
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Ciudad
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253 Chs


So the poor kid thought he was dating the literal hottest girl in school, but she only saw them as friends.

Amane looked down at her, she was actually quite tall for her age, especially those long slender legs and that physique, it made him want more, but that face...it was most definitely one of a kind.

She then said,"Thank you Amane, I don't know what I would have done if something bad had happened to him."

"It's a pleasure Scarlet Sapphira."

She smiled and was about to leave when he asked the close-up question,"Wait, how did you know my name?"

She looked at him, smiled then said,"Everyone knows you around here."

Then she went to take a seat in the waiting area with her brother who was an inch or two shorter than her.

He knew from his research that they came from a family of geniuses so it made sense how her brother was in his grade, quite the advantage...

When it was Lee's turn, he took a deep breath as he saw Scarlet Sapphira walk out of the infirmary... holding Amane's hand!

He felt uneasy but had to think before he talked, she already didn't like him, he didn't want to make the situation worse.

Amane, as he walked by, smirked at him then said,"You better get your dance pants on."

Lee frowned, he wasn't going to do that ever again, because he was going to win...

He slowly walked towards Scarlet Sapphira but realized she was holding a boy's hand, that was bad.

He literally had to stalk them till they separated to their classes and she kissed his forehead before entering, who was that kid?

Lee tried to think of something, then got it, first was a visit to the principal's office.

By Scarlet Sapphira's second class, the already nervous teacher, almost yelled when his phone rang, that girl was ruining him just by her presence.

Bringing his shivering hand to his ear, he spoke softly, then swallowed hard and said,"Let him in..."

Scarlet heard those soft words and passed her tongue through her chin and bit her lip, time for round two...


The entire classroom was pin drop silent when the young man walked in.

About eighteen of age, with dark black hair which mixed with ginger to form a perfectly red spiral in the vortex of his head.

His piercing blue gaze shifted from point to point Ashe confidently walked, towering over everything and everyone in the room, with everyone forcing each other off their desks just to make room for the new kid, till he sat on a seat, one space behind Scarlet Sapphira, to the right.

He was obviously an amateur as he was already trying too much for her tastes, she decided to make it easier for him...

The teacher asked for a function to be integrated with specific bases and as Scarlet Sapphira slowly raised her hand, a low and silky voice said from behind,"Fifty six, from the integrated identity x³/3-x²+x."

Everyone turned in their seats, the last was Scarlet Sapphira with an honestly surprised expression as he asked,"I'm sorry, were you going to say that?"

She smiled then said,"No, I was going to say f you."

Everyone in the class was tense as the young man slowly leaned forward then said,"Finally, a good challenge."

She smirked as she turned forward and after he had answered the next three questions, she decided it was done playing, from that point, she began answering question after question even before he could begin calculating and he was actually impressed as she turned back to face him then said,"I guess you lost your challenge."

"You have no idea."He said with a chuckle.

She smiled then said,"I'm Scarlet Sapphira, and you're...Lee, right? Lee Wong Song?"

"Hey, you remembered."

"Well, I guess remembering a name fifteen minutes after it has been mentioned is a great feat after all so, yay me!"

He found it adorable when she was happy, as she brushed some of the orange hair away from her face to the rest of the ponytail she'd done.

He then said,"I think you'd look better this way."

He unbound most of the hair, letting it roam in a half ponytail, letting the orange bands to curve down her pretty face.

She smiled then said,"Thank you, do you think you could walk me to the bus stop today? Walking alone could get lonely."

He smiled then said,"Of course."

All the people who had previously been jealous, began to comment on how cute they were, till they both turned away, as he blushed.

Scarlet Sapphira looked forward as the teacher began to think that the girl could actually have a heart beating down there somewhere.

After school was over, Amane's brows furrowed when he saw Scarlet Sapphira walking home with Lee, licking his canines with his lips sealed, he realised he had to work fast.

The kid wasn't a chatterbox, but couldn't keep secrets and somehow, he seemed to know exactly what Amane was feeling, even when he tried his absolute best to hide it, and the boy was always certain, what he did find out though, was that the boy was ironically her twin brother, he slept in the room next to hers and...she had a lot of dark secrets, but that only made him want more.

Scarlet Sapphira laughed with Lee as they got to the bus stop, but then Scarlet Sapphira grew sullen and he asked the problem, she then spoke,"I don't think your sister likes me very much, no matter what I've tried, she's built this wall between us, spreading rumours and false accusations to..."

He made her face him then said,"Calm down, my sister can be like that, it's nothing to fuss over."

She smiled then said,"Thanks for walking me here."

"Anytime."He said.

She got into the wrong bus, but comfortably sat down, satisfied with her first day...