
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Ciudad
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253 Chs


After that day was over, I called Mark and told him a friend would drop me home that day.

That day, Rose took me to her mansion and it was huge!

She took me in and I saw the butler first.

I saw Ruby come in and she glared at me then walked away.

Rose's parents came down the stairs and met me and said,"You must be Tommy, our little rose bud has told us so much about you."

"How much?"

I looked at Rose, puzzled. Today was our first time meeting.

She smiled and said,"I told them on the phone."

I felt better that she wasn't a stalker.

Her parents invited me for dinner and I reclined at the large table.

I realized they looked exactly like their mother, though their hair and eye colours came from their father.

Ruby didn't come down until they sent the butler to bring her down.

She did not look happy in the least.

I was just offended that she lied to me like that.

After the grace was said, we began eating and their mother said,"So, I hear your brother owns Aqua bolt."

"Yes he does."

"Are you close?"Their father asked.

"Yup, he's my favourite person in the world."

"Hm, I wish our daughters were that close, but Ruby never got along with her sister."

Ruby frowned even more deeply, which I didn't know was possible then Rose spoke,"Well I just hope she'll open up soon. It has always been difficult for her to trust people."

"You got that right."I said.

She looked at me like she was offended but I didn't understand why, that was the truth.

Her mom said,"Ruby has always been complicated. But we love her just the same."

Just then she snapped and threw the table over and yelled,"You love me?! You brought back that witch who you clearly love more to ruin my life! And Tommy, I thought you were my friend."

She then stormed off.

Her parents didn't seem surprised then Rose said,"We have to get you home."

Her driver took me back home and when Mark saw Ruby with me in the car, he asked,"Didn't she hurt you?"

"Oh that's not Ruby, that's Rose, her twin sister."

"A pleasure to meet you Mr Hawkins."She said bowing.

"The pleasure is all mine."

He looked at me teasingly and I kicked him in the shin. He yelped and ' fell down '.

I knew he was faking it but Rose didn't. She gasped and tried her best to attend to him and reprimanded me.

Mark winked at me when her focus was on me then continued pretending when she was looking at him.

After she left, Mark said,"So?"

"No I don't like her. Not after what her look alike did to me."

"Aww come on! She's perfect."

"Not for me, I'll just focus on my studies for now."

I went to my room to bath but I felt Mark was right, was I beginning to like Rose?

Mark came to take me through my bedtime routine but I said,"It's okay."

"It is?"

"Yeah, I'm getting too old to be read bedtime stories and kissed goodnight."

You're now realising?

"Okay, but if you ever need anything, just give me a call."

"I don't think I'll need to but okay."

Mark was sleeping peacefully when he got a call on his phone at midnight. It was me.

He sleepily went to my room and I said,"I haven't slept a wink."

He rolled his eyes then went through my routine but was so sleepy he ended up sleeping on my bed and I felt extra comfortable that he was with me.

The next day I went to school and looked for Rose. I couldn't find her so waited in the class and she came right on time.

I saw Ruby just outside the class and when she saw me, she walked away.

What were they talking about?

Rose came and took her usual seat and all the boys have me their usual glares but I ignored them and asked her,"What were you and Ruby talking about?"

"Oh that? She was just threatening me for ' stealing ' everything of hers from her."

I looked out the window, at where she was standing.

During gym class, we were having basketball, boys against girls.

Ruby ran her finger down my chin and said,"Go easy on me."

I was stupefied by her charm, she knew how to mess with guys.

I played the game and she...let me use a euphemism... destroyed us!

It wasn't the girls, it was her! She was a basketball freak! She scored three pointers like they were nothing, and dunked like...I don't know how to describe it but it was perfect.

The boys lost to the girls by thirty points, because of her!

It was supposed to be more, a lot more, but the gym teacher felt sorry for the boys and out her on the bench.

The gym teacher saw her potential and said,"You should join the basketball team."

"Oh no no, I'm not good enough."

"You're better than good enough."

"Fine, I'm not joining unless Tommy's also in."

He looked at me and stuttered,"B- b- but he's not as good as you."

He was right, I was terrible.

"It's either all or nothing Mr Jimbo."

He reluctantly accepted.

I looked at her while we went to the next class and said,"But I can't play basketball, I will embarrass the school."

"Then I'll train you."

I gulped.

After cheerleading practice that day she took me to her mansion.

The two of us were on the basketball court and she started bouncing the ball then threw it to me and said,"Go on."

I started bouncing and before I could think of throwing the ball, she had snatched it from my hand and scored a three pointer.

She's good.

She told me to get the ball from her and I didn't stand a chance. I kept sliding in the wrong direction, falling or having a moment of glory, only for my bubble to be burst by her snatching the ball from me.

I went home exhausted and sweating like crazy. Mark was confused till I told him why.

"Since when did you play basketball?"He asked.

"Since today and that girl is a beast!"

He didn't understand whether I meant that by she's dangerous, really good or both. But he went through my routine and I went to bed.