
Episode 44: (Cozy Glow Arc) Empathy

Scene 44.0: Forest of Maya, 4:54 AM, Day 82 Of 365


The next day, Cozy Glow & Diamond Tiara wakes up unexpectedly full of energy and feeling like never before, but most of all they feel happier. When they head to the kitchen, they see that Granny Goodshoes already had breakfast ready for them and it is all of their favorite foods which they can't believe since they didn't tell her anything, so they decided to eat and ask questions later. Once they finish, they address Granny Goodshoes on some things.


Diamond Tiara:

That was delicious, Granny. How did you know about our favorite foods?


Granny Goodshoes:

Maya told me.


Cozy Glow:

Did Shadow tell her?


Granny Goodshoes:

No. She got the information from your memories while you were sleeping.


Cozy Glow, Diamond Tiara:




Granny Goodshoes:

I know, but I needed her to keep tabs on Cozy Glow's alternate personality. Her Id [Inner Demon] if you will.


Cozy Glow:

But I thought you said that the food you gave us last night would help me keep her and the other one at bay.


Granny Goodshoes:

I did not want to take risks if this entity was stronger than I assumed. Remember that the influence of the Fallen is within you. The Black Heart Crystal not only can empower the negativity of your emotions, but also corrupts you something fierce. Since your enemy is the negative personality and is already empowered by it, so it would not be surprising if she could overpower the serenity potion you took in did not keep her at bay for too long.


Cozy Glow:


Wait! I have a crystal within me!?


Diamond Tiara:

How did that happened?


Granny Goodshoes:

I do not know if it is one, but by judging on how old the crystal within Cozy Glow is, I assume it is almost 9 years old.


Cozy Glow:


Almost 9…?


Granny Goodshoes:

(Notices Cozy's Discomfort & Diamond Tiara's Fears)



Diamond Tiara:


Cozy? Are you alright?


Cozy Glow:

(Shakes Head, Regains Composure)

Yeah…Can you tell us the story of the Fallen? If he's really that powerful, I want to know how to fight him off.


Granny Goodshoes:

You cannot fight him and win, child. You can only escape his influence. Very well. Before I begin, please know that none of the Ancients are literally Brothers and Sisters. We are part of an Ashram. We are brothers and sisters in name only that belong to a special group for we are not blood related whatsoever.


Diamond Tiara, Cozy Glow:

(Nods In Agreement)



Granny Goodshoes:

The Element of Purity – Platinum Shadow was in appearance just like the villain that destroyed The Great Alicorn Nation Arcadia – Jet Black Mane, Snow White Coat and Emerald Green Eyes. He was the best of us along with the Element of Mana, Zenith Azimuth which is now Princess Twilight Sparkle's Element of Magic and the Original Element of Life, Stardust Memory.


Diamond Tiara:


That's the name of Shadow's Mom!


Granny Goodshoes:

That name is passed down to the True Successor of the Element of Life if they are born a Mare.


Diamond Tiara:

What about Stallions? I highly doubt it's "Platinum Shadow" by what you are telling us.


Granny Goodshoes:

(Shakes Head)

That is the problem. There was never a Stallion in the successor line for the Element of Life. Our son is an abnormality to that family tree. None knows why that happen, even to us Ancients. Only the Supreme One knows for sure on why it happened.


Cozy Glow:

So you really don't know why?


Granny Goodshoes:

I speak the truth. None of us were expecting this turn of events. We have been keeping tabs on our descendants and those who were chosen by the Elements which Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends do not count as our descendants, but chosen by the Elements themselves. Most of the Elements of Harmony are chosen by the Elements, not by being our children. Most of our descendants either are not powerful enough, do not represent the element we once held or do not desire to wield it and want another to do so, as they believe the New Bearers will wield it better than they ever could.


Diamond Tiara:

I heard that Shadow isn't the only Child of the Ancients. Are there others?


Granny Goodshoes:

Five Total. Maya is one, but she is not the one from the prophesy involving Equestria as we have already looked into the future of your world. But I digress. Let us return to my brother's sad fate.


Diamond Tiara, Cozy Glow:

(Distrustful Glare)

Don't you dare say "Not Important" somewhere along the way!


