
My Life in the Monsterverse (Dropped/Moved to New Book)

David Griffin is a man who just turned 22. He loves his family, but he is pressured by them all the time to do his best. He knows that they care for him, but when he tries to talk to them about how he feels about things, anything, he usually is told to just push through it, to man up, or something similar. He feels trapped because he wants to accomplish something that will make them proud, but whenever he tries to he ends up failing at it. Everyone around him says he's trying too hard, and is only hurting himself, but he just keeps pushing himself. He's also the oldest of siblings, so he has to be the example for them, so even when he's hurting he just puts on a smile and just pushes on. Well, problems start to happen with his mind, and he isn't able to cope with it and he starts breaking down, and he doesn't want his family to see him in that way, so he starts to drift away. Finally, one evening, he goes over to his family's home since his sister is bringing over a boyfriend. During the time there, the boyfriend starts joking around with the family, but for some reason, starts nitpicking at David about how even though his sister is younger than him, she has had more success than him. Well, this was the straw that broke the camels back. David blows up at his sisters boyfriend, and in the process ends up splitting them up. He feels bad already since he knows how much she loved him, and with everything swirling around his head at lightspeed of not being good enough, these next words from his family ends up driving a stake through his heart. "I'm embarrassed and tired of being related to you, I can't believe what you just did to me," his sister says, and the rest of his family is in agreement. Not being able to handle anymore, just gets up and leaves with tears not coming out because he's holding it in, and not being able to say anything with the feeling of shards of glass in his throat, drives off and tries to get home. On the way there, he finally can't hold it in anymore and starts crying on the way home. Unfortunately, with tears making it hard to see while driving, doesn't see that there was a car off to the side of him, the driver drunk. It's too late to swerve, and the drunk hits him head on in a T-bone. David died instantly, not able to process he died, and in hysterics from earlier that night, doesn't notice God sitting in front of him, with a sad look on His face. God walks over to him, hugs him and just lets David cry it out. After hours of crying, David finally is able to take in what is happening to him and looks around.

Forgotten_Saint · Otros
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23 Chs

Causing Chaos in Orario and Receiving A Special Gift

David wakes up in a bed, although this isn't the one he's familiar with. It's big and fluffy, and made out of a lot of expensive things he could tell for the people around here. Memories coming back to him, but he's still just laying underneath the covers.

He can sense someone in the room, but he doesn't want to deal with anything at the moment, and tries to go back to sleep by curling up even more on the bed.

"Well, wakey wakey sleeping beauty!" Says Loki over on one of the couches in the middle of the room. Riveria next to her as a way for protection against David since they essentially know next to nothing. "You've done made a mess down in the dungeon. But let's get some things straight first. What's your name?" Loki asks with her usual self.

"Wasn't given one in this life, but you can call me David for now." He says groggily. He was not a morning person, and never was really. But regardless, will still get up to do things if necessary, however, now was not one of those moments.

Loki and Riveria, hearing the boy were stupified. Loki not sensing any lies, had her eyes open slightly for a moment in surprise, then closed them again. David, not really caring, started to drift off to sleep again, so he curled a few of his tails between his legs and started to cuddle them, them being softer than anything else he's held and more comfy.

"Hey, I'm not done talking with you yet. I still have more questions." Loki looking at the boy drifting back to sleep. However, not successful, started to walk over to walk him up again. She got close to the boy and started to shake him lightly. David being moved around, started waking up even more than before. And seeing Loki next to him jumped out of the bed faster than Loki and Riveria could track.

"Well, didn't expect that. Well, now that you're awake, why don't I show you around the place." And Loki walking to the door and opening it, waited for David to come and walk through. David, finally getting the memo started to walk out with Loki next to her. Riveria walking behind them. They all walk through the mansion with them just relaxing. Loki deciding that David wouldn't open up without the right topic, and the answer from his name still bothering her still.

After many questions about simple things, and getting little out of him, they finally make it to the foyer and are about to walk outside when they are met by there other members of the main group of Loki's familia. With most of the main people shown in the anime, David had a moment to just look, and then walking behind Riveria for a moment. They were all just staring at him, and he didn't like that, not the way they were looking at him. The looks of judgement, and especially not Bete, who was staring daggers at him.

David, starting to get upset with it, started to move his tails unconsciously in a agitated way. Riveria noticing the shift in his tails, started to ask. "What's wrong?" She didn't want to start a fight with a child essentially. "Him staring, I don't like it?" David says, not taking his eyes off Bete.

