
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Ciudad
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253 Chs


Luis looked at the phone before him, and slowly stretched his shivering hand to it.

He didn't remember ever being as nervous as at that moment, when he was going to call Lucy for the first time in days.

It was his last day for the deal and he wanted to tell Lucy he was coming back, he picked up the phone and dialed her number, which he had committed to memory.

The phone was picked up and his mouth opened, but no words came out, till he heard her sobbing.

He asked what the problem was, then she said,"My daughter... someone has kidnapped Lucille..."

Earlier that afternoon...

Lucille took her daily dose of immunity suppressing pills on behalf of Mark's kidney within her when she got a call on her phone, her driver had arrived.

She said goodbye to her friends then left and got there, where she saw Andre at the front seat.

She then asked,"Where's Wilma?"

"She's on vacation today Miss, I'll drive you home today."

Lucille shrugged then got into the car.

They hadn't gotten far when they were stopped by a police car.

Lucille was confused as even she knew the traffic regulations and they had broken none of them, but she then screamed when Andre was shot in the head and the doors opened from the inside.

She screamed for help and struggled to break free as they dragged her away, biting the man holding her felt like biting into solid wood, his sin was indestructible, and the bystander effect prevented any help from coming.

She was thrown into the back seat of one of the cars and she called for help as they drove her off.

Lucy was still in the hospital when she was called and she abruptly stood up to leave.

She didn't want any of us to leave Rose but said she'd handle it on her own, none of us knowing what ' it ' was.

She left and I followed her, Rose was in safe hands.

She got to the crime scene, in the middle of the road and began hyperventilating, her daughter was gone.

She immediately went back to the mansion to check on the triplets, they had been brought back safe and sound, but Lucy still burst into tears.

I tried to comfort her but it wasn't working, I knew only one thing could, and at that moment, it appeared, a call from Luis.

She originally didn't want him to know the bad news, possibly because there was a chance he wouldn't care and would make her even angrier, but I talked her into it.

At that moment, the urgency in his newly acquired voice told her deep down, your daughter is safe...

Luis was about to leave the office building when Johan's men stopped him and the man walked forward and said,"You still have five hours in my custody you know, and then you'll be home free."

He knew he had to choose his next words wisely, so then said,"Fine, I'll wait."

Johan smirked then patted his head and said,"Good lad, now anyway, I have something I need you to do."

Luis clenched his fists and teeth as he asked,"And what could that be?"

"In the Bahamas, I own a few villas, but some people for sustainable development, green peace and all that sh*t want me to tear down a few of them, I want you to make them scared, very scared, not only that they'd leave my property, but also so they'd not tell anyone about it, agreed?"

"You expect me to go to the Bahamas and do all of this in five hours?!"He yelled.

"My transportation is swift and I know you are even swifter, you'll be back before you know it."

He looked at his phone which still had the call ongoing, he had to tell her he'd be there, but if he said that, she'd expect him immediately and be heartbroken if he didn't show and yet if he told her he'd take a while, she'd think he didn't treasure Lucille as much as needed, and or or will ask him what he was doing, he just hung up.

Lucy looked at the phone, she just hoped he'd make it.

Luis made it to the island and realized the villas were scattered across six islands, he had been tricked.

He grew furious and almost killed some of the men because of that, but instead, called Johan and there was no response.

Johan also said to the speaker on the other side of the phone,"We have her boss, and pretty boy's halfway across the world."

Rose's and Ruby's father said,"He wouldn't be much of a problem even if he was here, send someone to pick him up."

"But boss, he may..."

"His anger is all your doing as it wasn't my order for you to give him this task and whatever happens afterwards will be fine, you know death is only the beginning."

With a new found hope, Johan looked at a picture of Rose and Ruby, then said,"I will boss, and death is only the beginning."


Luis had been stranded in the middle of ...for forty minutes by the time the guards said it was time to go, and he went with the intent to kill.

One of the guards offered... demanded to take his guns and Luis glared at him, then said,"Try touching my guns and never touch anything again."

He then went to take a seat.

He got to the office building but Johan was nowhere to be found.

Being told he was free to go, he had two options, to go after Johan and have his revenge, or to go and face Lucy and the consequences...he chose the latter...