
My little miracle

This story is about a dancer who used to be a worldwide superstar that suddenly quitted her love for dancing due to something that made her change everything in her life living in constant fear even if she seemed calm and collective but live performances always seem to startle her incase it would happen again but not her but to someone close if something goes wrong.

Mitch_williams · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 11: date

A week later!

I know this sounded crazy but when I say I've be asked to be a date I mean it literally by Jay who was asked to come to this ball tonight and needed a date to go with which was me probably from what happened in the kitchen to be honest changing his mind about this while ball thing. But he should prepare himself for when my brothers answer the door as they would be kinda mean and persistent on what time I should be back and to never leave my side which he never does unless I'm at home.


Jay: I'll be picking you up at 7.

Saeki: okay. But what should I wear?

Jay: highly suggest formal wear since we're going out a Party.

Saeki: oh, is black a suitable colour or something else?

Jay: hmm? I'm not sure. Could you sent me the photo the dresses that you're having a hard time picking?

Saeki: sure


I was currently inside the Cloak which is a inside wardrobe that's inside of a room perfect for dressing up without being spied on by anyone but that wouldn't happen since I live with my brothers. I got my phone out and started to take pictures of the dresses that seem to be rather nice to wear than going out looking like a tramp which i would to be honest. I had a selection of nice dresses for him to choose from of three different colours: black, white and baby blue, they all look amazing but I couldn't decide.

I waited for his response seeing some nice white Lolita stockings that would match all of the outfits I had sent to Jay to chose from but it didn't take long for him to reply back.


Jay: I've made my decision.

Saeki: any of them would be fine so whatever your happy with I am too.

Jay: I know but the baby blue one would look gorgeous on you with that blue heart pendant I told your brother to give you a while ago.

Saeki: you are one smooth dude I gotta tell you that but sure if you say so.

Jay: I'll leave the rest to you


I got the blue dress and put it on before beginning to do my hair and makeup for this date of ours not really sure of what my brothers would think when he arrives to pick pick me up. The bun was messy yet elegant as well as some white stockings and flats to go with the dress.

I applied some little baby blue eye shadow and hardly noticeable pink lipstick before seeing how I turned out to be which was rather amazing if I should say so myself but something was missing other than my pendant that was already around my neck. I looked into my drawer finding some flowery little hair clips I could put into my hair making it stand out more than just being hair before grabbing a ring accessory from it and put it on my index finger to not look poor or anything that could put me at risk of being taken advantage of by random strangers at the party. I didn't realise at the time but it was getting close to 7 and Jay would be here anytime soon.

"Saeki!" Shimamoto yelled as I looked up from the mirror before making my way out of the room and towards the stairs and stopped when I saw Jay there who hadn't noticed me while Shimamoto, Hirato and Hirai were left frozen at the sight of me being so formally dressed.

Jay's PoV:

I quickly noticed Tao who was I currently walking to look at the top of the stairs surprisingly stunned by something making me look up and when I did I was taken away by the sight of an angel looking down at me from the top of the stairs young and beautiful. When she came down the stairs I felt my heart race of how gorgeous she looked in that dress and boy was I glad to let her do the rest because it was breath taking.

"Hey" she said as she got to the bottom of the stairs now standing in front of me seeing her eyes twinkle making me lightly blush and speechless.

"You look absolutely stunning" I said seeing her flush at the compliment which was rather cute but I held my arm out for her to hold feeling her hand gently get a hold of me and the white suit i chose to wear since it was one of my many favourite colours.

I was glad that her brothers allowed me to take her out with me today or I would be left with no date to take to the party leaving me rather embarrassed but I would be to keep it cool than just leave the party empty handed. I was able to bring her to the car and open the door for her as she sat inside until I went round to my side since I'm the only one driving for a change which was great.

When we arrived there was already a spot already saved for us as i parked the car before quickly getting and opens the door for Saeki allowing her to get out closing it behind her before making our way inside linking arms like a couple would since we were kinda there but I still had to ask her out and everything so hopefully today will be the day.

"How crowded would it be inside?" I could tell how nervous she was to actually go inside this huge place were the party was being held so i stead of linking arms decided to hold her hand instead to make sure I don't lose her while inside.

