
My Life in the Monsterverse (Dropped/Moved to New Book)

David Griffin is a man who just turned 22. He loves his family, but he is pressured by them all the time to do his best. He knows that they care for him, but when he tries to talk to them about how he feels about things, anything, he usually is told to just push through it, to man up, or something similar. He feels trapped because he wants to accomplish something that will make them proud, but whenever he tries to he ends up failing at it. Everyone around him says he's trying too hard, and is only hurting himself, but he just keeps pushing himself. He's also the oldest of siblings, so he has to be the example for them, so even when he's hurting he just puts on a smile and just pushes on. Well, problems start to happen with his mind, and he isn't able to cope with it and he starts breaking down, and he doesn't want his family to see him in that way, so he starts to drift away. Finally, one evening, he goes over to his family's home since his sister is bringing over a boyfriend. During the time there, the boyfriend starts joking around with the family, but for some reason, starts nitpicking at David about how even though his sister is younger than him, she has had more success than him. Well, this was the straw that broke the camels back. David blows up at his sisters boyfriend, and in the process ends up splitting them up. He feels bad already since he knows how much she loved him, and with everything swirling around his head at lightspeed of not being good enough, these next words from his family ends up driving a stake through his heart. "I'm embarrassed and tired of being related to you, I can't believe what you just did to me," his sister says, and the rest of his family is in agreement. Not being able to handle anymore, just gets up and leaves with tears not coming out because he's holding it in, and not being able to say anything with the feeling of shards of glass in his throat, drives off and tries to get home. On the way there, he finally can't hold it in anymore and starts crying on the way home. Unfortunately, with tears making it hard to see while driving, doesn't see that there was a car off to the side of him, the driver drunk. It's too late to swerve, and the drunk hits him head on in a T-bone. David died instantly, not able to process he died, and in hysterics from earlier that night, doesn't notice God sitting in front of him, with a sad look on His face. God walks over to him, hugs him and just lets David cry it out. After hours of crying, David finally is able to take in what is happening to him and looks around.

Forgotten_Saint · Otros
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23 Chs

New Name and New Info to the Light

"Your new name will be Kon."

Kon as its his new name, thinks about it for a second and then accepts it. 'It's simple, easy, and I do really like it. Yeah, my new name will be Kon.' And he just smiles away like an idiot and his tails wrap around the both of them tightly. Junko happy too with how he reacted, hugs back just as tight. The both of them just enjoying the company of each other.

But when they were hugging, they felt a connection form between the two of them. Like a link, and they could tell what the other was feeling and something else. Like another seal was lifted, and with that being undone. Kon was feeling stronger than before, and with everything just happening, decided to just stay right there in Junko's arms. They didn't want to break the moment and just enjoy it while it lasted.

They stayed like that for a long while, just content with what they had at the moment. Finally, they separated from each other. With smiles on their faces, Kon decided to show Junko around the Observatory. With everything being shown to her, she was like a child, looking at everything in wonder from being freed from that underground prison.

And being up in space, she was shown the stars in all their glory. Being allowed to see the things that she hasn't been shown in eons. And being shown around the Observatory, allowed them to explore each of the domes. And being from a more technological world originally, Kon showed her how a lot of the things worked. He also introduced her to Iroh, which ironically she started to call Uncle Iroh from the voice and vibes he gave off. Although not an exact copy of the true Uncle Iroh, but something that allowed Kon to relate to. And now that Junko was there with him he started to open up more than he did before, even with it just being Iroh and him.

Finally, when they were showing the Bedroom Dome, Junko jumped up and around the room. Although not realizing himself before, Junko had asked Kon a question that both startled him and also made him tomato red. "Well, if this is your bed, where is mine?" Junko asked innocently. Turning around from looking at the bed towards Kon and seeing his face all red, decided to start teasing him.

"So there's no bed for me alone, guess I'll have to share this one with you." And as she was saying this, her face started to blush a little bit. But that just made Kon's face all the more red, anymore and it would look like he actually turned into a tomato.

"Uh...You can have my bed, I'll just sleep over in the chair." Kon stated, but Junko wasn't having any of it. "No no no, since you saved me, it's only fair that you keep your bed. This is your home after all, and it wouldn't make since to make the owner sleep out of his bed." Junko just milking the situation.

Iroh coming to the rescue of Kon since he was about to drill a hole in the Observatory said to them [Well, sorry to intrude on you two lovely folks but there is still some things that you need to take care of first. With the combination of the Observatory system and the Dungeon system, it opened up some options, and not only that it allowed you to 'see' some more into what you are dealing with and what's going on with yourself]

Kon, taking the chance to run outside and to the main screen made it in record time. Junko being left alone in the bedroom blank faced. But regardless just happy to be close to the one that saved her from that dark demise of waiting for her death. When she made it out to the main screen standing next to a Kon just starting at the screen. Junko following suit, looked at the screen and saw the prison she is so used to seeing on the screen. Along with some other tabs.

