
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Ciudad
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253 Chs


I almost shed a tear as I realized the cameras had been hacked, then I turned to the obviously fed up cops and before they got the chance to do something to me, I pointed in a random direction and yelled,"Look!"

They all looked at the speed camera fixed on the traffic light and back at me and one said,"Listen kid, you've wasted enough of our time, we have lives to get back to, get one."

They were leaving and I was breathing heavily then yelled,"No! My brother has been kidnapped by two deranged psychopaths and you, the law enforcers of this country don't care?! You do have lives to get back to, eating circle shaped junk food and becoming overweight!"

They looked at each other then back at me, then one said,"Get in the car kid."

They drove me to the police station and checked the feed of that camera and saw, people throwing grenades, they were security officers of the mansion, that's how they got in.

They looked at me, surprised, then enhanced the feed to see their true identities.

They organized a search to find those people and drove me back to Ms. Lucy's mansion.

I went in with five autograph sheets and knocked the locked gate.

Claus, the security man said,"Master Tommy, where have you been? Mistress Lucia was worried sick, sicker than she already was."

"Do you know where she's going?"

I ran down the stairs of the Subway and ran to give Ms. Lucy a huge and unexpected hug.

"Tommy, where have you been? You didn't answer any of my calls."

"I'm sorry for leaving without telling you, and I put my phone on silent. But, Mark is going to be rescued."


"I got the cops to search a video camera feed and they saw the culprits."

Ms. Lucy couldn't believe her ears, even though she didn't like him very much, I did and I was precious to her.

The cops took me, Ms. Lucy and Lucille to an expensive penthouse, after interrogating the guards.

They rang the doorbell.

Mr. Nelson had his arms folded as he gleefully watched Mark's torture.

Oleh lay down with her head on Mark's laps and he gently rubbed her hair, with a sad- mad look on his handsome face.

There was a ring on the doorbell and a maid rushed to answer it. The maid came back soon after and said,"Master Nelson, Mistress Oleh, the police wish to see you."

Oleh frowned deeply and told Mark to stay put then left with Mr. Nelson.

She opened the door and said,"What do you useless wannabes want?"

The cops tried their best to remain calm and said,"We have reason to believe you have attempted murder and are holding someone against their will."

"We are not, you can leave now."Mr. Nelson said coldly.

"We may have to search your penthouse."

"Do you have a warrant?"Mr. Nelson asked.

The cop showed them the needed documents.

Mr. Nelson and Oleh reluctantly let them in.

They searched all around the penthouse, in every room, every corner, yet found nothing.

They were apologizing when they heard a thud.

They looked around and it came again.

Oleh and Mr. Nelson tried to stop them but they went to the picture that the thud came from.

It came again.

One of the cops realized a small square on the wall had thin, inconspicuous lines bordering it.

He pushed the left side and it rotated to show a combination lock.

"Open it."He said.

"No I won't, you can't just barge into my house like this! That is trespassing! Is it because I'm Russian?! Why are there so many racists in this country?!"

By the time she was done, they had hacked into the lock and it opened the door and they saw Mark...

The cops frowned and said,"Madam, sir, you are under arrest."

"What?! No! Don't touch me!"

They dragged the two of them away while Mark was attended to by some of the cops.

Oleh screamed,"Marcus! Help me! Tell them you came here willingly, that were in love!"

He looked at the cops and said,"Let's go."

Oleh screamed even louder as she was taken out of the penthouse.

Mark went out and shedded a tear, then said,"Tommy."


I ran to him as fast as my skinny legs could carry me and I gave him a big bear hug.

We both cried as we exchanged words, I said,"Please don't leave again."

"Don't worry, I won't."

We looked and saw Ms. Lucy frowning, but she said,"Welcome back, traitor."

"It's good to be back, Lucifer."

She frowned even more.

We took the ride home and I went straight for supper, but waited for Mark to finish.

The moment he was done, I followed him like a shadow which had no importance in his life.

I slept with him on the mat and we waited till morning.

The next afternoon, there was a ring on the doorbell.

Mark went to open it and he saw a short yet neatly dressed man, he recognized him as..


"Good afternoon boss, I just wanted to come and ask when you'll come back and lead the company."

"...I don't have the deed, it was... bought."

"By Mr. Nelson? Sir, with all due respect, you can't sell Aqua, it's written in the deed."

"What?"Mark said, taking the paper.

He read it and it was true...it couldn't be sold.

"...but it has been added to Lightning flash, there's no way for me to take it back."

"Actually there is. As Mr. Nelson is in custody at the police station, you are the only C.E.O. left...you own both of them.