage.

Joshua, Lancelot and Jack are in absolute shock at how James looks.

Sawyl:(Hmmmm,not the response I was expecting.I know how I can make them mad.)-Thought, then he backhand slaps James across the face causing him to tumble across the ground.-

Joshua, Lancelot and Jack expression changes from shock to enraged.

Joshua's eyes begin glowing green as his claws and teeth begin getting larger and sharper.Lancelot eyes begin glowing gold as his muscles becomes more defined.Jack starts growing brown wolf ears and a brown tail.Jack teeth and nails also becomes sharper and larger as his eyes also glows blood red.The trio gets into their sword fighting stance with enraged expressions.

Sawyl:That's more like it, finally the fun can begin.-said as Sawyl gets into his sword fighting stance.-