"So, this allows me to actually own the Dungeon, but where is it? If I own it, I should be able to mess with it." Kon asks Uncle Iroh. [It is in another space, remember that dimension from Pacific Rim that you left. Well, you had left a ton of magic there, and during you current state at that time, infected that place and now it's entire place is yours]

Kon, not understanding asks, "How, why would I own that place. I don't know how to even do that without someone helping me. The only reason I own the Dungeon is 'cause that Junko gave it to me, but for me to forcefully own a whole dimension...." And as he goes on starts to become silent and think silently.

[Well, you weren't 'all' yourself you know. When you went berserk, and you overclocked your ability to use magic at that time and forced a seal on you to break, and then continued to force it to leave that place to the Dungeon. It's why you went to sleep and stayed that way for as long as you did, and were still weakened afterword. You were only okay cause you never met any adventures for as long as you did and Junko here just wanting to bring you to her]

"Berserk?" Kon asks. "I know I don't remember anything after entering the rift, but I thought it was just cause of the matter of the dimension." With everything being told at once like this, goes and stands next to Junko. "Well, if you're telling me this, then there's a reason. I'm guessing it has to do with the fact of the new tab being there."

[Correct. Allow me]

And with that he opens the tab 'Users' and he sees both Kon and Junko on the screen. With all their info on it.


Race: Kitsune

Status: Healthy Body/ Damaged Mind/ Damaged Soul (Split/Broken)

Connections: Junko (Significant Other)

Power: -Authorities: {Origin/ Family/ (Sanity/Insanity) [All Authorities partially sealed due to soul not being whole}

Seals: 8 Seals left (One major seal on Authorities until soul is put together)

- All Magic (Origin)

-All Creatures Love {All creatures below the strength of the user and not sentient love the owner of this power}

Junko-Age: Eons(Won't tell)

Race: Spirit

Status: Healthy Body/ Damaged Mind/ Healthy Soul

Connections: Kon (Significant Other)

Power: Purification/ All Magic

With that being displayed to the two of them, allows them to understand more about each other. But when they got to the connections part, they both blushed. Finally understanding why the felt the connection from earlier, they both smiled with blushes on both their faces.

"Well, this explains a lot of why you wanted us to see this." Kon said. Junko also nodding to his words. But when Kon looked at his status, he was really confused. "Damaged soul, being both broken and split, how is that possible. Shouldn't I be dead?" Junko also being alarmed to this, looked at the screen and Kon.

[Yes, you should be dead, but for some reasons something or someone is keeping your soul intact via unknown means. But what it means for your soul, well this should help] And Iroh shows a diagram of Kon's soul at the moment. However, the problem with that was that there were two pictures. One being completely white, the other being completely black. However it was like a mirror image of each other, where there was a piece missing on one, the other would have, and vice versa, also with cracks, they mirrored each other.

'What...is that really how my soul looks?' Kon thinks. "What...." Is the only thing he got out.

Junko looking at the screen asks Iroh, "Why is it like that. He feels like he has a whole soul to me, so why is it that it's like that?"

[This comes with one of his Authorities. It's a catch 22, he can't become complete because of his soul being this way, but also his soul is this way because of his past, causing him to understand these Authorities more than most others. He kept pushing himself to the brink of a mental fallout, it's why his reactions to certain things are so agressive at one point, then at others he can be completely okay. I would call it Chaos to a point, but with Chaos, you can at least make something out of it. This...it's just causing him to have a split personality, and an extremely volatile one at that with anyone messing with what he holds dear] Iroh explains.

Kon, not being able to withstand the info shock, starts to stop reacting to anything on the outside, being trapped in a loop of his thoughts. His hair on his head and tails starts to turn a split black and white. Junko seeing the changes happening next to her just starts to hug Kon and try to calm him down. Kon, feeling the warmth of the hug, starts to calm down and hair going back to white, hugs Junko back.

With the mental stress of being shown all this stuff and told even more, not being able to completely leave the past in the past, just starts to doze away in Junko's arms, and then falls asleep with his head on her chest with his arms still slightly around her. His tails wrapped around them without him consciously doing it. Junko, not knowing what to do, is about to ask Iroh but then she finds the two of them on the bed in the Bedroom Dome.

[He's been through a lot, and I'm not the best really to help him. He needed someone he can trust and hold to be there for him. I can only make sure he didn't lose too much of himself. But he's there for you as much as you are for him. I don't know how that connection between the two of you worked out, but I am not going to question it]

And with that, she accepts it and starts to just rub the top of Kon's head, causing him to smile and purr in his sleep. Junko, just enjoying the moment, starts to fall asleep with the softness of Kon's tails being around them both making it somehow both warm and cool. With that they both are asleep.

['I really hope that she can bring him back from all that he's been through quickly. There are others in this Omniverse that aren't as friendly and even more that want to take from him. I don't know how he has been kept under the radar so far with all the Chaos he has made in his wake so far. There is no way no one hasn't noticed, so there's only two explanations, either the God that helped him originally did something to hide him, or someone else is at play, but what?']

Regardless of Iroh's thoughts, Junko and Kon just slept. Both exhausted. They both stayed there for a long long time, just hugging each other in their sleep with smiles on their faces, using Kon's tails as both blankets and a pillow.