Granny Goodshoes:

(Annoyed Sigh)

Some mortals cannot take a joke. As I was saying – the 3 of them were very close with Stardust and Platinum being very much in love with each other and Zenith Azimuth making fun of them for that very reason. One day they decided to go on a secret day around a location of their choosing, but to make sure none knew who they were, they started using different names – Platinum's Name was Jupiter and Stardust's Name was Lysithea.


Diamond Tiara, Cozy Glow:




Granny Goodshoes:

Indeed. She used the same name as the Mare you have met as of late and just like my long gone sister, that is not her real name either. Nevertheless…her connection to our Shadow is no different than my sister's connection to Platinum.


Diamond Tiara:

(Surprised, Hiding Jealousy Behind Surprised Expression)

What…? What do you mean by that?


Granny Goodshoes:

You told me not to say it, so I will say this instead – you want answers to that question, you need to ask Lysithea herself.


Cozy Glow:




Diamond Tiara:


Never mind that! Tell us more!


Granny Goodshoes:

While traveling around, Stardust noticed there was a virus taking the life of all in the world. Know that this took place before the Rise of the Great Alicorn Nation of Arcadia. Not wanting to see more death, Stardust decided to end the outbreak by unlocking the full power of her element…she succeeded at the cost of her own life. Seeing her do this, something within Platinum snapped, causing him to despise the world and blame them all for her death. He waged war against all those saved by his beloved, blaming them for her death. Zenith Azimuth tried to stop him on his own by convincing Platinum the meaning of her sacrifice, but he refused to listen which unfortunately forced us all to deal Platinum a very harsh punishment.


Diamond Tiara:

You sealed him away somewhere horrible…


Granny Goodshoes:

We still hold high hopes he will go back in being our brother again before he fell into despair so long ago.


Cozy Glow:


Wait! The reason Platinum…the Fallen became the Element of Corruption was because of Despair!?


Granny Goodshoes:

That is what I want to believe, my brothers and sisters believe other reasons on why he went about things. But…I believe Zenith Azimuth knows for sure. Nevertheless he refuses to tell us all the full turn of events of their private encounter. If you as myself believe that my brother Platinum became the Element of Corruption out of despair, we need to target the source of your despair.


Cozy Glow, Diamond Tiara:




Granny Goodshoes:


I understand, my child. But know this – if you do not face your past, you cannot claim the future we all wish for you to have. I will give you 3 days for you to decide. If you do not make a decision by then…I will be left no choice but to refuse to help you even further.


Diamond Tiara:

But if you do that—


Granny Goodshoes:

The Corrosive Power of the Crystal within Cozy Glow has reached maturity. It is only a matter of days before the crystal attains the power needed to become self-sustainable and desire its own body…most notably yours.


Diamond Tiara:

This sounds almost like Darkness Dawn trying to take over Luster's Body.


Granny Goodshoes:

Alchemus' Alicorn Amulet.


Diamond Tiara:

Isn't Alchemus, Shadow's Previous Incarnation?


Granny Goodshoes:

Indeed. Alchemus was a genius, but his magical properties were nonexistent. Him and Star Swirl were the best of friends and the most challenging of rivals; until the Pillars were sent to Limbo as they seal away Stygian who just became the Pony of Shadows and Princess Luna being banished to the Moon after becoming Nightmare Moon. Having his best friend along with his cohorts disappear on him and the Alicorn Princess he served under being imprisoned, Alchemus' Will To Live faded from his being, bringing him to his death as a result of a broken heart.


Diamond Tiara:




Granny Goodshoes:

…Not Important.


Diamond Tiara, Cozy Glow:




Granny Goodshoes:

(Amused Smile)

Our time is almost over for the time being as I have things to do at Klugetown and Mount Aris. I will meet you both later tonight.


Diamond Tiara:

Wait! What about Maya?


Granny Goodshoes:

If things goes well, the 3 of you will become the best of friends…




Cozy Glow:

What will you be doing there?


Granny Goodshoes:

Healing the sick & the weakly and selling my special concoctions under the name "Giriko".


Diamond Tiara:

(Excited Demeanor, Obsessive Expression)

Can I sell your concoctions in my family's shop?


Granny Goodshoes:

(Old Woman Laughter, Smiling)

I will think about it, dearie. Please, behave yourselves while I am gone.