"Who are you? Why are you okay and the monsters trying to protect you?! It's your fault that all those people died!" Bete starts saying. The others about to reprimand him, aren't able to before a white bullet comes and hits Bete, him going flying. The others look at David . David's tail, still out in front of him, starts to come back behind him. Loki, trying to stop the conflict starts saying, "Guys, it's okay, he's been okay to me so far and Bete just provoking him, it's his fault. Bete does this all the time, it's time he met a taste of the medicine he's been asking for."

The others just look at David more closely. His tails started to sway even more agitated. The others, not knowing what to do, and seeing how David was, trying to change subject asks Loki. "Well, anyway what's his name."

"Said he didn't have one, but call him David." Loki says, the others confused, but accepting it. Loki starts walking back to her room to change. "Well, I'll leave him in your hands. I've got to go get changed for the emergency Denatus since our friend here has caused a major situation in the Dungeon." And as she said this, David is confused.

"What is she talking about?" David asks. Not remembering anything after he blacked out. The others look a little upset at that question, but tell him. "When we were trying to get back up to the surface, a monster tide came following us. Not everyone made it, and even more so when we made it back outside. They were able to follow us up. That's never happened before. And at the center of it all, you." Finn said, trying to be as gentle as he could but also explaining what happened.

David just looking at them, goes and said, "Oh." The face he has is one of neither shock, or any other emotion. Just apathy. The others looking at his face, are shocked and a little upset. "Why aren't you upset?" Asks one of the twins, the smaller one.

"Well, I don't know. I didn't know them, and I don't really understand why I'm like this ya know." David says, not wanting to go any deeper than that. The others, still upset, just start glaring at him, but understood where he was coming from.

David, not really caring at the moment, having his mood spoiled by Bete, starts walking towards the outside. "Where do you think you're going?" Bete says, after coming back from being thrown away.

"Outside, I wanna see what it looks like." And he walks outside, the others of the group following, but especially Riveria and Finn, since they didn't want any more conflicts similar with Bete from any other members since there were some that saw Riveria carrying David inside after the incident with the dungeon and some of the smarter ones putting two and two together, although none of them spreading it outside since they didn't want to be on the receiving end Riveria's punishment.

With David outside, he was able to finally feel free. Not knowing why but just being able to smell the fresh air was soothing to him. And before anyone could stop him, he jumped up and onto the wall surrounding the mansion. People stopped to see the young boy on top of the wall, and then he looked back and said to the group with a playful smile, "Well, now that I can think for myself right now, try to catch me!" And then jumps into the crowd.

The others, not wanting anything to happen to the cause of all the mess in the first place get away, starts to follow suit. "Follow that boy!" Finn shouts to the others in their familia in the area that are just watching. They all spring into action and start chasing the boy down, although they are never actually able to catch up.

David, seeing the huge building in the center of the city, and just reaching out into the sky, starts making his way over there, with the rest of the Loki familia hot on his tails. He finally makes it to the center of the square outside of the dungeon, and just looks back at the Familia. He smiles with an evil grin, and then uses his speed to disappear. "Spread out and find him!" Riveria shouts out to the others. They all seperate, and go looking around the city, some dive into the dungeon to see if he might've went back into it. Meanwhile the culprit is already in the section of the tower where all the weapons and stuff made by Hephaestus familia.

'I've always wanted to actually see for myself all that they had made in the anime. Was always curious, but to be fair, I don't really have anything that catches my eye. I wonder if there is anything here that I can actually find interesting.' David says as he travels around the place. He eventually sees a that light again, like it was guiding him somewhere. He followed that string like light up and up the tower, until he got in front of a door. There was a door with the Hephaestus symbol on the front, but didn't think much of it and entered. There was a little bit of resistance, but he just pushed slightly and was in. Inside, he realized that this was the office of Hephaestus herself, although the owner was not there at the moment.

What he didn't realize, was that EVERY God was at the emergency Denatus, and Hephaestus just got alerted by a spell she had on the door that someone had entered. Although she just assumed it was someone she knew since it was meant to keep out strangers and allow friendly people in.

