
My lineage

Reincarnated into the world of magic our mc explores this world and journeys in becoming strong what will our badass mc do?

FRSTY · Fantasía
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3 Chs


"OoOoOoOooOohh!" Tamashi was washing his hands in his new, modern flat while engulfing the sweet smells of his home made bbq ribs, his absolute favourite dish!

" Now, my little piggies all sitting up in heaven, time to eat you but first, we pray"

Tamashi closed his salivating and drooling all over his fairly expensive shirt, until he interrupted by a knock on his door. " Ugh...I'm coming just wait!" he proceeded to put his slides on incases this said person needed him to go outside but it was something very different. Tamashi opened the door and was greeted with a gun in his face.

" Hello Tamashi."

" H-h-h-"

" I didn't ask you to respond" the prosecutor said with a terrifying grimace

" I need to get something from you, you may wonder what this is but in your position its actually pretty obvious so I'm going to ask you do...do you know what I want"


"good that was a test if you said one word I woulda shot you in your head and order my multiple snipers to shoot you as well. You see I'm not the kinda guy you mess with, I'm rather the guy you are ordered by. Now please you can respond to my question."

" I'm-" Tamashi didn't want to be hasty on his decision because if its wrong he'd be killed without a second thought, but also if he was too long he'd probably get killed. Nothing worthy he had was good enough for this man. But then he just remembered that he just moved into a new home that was fairly pricey and he could think that I'm rich?

" Mr- Sir- man - Mr.Sir- I may look like I have mo-"

The man then pulled out a mac11 and shot him in the arm three times, but it was a BB gun so not enough to inflict major damage. " do you think I'm so petty that I'll get you only for money?" The man shot him with that same gun every syllable he said he shot him once all over the body(16 times) Tamashi was on the floor in agony scared to even breath without his permission.

As a last attempt of survival he walked over the table where his food and phone where reached for his phone, or that's what the shooter thought

" Hahaha!" The man started manically laughing for what seemed like 30 seconds and then finally still trying to suppress his laughter " You! HaHaHA!!!- I'm sorry you think-OooOoOoOoH- I'm really- wait no I'm not. you think you can call the police on me!

" No, I was gonna die the second you entered so I at least want to finish my meal, as my death wish"

The man was infuriated that he even spoke one puny word back to him a man of pure elegance, really just a a narcissist through and through. And shot him on the head once with the mac11.

Tamashi just fell down for a phew seconds before standing back up but his vision was blurry and his sense of distance was so much worsened making him the chair of the table was right on front of him and went to sit down barley balancing and fell down and banged his head on the chair. Everything was worse and he used all the strength that he could muster and successfully found the chair and sat on it and which sounded a bit arrogant and said " Would you care to come and enjoy my last meal?" The man started to chuckle and sat on the opposite chair and said " may I have a rib?" Tamachi then took a cold rib of his plate and kicked away his wooden table and used his remaining strength if it even was worth to be called strength and ran to the man with intentions to choke him with it and the man with out tamashi knowing the man pretended he was scared of him like he couldn't get a grip of his weapon and tamashi ran to him but stopped to early cause his sense of distance was worsened horrible and jumped into mid air to put more force only to miss the man completely and hear the words of his death..." Now my snipers, snipe tamashi..."

First Reincarnation Novel :), I think its really good or if its absolute crap please let me know and tell me what points I need to improve on!

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