As Granny Goodshoes leaves, Maya appears with a condescending attitude towards both Diamond Tiara and Cozy Glow. However Granny Goodshoes left behind a small crystal ball the size of a fist in order to keep tab on them, hidden in her bookcase and is already regretting not bringing either Cozy Glow or Diamond Tiara in order for Maya to bond with the other. But unfortunately this is the fastest way for that to happen, but the amount of vitriolic exchange between them will be exceptionally high and since she is forbidden to look into her own future, she cannot predict if this plan will actually work before she comes back; she can only hope. For the next few hours, Maya has been antagonizing both Cozy Glow & Diamond Tiara and since they don't take things lying down, they fight back against Maya as vitriolic as they can. However…both Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara crosses the line by saying the word "Fatherless" but in a more vulgar way that it touch a nerve Maya never felt in her entire life. Knowing that she's an Ancient and Shadow's Foster Sister, Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara were fearing that she would resort to the same counterattack as Shadow would, but instead she breaks down and runs out the cottage.


Fearing that Granny Goodshoes would refuse to help them, Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara run after Maya, but as soon as they exit the cottage, the once beautiful and mysterious forest is now a Nightmarescape of monstrous trees similar to Discord's Plunderseed Vines. Upon seeing this, both Cozy Glow and Diamond Tiara are full of guilt and decide to look for Maya separately as they think if they find her together, Maya might retaliate in a violent way. Since she felt the effects of Maya's Power before, Diamond Tiara was given a special potion in order to resist Maya's Illusions, so she can deal with the Daughter of the Ancient without any problems. She also gave some to Cozy Glow for a situation like this. As they look for Maya, the vines would either block their path or attack them if they went a certain way. Since Cozy Glow is a Pegasus, she flew high up and finds Maya sobbing near a river at the edge of her forest. Cozy lands nearby carefully so Maya doesn't notices her and tries to approach Maya just as carefully. As she approaches Maya, the Daughter of the Ancient of Wisdom calls her out.



(Crying, Angry)

I know you are there! I won't forgive you for saying that!


Cozy Glow:

(Comes Out Of Hiding)

I didn't come to fight.



It's too late for an apology! Now leave me alone!


Cozy Glow:

Well too bad! I'm not leaving! Not until you calm down! Listen! You are right! What we said was uncalled for and in a way…


…I was projecting…



(Stares At Cozy)



Cozy Glow:

I don't remember my real parents and I feel like these memories aren't mine…if I have to say it…I am really—



SILENCE!!! You keep talking and I'll…I'll…

(Starts To Cry Again)


At that moment, for the first time in all of her life, Cozy Glow feels a large amount of guilt and regret for what she did as Maya's cries for some reason and it hits her hard in ways she never thought possible. Upon seeing her like this from his hideout, Blight Terror finds this amusing as it seems that his Prototype Crystal has changed Cozy Glow like this, as he hopes the new and improved crystals that are being made by Jack can do so much more than the one within the young filly. After Maya calms down, Cozy tries to approach and talk to her, but the Daughter of the Ancient flies away again. However the flow of time in the forest feels different as it just slowed to a crawl. Then Cozy Glow noticed why: Maya's Emotions and possibly, her Life-Force are linked to the forest itself. Which means that Maya might be unable to leave there until something happens. That is the one thing she hasn't figured out yet. Cozy still follows her to make sure she doesn't do something crazy which she starts hating this feeling of concern as she can't help it but to get used to it until Maya feels better. Cozy manages to find her again near a cave only this time she doesn't approach Maya; instead she keeps her distance and starts to sing silently. But since Maya & the forest are one, she can hear Cozy's singing and the words are linked to her own sadness as she can't tell if the memories she has belongs to Minerva or are lies born from the crystal within her to drive her into an even darker place in her own heart. As Maya listens to Cozy's song, the daughter of the Ancients starts to remember the song known as "Answers" belonging to world that was almost destroyed during the end of both Seventh and Eight Umbral Calamities (Final Fantasy 14 Storylines) which makes Maya think things through; although unknown to them, Granny Goodshoes' crystal ball is recording this.