Meanwhile, with David still, he kept following the lights behind the desk, and saw it hovering over a button, hidden within the desk. Never would have found it without that light, and he pressed it. Again, felt a little bit of resistance, but was able to activate the button. The wall opened up on the side, allowing David to see into a forge. This being the hidden personal forge of the Goddess, with various tools and weapons. However, this time the magic sent to Hephaestus sent off alarms since there was no one other than her and select few that knew about that room, and those being her closest to her. She got up in the middle of the meeting rushing out and back down the tower to her office to see what was going on.

David however, kept following the light, into the room, and to the forge. Just taking a look at things, doesn't really care for any of the weapons in there. 'I've seen other anime with better weapons, I mean none of these even have a story behind them, and aren't even being used at all. {Sigh} Man there's really nothing here to see or do. And here I was hoping to see something interesting.' And he just leaves the place, not caring for the Chaos he left in his wake.

When Hephaestus gets to the office, David is long gone. She inspects the place and sees that nothing is out of place and nothing is taken, so she is extremely confused, and thinking that maybe someone left something behind calls for some of her familia to check. Though nothing was done to the room. With the Goddess alone in the room again, goes and opens her forge, having closed it before so no one knows about it. Still nothing done or changed in there either. So she asks if there was anyone that showed up among the various people she could get her hands on, and come to find out, that the person the Denatus was about was there. Putting two and two together, told her familia to go and search for the boy. All them rushing out, now turning into a race between them and Loki in who can get to the boy first without either of the familias knowing.

David, still bored starts walking around Orario, not caring about being seen as he goes across the rooftops like a certain ninja show he saw as a kid. 'For being a show and all, they knew how to work it to get around the place. Have to give them props for that.' David thinks as he makes it to the wall surrounding the city. Just looking out, he decides to just sit there on the edge and just relax a bit. Being alone with no one around, starts to close his eyes and just enjoy the moment.

With him just relaxing there, he spends a good while just hanging out there, just practicing his magic. Always having to tinker with something or have his mind doing something to entertain himself, just doesn't notice the time passing. Finally, having realized that he hasn't spoken to Iroh since he woke up. He remembers Iroh saying that he was being blocked by someone, though he didn't know who. But now it made more sense to him. He also remembered Iroh talking about what was happening. '[And a tall structure coming out of the ground. I can feel multiple divinites with a stronger one sitting in the building. There's also one below that but I don't know where, although for some reason it's helping me trying to connect to you]'

David, finally looking back at the dungeon, decides right then and there to go find that source. Having a feeling of knowing what was actually helping him now that he knows where he's at and a general overview of what has happened to him so far, uses his speed to traverse the dungeon. Everything a blur to him as he goes as fast as he can to the bottom, where he follows the light that has guided him so far around. Almost like a beacon to where he wants to go, just follows the lights with all the scenery passing him by as he goes further and further into the dungeon. Finally making it to the bottom.

He sees a beautiful woman with golden hair and an headpiece on top, although hard to describe, with an orb in her hands. Her body also being very hourglass like and David just stunned at seeing here there. Opening her eyes, and with red ruby like eyes, she looks at David. Smiling softly, and speaks softly to him.

"So, you finally made it down here. It's about time." She says. David, not knowing what to say, just goes ahead and says.


The Lady chuckles to herself, and David asks her, "What are you doing here?"

The Lady, looks at him and with a frown says to him, "I was trapped here long ago, so long in fact I don't even remember how long it's been. I'm just trapped, never to move from this place until I'm either killed or I kill all the other Gods in this world."

"Well, why did you want me here. Some folks told me that when I was asleep, some monsters had tried to take me deeper into the dungeon. I'm guessing that was your doing then. Why?" David asks. Although he had a feeling that it was a cliché reason, but not something he wouldn't understand.

"I was hoping that you would free me. I can feel you are able to, and even though you have the same feeling as a God, but not a full one. Almost like you're at the door but can't open it yet. Although to be fair, you don't give me any rash feelings, and am even more relaxed while around you. I've felt you since you first appeared in my dungeon prison, and as such kept others away from you while you were sleeping and tried to bring you here. Although it didn't go the way I intended it to, you still found you way here in the end, so I'm okay with that." She states as a matter of fact tone.

David listening, confused with what he was hearing. 'I have a feeling of a God, and not feeling any malice from the Lady, and trusting his instinct to trust her, asks her this question. "Well, how do I free you?"

The Lady just looks at him, and says, "I don't know."

David just looks at her, and starts to think for a bit. Then as he tries to think of something remembers why he came down here in the first place. "Hey, I'm sorry but I have to ask, were you the one that was helping me to talk to my friend up in space?"

