
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Ciudad
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253 Chs


School was to resume in a week and the spring's presence was felt everywhere, from the blooming Red maples and Yellow trout lilies, to the fragrant Miami Supreme Gardenias in neighbours' gardens and the cherry trees blooming in park grounds.

Scarlet Sapphira on the other hand, hadn't left Amane's mother's room once, the young man was busy speaking with her uncle, and she volunteered to keep his mother company.

After moving her around a little and massaging her ankles, she fed her and helped empty the woman's bowels but even in that state, she was stunningly beautiful, it was obvious where Amane got his looks from.

She gently took her hand and said,"Mrs Alexandra, I don't know if you hear me right now, but my name's Scarlet, and if you have heard me before, you should have heard our son mention my name a thousand times by now, and me speak of how much I loved him...in secret...Mrs Alexandra, I know I love him, but I've never been in a relationship before and he's been in dozens, it just scares me the thought of him just leaving me for the next person he sees, despite his promises that that would never happen, I know you can't talk right now but...if you had any advice, it would be very helpful..."

She felt her grip tighten on her hand, as the woman's eyes looked at her and the edges of her lips slowly curved upwards.

Scarlet Sapphira smiled and said,"Work hard, persevere, I get it...thank you Mrs...Getachew."

The smile actually got slightly wider.

Scarlet Sapphira knew by now that calling the poor woman by her married name sent her into a fit, so abstained from it.

Scarlet Sapphira then switched on the television for Ms Getachew, but she tightened the grip on her hand.

Scarlet Sapphira asked if she was hungry, but the woman made loud sounds with her closed lips, struggling to part open, Scarlet Sapphira felt a heavy burden drop on her heart when she saw the woman do that and a great fear washed over her, but the woman was persistent...


"...even with the boss gone, the rig is going on, if anything, it's getting more heated now."Luis spoke.

"So, what do you want me to do?"Amane asked,"You know I'm not going back there."

"No I don't, because you are."

"Mr Spire, with all due respect I can't return there..."

"Why not?"

"I will be going against everything you stand for as a cop."

"Didn't you know that when you swept my niece off of her feet and immigrated her to Japan? Look, I don't need you to do anything, just to show up and get me a ticket in, I'll work my way around some people, get answers and we'll get out..."Luis said with a click and a wink,"...got it?"

"I still feel quite uneasy about it... perhaps I could inquire with Scarlet Sapphira?"

"...you speak with awfully impressive orotundity for someone who came from an underground society."

"My father wanted me to make connections and...expand his empire, besides, I only do it on formal occasions, this is a formal occasion, is it not?"

"Speaking with your lover's uncle, IT IS...run along and talk with her lover boy, I'll be waiting, but you and I both know what she'll say."

Amane didn't know why those words gave him a slight surge of adrenaline, but he shook it off and left Luis.

Amane got to the room, but leaned on the doorframe, listening as Scarlet Sapphira sang her song,' Window ' to his mother.

The woman looked at him slightly as he joined in, then began to clap when she was done and Scarlet Sapphira looked at him, frowned and said,"It was meant for her, aren't you guys supposed to be having a guy's night out or something?"

"That's Sunday night and my mom was obviously waiting for me to come and listen so here I am, my lady."

She pushed his bowed head down then he sat behind her and slowly hugged her again, he really loved close contact.

Scarlet let out a breath as he gently kissed her neck then said,"Not in front of your mother..."

"She doesn't mind, besides, I was just bribing you before asking for something."

Scarlet Sapphira remembered the ' advice ' his mother just gave her, took a deep breath, the said,"Sure."

He scratched his slightly longer dirty blonde locks then spoke,"Luis wants me to go to Cuba for another match."

She tilted her head and asked,"Another?"

"Yes, but don't worry, this one will be my last honestly, he just needs some Intel on what's happening on the underground..."

"Isn't this one of the seasons for the use of knuckle dusters?"

"Brass knuckle bash more specifically and yes..."

Neglecting the ridiculous name that he probably had already realized, she asked instead,"Wouldn't that be dangerous?"

"I've been in dozens of those matches before and always came out safe, besides, I'm not getting in the ring, I just need to get Luis around without attracting attention."

Scarlet Sapphira wanted to say no, but when his mother's grip on her hand tightened, she felt she was holding him back, so sucked it up, smiled and said,"You can go, but promise me one thing."


"That you won't ruin your face."

"This old thing? Ha, I'm pretty sure it's indestructible by now...I love you..."He said and kissed her, then left.

She was still lost in thought, only long after he had left did she hear his mother struggling then gasped and tried to attend to her, not having known the woman didn't want him to go in the first place...


On the plane flight to the place, Luis said he wanted to be as familiar with him and his career as possible, in case of emergencies.

Amane wasn't sure of what he meant, but answered honestly, the number of matches he had won till date and engaged in, when he began, when his training began and more, Amane asked what emergencies Luis meant, then the man looked at him, placed a hand on his shoulder and said,"You needn't worry kid."

This was the nicest Amane remembered Luis being...to anyone... without reading, so that was quite a milestone.