Cozy falls asleep even though time is advancing slowly all around them. Maya sits next to her and starts to sing "Answers" (A Realm Reborn Main Theme Song – Final Fantasy XIV) with tears running down her eyes as Cozy dreams of Minerva's Love, Alexander fighting the nobles who usurped and murdered her parents. He's a Pegasus clad in black armor, blonde mane, white coat and blue eyes with a scar across his left eye glowing as red as blood wielding a Large Dark Broadsword and slaying them all in cold-blood. When he reaches the throne room, the False King and his 12 Knights faces off against him as the 13 of them turn into armored titan size beasts, but that didn't stop Alexander as he goes for the offensive while Minerva uses her healing spells to assist him. However, Cozy notices Minerva's expression shifting back and forward throughout the fight: One of Concern and One of Sadistic Evil with a Twisted & Delighted Smile across her face as Alexander slays their enemies. Cozy is disturbed in seeing Minerva like this as she fears that since they are related, she is the same way. Cozy wakes up and notices that she was sleeping on Maya's lap. She also notices that Maya herself is asleep, since she doesn't want to bother her, Cozy goes back to sleep as she notices the forest went back to normal. Granny Goodshoes breathes a sigh of relief that Maya has bonded with Cozy as she wonders when Maya will be fully mature to leave the forest. This idea scares her, but it is an inevitable part of life as she knows Maya one day needs to shape her own future with her own hands (Hooves if she decides to live in Equestria in her Pony Form). Diamond Tiara arrives there, sees both Maya & Cozy sleeping there peacefully that she smiles and goes to sleep with them. Granny Goodshoes laughs as her customers looks at her weirdly for laughing that they think she has gone senile.


Scene 44.1: Forest of Maya, 4:54 AM, Day 83 Of 365


The next day, Granny Goodshoes is happy to see her daughter, Diamond Tiara & Cozy Glow are finally getting along as she hoped and quite possibly even better than she hoped. Not to dive into it as she believes they don't want to talk about it, Granny Goodshoes once again leaves them on their own as the 3 of them continue to bond like normal girls do, laughing with one another, sharing advises and trends from both their respective homes (Equestria & the Chaotic Void), talking about their best times and bad times with Diamond Tiara speaking first (Mentioned In The Previous Episode). Maya decides to go next in speaking her own dilemma.




I'm, in a way, the same. You both must know how I came to be from my mother and after hearing how you now feel about your own mother…I want to tell you both how I feel about my own situation. I found out about my origins because of Aniki when we were foals…but before that…I was oblivious of it.


Cozy Glow:

What made you ask your mom about it?



Whenever I asked Shadow about his parents, he would always talk very highly of his mom. But when I asked him about his dad…he would insult him like there was no tomorrow and yet…he would tell me how his mother felt and loved about his father. Every time I heard him talk about them, I started to wonder about my own father. When I confronted my mother about my origin, she was defensive about all of it. One thing led to another and Aniki managed to uncover the truth. I wish I had a father just like you and Aniki, but this is the reality of being born using magic.


Diamond Tiara:

I don't think so.



What do you mean?


Diamond Tiara:

Your mother gave birth to you in this forest, right? And when you were born, this forest gained its power.



What are you getting at with all of this?


Diamond Tiara:

I noticed that the forest became aggressive when Cozy and me hurt your feelings. Almost like a parent protecting their foal after being bullied. I believe that in a way…this forest is actually…






Cozy Glow:

That makes sense. The forest attacked us every time we almost got close to you, Maya. Like it was trying to keep you safe. Have you ever heard of anycreature talking or whispering to you only to see there's no creature next to you?



I…I…I can't believe this…You might be right. For as long as I could remember…I have been hearing a male voice…Strong, Firm, Determined and Caring. At first I thought it was Shadow, but the voice was too deep…similar to an adult. So this forest is not an extension of my power, but my…


Diamond Tiara:

That's what I believe.



(Warm Smile, Crying)

Thank you.


Cozy Glow:

(Hesitant, Saddened, Sighs)

Looks like it's my turn. I don't really remember my parents. If I do, I don't think these memories are mine. But I do remember the one who raised me. He was a hulking Earth Pony, even bigger than Bulk Biceps. He gave me everything I wanted when I asked. You could say he spoiled me rotten. He made me think I could do anything and I could get away with it…you both know how that turned out.


Diamond Tiara:

(Saddened, Worried)




I have an idea. Why not look for him?