"Yes, that was me." She said.

"Can you help me out real quick with talking to him?"

"Yes, of course." And she closes her eyes and David hearing Iroh talking to him, relaxes as he feels a weight that he didn't know was there from off his shoulders.

[About time, I was hoping it was sooner that you were able to get back into touch with me. Anyway, are you okay]

"Yes Iroh, I'm fine, I have a question though." David says as he smiles and asks.

[What is it?] And David goes on to explain everything and asks if he can free her from being trapped there any longer.

[Yes you can, remember that all you have to do is just think of her being sent here to me. You can allow anyone to join you up here on the observatory, and with you being right next to the one helping you out, is allowing you to have a strong enough connection to let you both come through back to me. Just remember that right now that other source of Divinity is trying to stop me from talking to you, so if you are gonna send her here to escape that place, you are going to have to come too since you'll be stuck down there until you can get rid of that block]

David, thinking about it, decides that he is going to help her. However, he also doesn't want to leave this dungeon behind. It was too cool in his opinion. "Hey Lady, well, what's your name. I can't keep calling you Lady all the time." As he starts to blush at the fact of not knowing her name.

She smiled still almost laughing at seeing his face, just said to him, "Junko. My name is Junko." And now with a name, asks her about something. "Hey Junko, can you swap ownership to me?" He asks, and with her shaking her head up and down, he gets excited. 'Hey Iroh, will this help me out any if I am able to absorb this?'

[Yes, it'll allow you to access certain things, and allow the Observatory to expand. This place is connected to you, and so you being able to access something like this is allowing you to do a lot, but I won't spoil it all for you since I know you like figuring things out for yourself before you start to ask]

"Cool" David says out loud. With that in place, he starts to ask the Junko if she can connect to all the monsters above ground. "Yes, I can. They are connected to this place via the crystals in their bodies."

"Even the One Eyed Dragon?" David asks.

"Yes. Are you wanting to bring them all here?" David just nodding his head. And as he does this, many dungeons doors spawn all over the world, rising from the ground, with some even near Orario. With that, all the monsters start flooding towards the dungeons open doors, not a single one being left behind. Even the One Eyed Dragon came into the dungeon. And he knew all the monsters in the world were now in the dungeon, and with that all the doors closed and went back into the ground.

"Well now, mind handing over the keys to the place?" He asks her. Happily handing over the orb in her hands, David holds it in his hands. Feeling the connection with it, decides to leave this world and hop to the Observatory. Arriving there with Junko, she looks around in wonder and tears in her eyes.

"It's been so long of being down there alone, with the same thing to look at after eons of waiting.....

I'm free." And she collapses at those words down to her knees. Not thinking that she would ever mutter those words, finally having enough of being trapped. Turns around and hugs David, pulling him into her chest.

David, not expecting the sudden hug, blushes at being squished between the two mounds. 'Soft' he thinks to himself, but regardless hugs back with his tails wagging all over the place quickly and happily.

Finally after a while, she lets him go slightly. "I'm sorry for you seeing me like this, but what is your name? It slipped my mind when we were down there and with me finally seeing hope of getting out of there."

As David looks up with the lower part of his face still pinned in her chest, says "I wasn't given a name in this life, but you can call me David." And as he says this, her cheeks blush a little at feeling of his breath on her chest. Although, with that answer, she started to frown again. "Well, this won't do. How about this, I'll give you a name? I can tell that David is your name, but you don't want to have it anymore. I don't want to pry, so I'll just wait for you to tell me. So, how about it?"

And David is excited. More so than he thought. 'With a new name, I'll really be free. I don't want to hold onto the past anymore, though I'll still have troubles ahead, but at least I have someone I can talk to and hold now.' Him not realizing that he had already claimed her as his, and with his tails wagging even faster, she laughs seeing it.

Giggling to herself goes and says, "Well, I'll take that as a yes. I'll make it simple and quite on the nose, but still unique. Hmmm..."

And as she does this, the boy in her arms and chest starts wrapping his tails around the both of them. The softness and warmth of it pulls her attention. And with that, the boy also starts to lean up against the girl, still sitting on her knees. She starts to give him headpats with his ears poking up from his head and giving them a rub, causing him to start purring.

Finally, she gets an idea. "Well, I've come up with your new name." The boy in her arms still purring away with the affection, just listens into what she's about to say.

"Your new name will be....."