
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Ciudad
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253 Chs


We all sang and laughed heartily as we drove across the city, going from recreation center to recreation center, before finally settling back at home at about 1 am.

I picked my sleeping son out of the car and walked with him into the house, cherishing this ever so rare event and when he was settled, I switched on the main room light, while Rose sat on the bed reading.

She looked at me through her beautiful eyes as I walked closer then she asked,"Didn't you boys enjoy yourselves? Why are you so wet by the way?"

"Meh, champagne, I'm going to take a shower."I said.

She pulled me back and our lips were basically touching as she asked,"Which kind?"

I smirked then said,"Young apple delight."

She whispered in my ear,"I so love the taste of delight..."Then worked her way to my lips...


Lucy quietly slept then slowly woke up when her husband walked in, soiling the floors.

She asked what happened and he said with a smile,"Oh, you're awake."

He went to kiss her on the cheek, but his cold jacket touched her neck and she cringed then he grinned and pounced on her as she screamed for him to get off, it was payback time...


School resumed the next day and by the time Amane had woken up, Scarlet Sapphira was gone with her brother and cousins.

He kissed his sleeping mother then walked out of the room, rubbing his eyes, he searched for Scarlet Sapphira, unbeknownst to her location.

He was eventually told by Ruby that they had gone to school, and the moment he heard hose words, his heard shattered to a million pieces, with the only thing binding it together being his sorrow and regret.

Sure she'd return in a few hours, but he couldn't wait that long, he had already stopped spending as much time with her recently as before, he didn't want her to be away from him for eight hours each day.

He then went to inquire of Luis and Lucy...

Scarlet Sapphira walked out of her first class and after formally apologizing to and clarifying things between Python, to his utmost dismay, was going through the hallway when she saw on the opposite side of the room, amidst the seething crowds, an admission form...

She slowly walked closer to it and hesitated to pick up the pen, but ever so slowly picked the stationary object up and began writing, accelerating her speed as time progressed and her confidence increased.

She then saw Red Brair beside her as she asked,"Joining the music club now?"

"Y...yeah, do you think I should?"

"Of course, I mean you want to pursue your recent singing passion, why not?"

"Actually I've loved to sing for years."

"And yet you've only recently showed you can, someone's confident in their capabilities."

"Brair, what's going on?"

"I'm just being informative, oh and one more thing..."She said, writing her name as well,"...when Amane and you break up because he inevitably gets bored of you, your flaws and... general lifestyle, I'll make sure to take care of him, okay sweetie?"

She patted and almost slapped Scarlet Sapphira's cheek, then modelled off, captivating the audience with her new look, her natural look...

Things slightly blurred out for Scarlet Sapphira as she stood, clenching her books to her chest, flashes returned and she immediately dropped the books, then a young man came to help her pick them up.

She looked at him and thanked him as he introduced himself as Jaden Arthur.

She gave him a nervous smile the moment she snapped back to reality then hurried off to her next class.

She walked into her first music club meeting as the teacher wrote on the smart board, with whispers flying around of how hot he looked even from the back.

She just looked at the books on her desk till she heard a familiar voice, say,"Good afternoon young Mozarts, I'm going to be your music club teacher and the substitute for the twelfth grade music class as Monsieur Le Fou is presently in a coma."

There was a gasp as he chuckled and sent migrating monarchs as he said,"It's expected to last at most a month, he'll probably fully recover...now, may I know your names? I go by the name..."

"Amane, what are you doing here?"Scarlet Sapphira asked.

He removed his fake glasses and hugged her from behind then playfully said,"I mushed you."

She giggled as he nibbled on her ear, then immediately felt a premonition, gasped and turned back then said,"Y...you can't be here."

"Why not? He asked, clearly confused.

"Because you have to take care of your mother."She thought up.

"My mother will be fine, the triplets volunteered to take care of her, she even encouraged me to come here."

He pulled her close and said,"I don't want to be away from you anymore."

"I know but a student dating a teacher, that's not something you do."

"What if the student had already been dating the teacher who is actually an age mate?"

"Amane, you could wait at home for me, you wouldn't die of heartbreak."

"Scarlet Sapphira, what's come over you? I just wanted..."

"YOU just wanted, you couldn't think to call before spontaneously appearing in the middle of my school? Before was different, you were my colleague, now, you've just sent us farther apart..."

She then turned and walked away, leaving him confused while fighting back tears.

Red Brair sang a chord which made everyone's heart melt and so did Felicity, then Sandy, Michelle and Dinah, but when it was Scarlet Sapphira's turn, she was distracted and by the time she realized, made an ear splitting shrill out of nowhere.

She gasped, then immediately looked around as everyone began to laugh, then at Red Brair's sadistic grin as she clicked her tongue in her palette, but mostly, at the confused, distant and hurt Amane... memories came back to them of the reason she joined the club, to be closer to him, because he helped her overcome her fear, and now he was making every effort to help her...she fled the room.

The laughter intensified and Amane demanded silence and was about to go and speak with her when Red Brair volunteered to go, but suspecting something, he said she should lead the class.

She stood up and slowly placed a piece of strawberry gum int her mouth, modelling to the window of the auditorium, then watched through with laser focus...

Amane caught up with Scarlet Sapphira as she tried running and pulled her back but she screamed for him to let her go, till she realized whom he was...after scratching him.

He looked at his red coloured fingertip, then at her as in tears, she ran away, but he still ran after.

He caught her from behind but she struggled to break free, still not making any effort to hurt him, till he let her go and asked,"What's going on Scarlet Sapphira?!"

"I've already told you Amane, I don't want you here!"

She tried to leave but he pulled her back and kisses her, calming her down...

He then held her wrists tightly and said,"Scarlet Sapphira, please, tell me the truth...I want to help."

"But you can't..."She said with tears in her eyes.

He looked at her, as she slowly pulled from his grip and ran off...