Diamond Tiara, Cozy Glow:





I'm being serious. I believe that if you confront him, it might help your situation in far more ways than one.


Diamond Tiara:

I know its going to be difficult for her, but you are right. This could help Cozy move on and deal with her personalities when the time comes. Also...if he knew Cozy's Parents, that could help a lot.


Cozy Glow:

(Saddened, Worried)

Can I…have some time to think about it?


Diamond Tiara:

(Sad Smile)

Alright. Take as much time as you want.


Cozy Glow:

(Sad Smile)

Thank you…Dia.


Cozy goes to her room making both Diamond Tiara and Maya worry about her as Granny Goodshoes is still watching over them through her crystal ball as they finally reached the conclusion she wanted them to reach: for Cozy to confront her Former Guardian. All she needs now is a little push for Cozy to actually seek him out and Granny Goodshoes knows of a way to convince the Filly Pegasus to do just that. Later that night, Cozy can't sleep as she still worries on what Maya suggested since the moment she brought it up. Not to worry her best friend, Cozy fake sleep until Diamond Tiara fell asleep first herself; once Diamond Tiara is out in seventh heaven dreamland, Cozy goes outside to look at the Moon and Stars in order to contemplate Maya's words. Cozy remembers her guardian: An Imposingly Large, Muscular Gray Earth Pony wearing a butler outfit with a stern and scary look on his face; his eyes similar to that of a hardened criminal who has done horrific things in his life. This pony taught Cozy on how to be a hardened and unhinged pony, but thanks the Prototype Crystal, all of that criminal attributes has been separated from her and giving it a new identity: her Dark Self. Granny Goodshoes walks out of the cottage and joins Cozy holding 2 cups of hot cocoa with tiny marshmallows in a small tray.


Granny Goodshoes:

(Smiling, Offers Hot Cocoa)

A Bit For Your Thoughts, dearie?


Cozy Glow:

(Sad Smile, Takes Hot Cocoa Cup)

Thank you. So I'm guessing you already know about my situation. What should I do?


Granny Goodshoes:

I cannot make the choice for you, child. All I can do is tell you what can happen depending on your choice in the matter.


Cozy Glow:

I already know, but I don't mind a little advise.


Granny Goodshoes:

Very well. If you go, you will suffer unimaginable pain and misery in the short term. Days…Weeks…A Few Months Minimum. The long term effects of said encounter will make you strong enough for you to grow and to finally be accepted by all around you. The opposite will happen if you do not go – You will live happily and free in the short term. Unlike the short term suffering if you do encounter him, the short term happiness of not meeting him will last days…worst case scenario…less than 1 day. In the long term…you will return to your dark ways, ergo – your Dark Personality…Your Id will take over your body and will continue where you left things off almost 9 moons ago when you were set free by Blight Terror and Lady Imago.


Cozy Glow:


You know about that?


Granny Goodshoes:

Indeed. Blight Terror is a Rogue Ancient who is obsessed in creating a new age for all of Equestria using a forbidden power.


Cozy Glow:

Is that forbidden power the Black Heart Crystal?


Granny Goodshoes:

That is possible. Zenith Azimuth is the only one who knows where the Fallen and the Mother Crystal are hidden, but if you are going to reach the conclusion I believe you will, I will have to agree to a certain extent.


Cozy Glow:

Blight is the one who instilled the Black Heart Crystal in me.


Granny Goodshoes:

I reiterate – we are not sure if it is a Black Heart Crystal within you. I can confirm it is a crystal with a similar power or close to my fallen brother's crystals, but I highly doubt it is a Black Heart one within you.


Cozy Glow:

How can you be sure?


Granny Goodshoes:

The energy resonance from the crystal within you and the Black Heart Crystal I am aware of are completely different. I fought those who possessed a Black Heart Crystal within them and the one you have are not the same. However the effects are similar. What is within you must be either a counterfeit or a close replica as Blight must have failed finding the Mother Crystal so he must be desperately trying to resurrect my brother's legacy in an alternate way; which is not surprising as I stated – Zenith Azimuth hid where their location are and he hid them both well. Finding my fallen brother and his ultimate creation will be an extremely task to accomplish, even if Blight Terror is a Rogue.


