
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Ciudad
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253 Chs


"It's a hard drive, one with files on it."Clark said.

"What a surprise."Luis said sarcastically.

"No, no, just listen, it belongs to Mark Lester."

"You first tried to kill him and then it all backfired, now you're scrounging around for his stuff?! Stop being such a creep and leave the guy alone."Luis said, honestly disgusted.

"No, no, no, you don't understand, it has files, important... powerful files which governments will kill for."

Luis squinted his eyes then said,"Tell me more..."


Ruby held her first daughter in her hands and tears of joy flowed from her eyes as Mack leaned over her shoulder.

He then looked at his daughter and played with his fingers above her head as she giggled and reached for them.

The child stretched her tiny arms towards him and he picked the little cherub up and placed her on his shoulder, then she immediately fell asleep.

They took her out of the hospital and back to their home, where we all surprised them with a baby shower of Ancient Chinese and Irish themes.

The baby woke up and the only person who could put her back to sleep, was Lucille, the girl was awesome with babies.

Ruby couldn't stop crying as she hugged Rose, thanking her for the party, while I spoke with Mack about the baby girl and her name.

"It's a beautiful name, but, may I ask why she's been named after Rose?"


"Her name's Red Brair Rose, that's basically a red rose."

Mack looked over to see Ruby and Rose as they hugged, at that moment, I understood why.

Lucy had been calling Luis for several minutes when someone appeared from behind her and lifted her into the air.

She looked back at him and punched his shoulder and he winced in pain as she asked,"Why are you always late?"

"The flash was always late, then he became the fastest man alive, besides, I had a lot of people to kill."

She frowned at him, then said,"At least, could you see the baby?"

"Yeah sure."

She dragged him towards the infant and he immediately burst out laughing then Lucy looked at him as he asked,"Sorry, is that the baby?"

"Yes."Lucy said with a frown.

"Why?"Mack asked.

"Oh nothing, she just doesn't look... doesn't look like either of you."

"So?"Ruby asked.

He tried to conceal his laughter, making a scene as he blurted out,"She looks like a potato instead!"

There was a loud gasp, before the crowd began to laugh, and Ruby, who was honestly offended, took her child and left with Mack, and me, and Rose, and the children...and Lucy.

"Come on, can't any of you take a joke? Alright fine, I was kidding! She looks...cute... for a vegetable."He said loudly then quietly.

Luis walked through the crowd which was both recommending and admonishing him for his humorous persiflage.

He finally caught up with with us then became more serious to say,"Guys, I'm sorry, that was uncalled for."

We looked at him sternly, till the triplets ran to hug him, then Lucille, then Ruby also went to demonstrate she had forgiven him, even the baby reached for him as well.

He smiled and picked her up then began playing with her, she had got to be the sweetest potato he had ever had.

Earlier on...

After Luis signed the necessary paperwork, Clark began to jump for joy as he was given the package by his brother.

Luis walked away and holding the mostly metal box in his hand, then he said,"Payers keepers."

He smirked when he heard Clark's yells and curses, now he just had to find the next victim of the homicidal spy, whom he was supposed to be searching for in the first place.

Silently sitting in the bidding hall, Luis' partner; Sylvia, looked intently around till Luis said,"Found him."

"Where?"She asked.

"Find him yourself."

"Then why did you tell me?!"

He looked at her from the corner of his eyes, put a toothpick in his mouth, then looked forward again, leaving her fuming.

After the bidding was over, the fat, rich guy was walking out of the hall with some bimbo crawling all around him and passing through a doorway, Luis came from behind the same doorframe, holding a card in his hand.

In his private vehicle, Alhaji Mahmoud searched for his hotel key and asked if Diana had seen it, but she pulled his tie then said,"You could buy the hotel if you wanted, just like you bought me."

She immediately kissed him and the driver was grossed out but kept moving.

They opened the hotel room door and fell on the bed, where the man made love to the incredibly attractive young woman and she sat upon him, silently pulling two needles from behind her bra till she made a squeal, before falling over the already unconscious man's body.

Luis came out from the closet and threw the woman unto the floor, then put some clothes on her and dragged her out, where there were cops waiting, he just made their jobs a lot easier.

Luis looked at the hard drive in his hand as he drove home, remembering what his brother said,"There aren't any business files or anything pertaining to his company, but viruses..."

Kissing Lucy goodnight, he was absent minded,"... computer viruses capable of rewriting or totally destroying supercomputers in a matter of minutes!"

He looked at his beautiful wife as she slept and kissed her once more on her cheek, before getting off and going to his laptop.

"He wrote them himself, and get this, he did it, for fun. He never used any of them and there's even reason to believe these are just a few, he deleted most of them, Luis, if we could sell these right, we could be rich and I'm not talking hundred million dollar rich, I mean hundred billion, for both of us...Luis! You traitor!! I'll..."Sorry, he just regurgitated that last part for fun.

He opened the flash drive and realized they had just been written, not compiled, so were harmless, but seeing the first few lines of the first supposed virus, he actually began to get scared...