
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Ciudad
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253 Chs


Mr Welshes furiously threw his room apart, why did the fool have to still be alive?!

After a more than a century and a half and he was still hiding in there?!

He was walking towards the living space when he heard a booming voice like thunder.

He turned around to see Osiris, then bowed before him, but he didn't look too happy...

"You lost control, didn't you?"

"Y...yes father."

Osiris fumed then yelled,"Fool!!!"

Being slapped by the back of his father's hand, Anubis flew several feet and crashed into a marble and quartz stone wall, breaking through it and still rolling several feet on the floor in the next room.

Anubis struggled to his feet as Osiris kicked him in the chest, sending him crashing into the ceiling and falling right before him.

Osiris held him by the chest and punched him, hard, across the face, spluttering his blood across the floors.

He pulled him towards another blow, before kneeing him in the chest and throwing him off to the side.

Anubis struggled to his feet, holding a table to support him, said,"Father, I just need more time."

"Well you don't have more time!"Osiris yelled,"The lunar eclipse is in a week and that's your last chance to find the next one for several millennia! Now you lose control over some amateurish children who don't even have the audacity to bear one of their own?! I should have you..."

He kept silent when he was stabbed in the abdomen by Anubis, who pushed the ceremonial dagger deeper into his flesh, before pulling it out.

The man, who looked no more than three years older than him, fell to one knee and coughed out blood as Anubis said,"Those are my daughters you're talking about."

"Then the people are right, they have made you weak!"He yelled.

Anubis then stabbed Osiris in the neck and pulled it out again then asked as he lay on the floor,"Does that look weak to you?"

Osiris' breathing slowed down as his body slowly healed itself.

Anubis threw the dagger to the side, shattering it upon the cracked floor by the force as he corrected his outfit.

His father stood up behind him then said,"You may think you're not weak, but your daughter still isn't here, when am I going to see my granddaughter?"

"Soon father, soon..."

"Then to prove your worth, you shall be tested."

Anubis looked at his father, squinted his eyes, then grinned...


Telling the family about the experience they had, Ruby took the first step by repenting into a Christian life, Lucy didn't hold back any longer, and joined her.

The Lucille, who had already done it in secret, confessed before us all and the triplets also wanted to join, it was a great day, with only Mack and Luis absent.

We spent the entire day fasting and praying for God to do something, anything to help Forthhold break free from the devil's bind.

Lucy wasn't used to that sort of tedious prayer, neither were her daughters, so she often took them for breaks, but came back soon after, and something did happen...

A black, fur covered creature was raiding a government prison facility of high protection and was devastating the army forces.

Dozens of bodies of guards and detainees alike, lay across the red sands and floors of the isolated area and they saw no hope in sight, it wasn't letting them escape because it, in the twinkling of an eye, travelled over the terrain to the other side of the wall it broke on its own, to destroy the vehicle of and massacre all the escaping people.

It was getting closer to the prison facilities when it suddenly yelped loudly and held its head in pain.

Struggling and writhing, its fur began to vanish, showing the body of, not a man, a god, as he struggled to fight against something they couldn't see.

Eventually, he fell to the floor, motionless as the helmet in the shape of a black jackal removed, in the shape of the head of Anubis, Egyptian god of death...


We had been fasting and praying for over two hours when we saw on the news what just happened, how some extraterrestrial being had been caught in a prison facility and was being taken, under high surveillance, to an anomaly testing site and those words already sparked fear in Ruby and Rose as Mack walked in with the groceries.

"We have to go and save him."Ruby said.

"What?! Are you listening to yourself? Ruby, we won, he's gone, just leave him to them."

"But they could hurt him."

"Like the soldiers and prisoners did."

"He could die! I don't care if you don't care about him, I'm going with my sister to save him, whether you're coming or not."

"They'll just arrest you too because you're his daughters."He retorted,"I'm not going to help him, not in a million ye..."

"Mack, sweetie, come on."

"Okay honey!"He yelled, excitedly clapping his hands.

He followed us and kept telling us of how he didn't like Mr Welshes at all or have the slightest intention of helping him and we said, okay.

The news on Mack's phone had been updated, it was discovered that the recent Irish President, who disappeared several weeks ago was the extraterrestrial creature in captivity and protestors and his die hard fans were saying to let him go back home as he probably didn't want to be here any more than we wanted him here.

We got to the facility and the guards were holding back the protesters but we had no way of going in without Ruby and Rose getting arrested, but maybe that was exactly what we needed...