Cozy Glow:

So…back to me…if I go to meet…"Him"…I will suffer, but in the end I will find happiness. If I don't go…nothing will ever change, instead it will only get worse down the line.


Granny Goodshoes:

You do not have to choose now, dearie. We can slow down time until you are ready, but be forewarned…I noticed that Maya trust you. If you do not do this…you will break her heart…

(Demonic Glare, Evil Eyes)

…and if that happens, none will save you from my wrath. Understood?


Cozy Glow:

(Spooked Look, Nods Slowly)



Granny Goodshoes:

(Normal Eyes, Warm Smile)

Good night, dearie. Please consider what we have discussed carefully. For it is not only your fate that is tied to the future of Equestria…but everyone close to you as well.


As Granny Goodshoes gets back in her cottage, Cozy begins to ponder on Ancient's advise and wonders what is the crystal within her. She looks at the stars and thinks of the pony that raised her as she whispers his name: "Grim Apex".


Scene 44.2: Forest of Maya, 8:12 AM, Day 84 Of 365


The next day, Cozy joins the girls for breakfast with a serious and sad yet determined look on her face as she stares Granny Goodshoes. The Ancient looks at her imposingly expecting Cozy's answer.


Granny Goodshoes:

I can tell you reached a consensus. What say you?


Cozy Glow:

I will go meet up with him. I want to know the whole truth.


Diamond Tiara:


Are you sure?


Cozy Glow:

If I don't face him, I'll never truly be free.


Granny Goodshoes:

I wish Maya and myself could join you, but this is a matter for you and Diamond Tiara. Only you can do this. As the Weakest of the Ancients, I do not have the power to hold you down completely if your Id goes on a rampage. Even worse if your guardian is imposing to rival the power of my children. Since Maya cannot leave this forest just yet, you can already tell that you are on your own.


Diamond Tiara:

Is there a way for you to guide us even if you can't come with us?


Granny Goodshoes:

(Pulls Out Blue Crystal Ball)

No. All we can give you is this. You can communicate with us using this, however it is quite frail as it is susceptible to high concentrations of magic. If such high powerful magic is around you, it will stop functioning.



(Pulls Out Yellow, Red & Green Crystals)

Take these ones as well. This Green Crystal is used for healing, this Red Crystal will grant you one powerful attack and it's only 1 use before it disintegrates into the ether; and lastly this Yellow Crystal will teleport you back here and it is 1 use only as well. The only one that is not 1 use is the healing crystal, but its power is quite limited, so don't get too hurt or the crystal's healing power won't be able to save you.


Diamond Tiara:

(Warm Smile)

Thank You, Maya.



(Blushing, Tsundere Attitude)

Baka! I'm not doing this for you! Aniki would bite my head off if either of you get hurt! Besides I still think he can do better than you!


Diamond Tiara:


Why you spoiled brat!


Cozy Glow:

(Whispering To Granny Goodshoes, Smiling)

I think they are really good friends now on the way they are behaving.


Granny Goodshoes:

(Whispering To Cozy Glow, Smiling)

Showing emotions is considered a sign of weakness in many cultures, but if said emotion is tied to a powerful past, said emotion becomes empathy that will unite even the most at odds of creatures.

(Serious Expression)

Nevertheless…will you be alright? Once you embark on this journey, there will be no turning back.


Cozy Glow:

(Serious Expression)

You are right. If I don't confront him…I will lose myself one day and I…don't want Dia to get hurt if I do. She is my friend and I feel that…If I met her long ago…I would have never tried to take over Equestria those last 3 times.


Granny Goodshoes:

(Warm Smile)

Then I wish you godspeed and good luck in your endeavor. And be careful.


Cozy Glow:


Thank you.


With the support of both Granny Goodshoes & Maya, Cozy Glow & Diamond Tiara heads to Cozy's hometown: Applewood, Coltifornia where her guardian is residing.


Scene 44.3: Ponyville, Dazzlings' Apartment, 9:12 AM


As Adagio, Sonata and Aria are eating brunch, Elric arrives through a dark portal with a large bag behind him.



Judging by that large mountain-sized bag and you the size of an ant, it means Blight has a target for us.




Why You…!

(Clears Throat, Calms Down)

Yeah. I brought you a change of clothes, a Custom Black Heart Crystal and the picture of your very first target who is deeply connected to Cozy Glow.