"As long as you stay with me everything will be alright" I calmly said knowing that I would do anything to make sure that she is as comfortable as possible when we're inside if no one takes notice of her straight away but that can't be guaranteed since almost everyone world wide loved Saeki the Dancing Queen but not as much as I did but to be honest the more time I spent away from the more it helped me realise how much I need her with me right now and that isn't my head speaking since my love for her was infinite and always had been for several years no matter how far I was to her in this world.

"I can do that" she said feeling her hand tighten making my heart yet again speed up as we headed inside of the ball not realising that most of the people who were coming inside saw us together creating a small crowd of fans mainly for Saeki so I put my arm around her and went inside leaving the rest to the guards.

I didn't tell her that the others would be here too as well as her brothers who already had their dates with them when we arrived so finding them would be rather hard due to famous people hanging around here.

Saeki's PoV:

I saw the huge crowds of people talking and enjoying themselves but I still preferred it if they didn't look and stare at me surprised like I was some sort of ghost or something but I was glad that I had Jay by my side or I would be at a complete loss here.

"How about we find some familiar faces Saeki? I'm sure it'll make things way more easier for you to adapt until the parties over" Jay said as he guided the way to what he thinks is the direction of some old friends but didn't see any familiar faces other than a Pervy old man who kept looking me up and down licking his lips at me which was kinda uncomfortable.

"Are my brothers here or is it just us?" I asked as he looked at me before i saw Tao walk towards us with his girl in hand to greet us seeing our hands intertwined as well just for safety reasons since we weren't actually dating yet.

"There you are? We've been looking everywhere for you two!" Tao said as I didn't pay attention to the perverted old guy who was was now back to back with me before his hand could be felt going up my thigh close to my butt as i clenched onto Jay's jacket with my free hand as my other hand clenched his hand making him look at me seeing how uncomfortable I was.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I refused to reply closing my legs closer together the more his hands went up the back of my thigh as he looked behind me seeing the hand before suddenly pulling me away from the man as I was now chest to chest with Jay. "Excuse me sir" he said as the man turned around seeing him this tall man hover above him with this serious expression that he meant business.

"Y-yes?" The man stuttered afraid of the height difference between him and Jay until Tao stood beside him making it even more worser seeing him shake in his own shoes.

"Could you kindly keep your hands from under my date's dress please?" Jay politely asked as I felt his hand grab around my waist as the other stayed in his side looking at the man who didn't seem quite convinced about this date thing.

"How am supposed to believe that you two are a couple?" His friend butted in as I looked away from the situation in hand not really sure of what was going to happen right now.

"Can I have everyone's attention! Jay has something important to say!" Tao yelled as everyone looked over at us while Jay separated this embrace making us only one metre apart as someone brought him something behind his hands kneeling down in front of me pulling out a bouquet of beautiful flowers in front of me.

"Saeki.. I like having you by my side. I like talking to you. I like helping you out. I like to see you walk down the corridor. I like thinking about you. I like dreaming about you. There is practically nothing that I don't like about you babe. I have a crush on you. Will you be mine?" He asked looking up at me. Is he really asking me out right now in front of everyone? I felt my cheeks warm up before instantly hugging him no realising that I was tearing up right now finally being able to be by his side forever as his hands went around me.

"Yes" I said as I pulled away seeing him so happy that I had accepted his proposal of being his before kissing me in front of everyone as they cheered probably taking photos to spread all around social media about this amazing news. Tao clapped seeing his little sister finally happy after years of being separated from the one she cared and loved so dearly knowing that this would be the best for them but what would Shimamoto think?

"I love you Saeki" he said placing his forehead against mine which felt so real which made me feel glad to finally have him by my side again.

"I love you too" I loved this idiot more than I did myself but this was too much especially with the crowd that watched but even if it was private I would've still said yes.

For the rest of the night everything went wonderfully especially when we slow danced together holding hands facing a great time ignoring what happened like we should. When he dropped me off we said out goodbyes as had our last kiss before allowing him to go back home but as i went through the door I was met by Shimamoto who seemed to already be in his pjs waiting for me to arrive back home.

"Good you're alright. Go change and sleep you look exhausted" he said as I sighed making my way upstairs to my room where I took everything off even my makeup and out on a tank top and some shorts to keep me cool in the night or possibly freezing so I can stay in my blanket without boiling to death. I went to be and slept everything off not before thinking about the night we had just had together being in his arms felt like if I was in a dream but I knew it was real and was glad that it was or I would be dreading everything when I wake up.