(Shows Picture Of Grim Apex)


Adagio, Sonata, Aria:





You know him?



He was a monster back in the Human World until Shadow's Mother locked him up. He got the Death Penalty since his rap-sheet spans for years of criminal activity that were to extensive to just let him be locked up. There were rumors that he had a foster daughter, but they were never confirmed. So Cozy Glow was his foster daughter. There was also a rumor of a Killer Child roaming around the area after Grim Apex's execution wielding a large bladed weapon either a Sword or a Scythe. She was never found or captured. Not even Shadow's Mom got close to solve the case since she passed away before the murders even started to happen.



If that's true, then infusing Grim Apex with the Black Heart Crystal will help create an abomination. I shudder to think what the Prototype Crystal inside Cozy Glow will make her once it blooms. Not to mention that Minerva's Will is inside of her.



What else did Blight tell you, runt?




He's hiding out somewhere in Applewood, Coltifornia. This Black Heart Crystal Blight-Sama wants you to use is attuned to help you find your target easily. I went ahead and found out he's hiding somewhere around City Hall.



That makes sense. I heard that the Governor was giving Grim Apex Amnesty in the Human World. Once Grim was arrested by Stardust, the Governor, Goldnon resigned only to be arrested for being an accomplice. He was first charged with being an accessory to Grim, but was bump up to accomplice once Shadow's Mom found correlation between them. But Goldnon was given life in prison only to be done in by everyone around him, especially that everyone in prison had a bone to pick with what Grim did to them.




Again, if in the Human World he's that evil, I shudder to imagine how he'd be like here in Equestria. From what Blight-Sama told me, the Human World is far more Chaotic than Equestria, but at the same time it is quite Harmonious than the Chaotic Void.



Yeah. It's pretty weird, but…

(Blushing, Sad Smile)

…it's because of that weird dynamic is why we met and fell in love with our Sweet Shadow.



(Curious, Interested)

A World where Chaos and Harmony coexists? Interesting. I would love to visit that world one day.




You should definitely go and bring Krystal with you! She'll love it if she goes with you!



(Furious, Blushing)




(Evil Smile)

She's Cute!?



You got your orders! I'm leaving!

(Reenters Portal & Disappears)



I wish he would remember that we can sense his emotions because of our crystals. Still, we can deal with him later. Right now we need to get to Applewood and find Grim Apex.



(Worried, Stern Attitude)

Are you sure we should do this? You know how monstrous that freak was in the Human World. We give that crystal to the one here, we'll see that horror in Equestria. Even worse if that Blight Creep made that crystal so he can be even more of a monster.



(Worried, Somber Attitude)

Aria's right, Adagio. Our Sweet Shadow is still recovering. If that monster gets loose and out of our control, no one will stop him.




I know, I know! But what choice do we have!? Blight wouldn't have asked something like this without having something set up as a backup.



There's something about him that gives me a bad feeling on what, how and why he wants to do, but I can't help but to think he will succeed where we all have failed.



Yeah. Blight is scary and annoying, but…I can't help but to think of our Sweet Shadow when we talk to him. I know he's not our Sweet Shadow, but…why?



I feel the same way, girls. Why do we feel that way when we interact with that freak? Our New Crystals are telling us he isn't Shadow, but why is it that we think he is?



Alternate Reality?



The OG Platinum Shadow? The one called The Fallen?



I doubt it's either. And don't say "Clone"! If Our Trixie was still alive, she would call that lazy writing. Enough of this! Let's get ready to go. We have a monster to awaken.


To Be Continued…

Just Returned From My 1 Month Holiday Vacation And Bringing Back More Episodes On My Current Projects (MLP: Platinum Shadow & Dragon Ball Oneiron). Thank You For Your Patience, You Awesome People! <3 <3 <3

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro


This Is The Final Arc Of The Chapter. Chapter 2 Will Begin Once This One Ends Featuring Princess Melodious Somber As The Main Villain Of The Next Arc As Promised. Also...The Next Chapter Will Revolve Around The G4 Cast Like Twilight, Her Friends And Close Allies Like Discord. Stay Tuned On How This Arc & Chapter Ends In The Near Future, For I Promise That It Will Be A Doozy! XD

StarscreamSigmacreators' thoughts