
My life in The beginning After the end

In a realm veiled by the mysterious embrace of darkness, a soul awakens to an unforeseen fate. Meet Kenzo Akazaki, reborn into a world beyond imagination after an untimely demise. with memory infant Fate's twist intertwines with the echoes of a distant world from literature-a tale known as 'The Beginning After the End.' How will he face the impending challenges throughout his journey? Will he be capable of altering the threads of fate, or will he encounter a road fraught with thorns and suffering? -This is my second story and yeah.. I'm still new to this stuff -Since I'm a new writer (Author) feel free drop what I need to change or improve XD -The beginning after the end is not my work, credit to TurtleMe

Takt_0 · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: A discovery and plan ahead

Author: Starting from now on I will change the "Thoughts" into 'This' since it take my time to change them XD



I've been training in this ground for about four days straight, and you might be wondering if I ever leave to grab a meal or get some sleep. Well, guess what? Heck no! The maids deliver the food to me. Initially, they were worried and asked me to join them, but I managed to convince them that I need complete concentration without any distractions. And as for sleeping, well, technically I sleep here. Now, about taking a bath? Uh... well, I do! Yes, indeed!

So, as you've read, I've been in this room for four days without stepping out. And here's the news: Mana rotation isn't as complicated as I thought it would be. Honestly, it was easier to understand. The air here is rich in mana, so all I need to do is gather it around me.


But how do I do it? It's simple—imagination.

Yes, imagination, the foundation of human abilities. Initially, it was hard for me to figure out how to flow Mana into myself. Then, an idea popped into my mind: meditation. I started meditating and found myself in a complete calm state. In this state, I began to imagine a vacuum in space, but that alone wasn't enough to draw Mana towards me. So I wondered, what am I lacking?

The key lay in envisioning a passage. I visualized myself as a core surrounded by a vacuum. For Mana to converge around me without dissipating, they required pathways. So, I mentally constructed pathways directing them towards the core of my being. To regulate their movement, I needed to comprehend their flow—akin to understanding the course of water. By skillfully guiding these pathways toward my core, I managed to master Mana rotation in just four days.

Surprisingly, my habits of reading novels and watching anime proved immensely beneficial. Now, with the ability to continuously absorb Mana from the air, I no longer fret about running low on energy. All I have to do is draw it from the surrounding environment. Nevertheless, refining my Mana rotation further remains a goal for another time.

Another advantage is that my mana core has progressed to the Solid Red stage. This progress significantly aids in augmenting my physical strength. The ability to fortify my body with Mana confirms my classification as an augmenter.

Augmenters can enchance their body with Mana inside of their core, using the Mana channels inside their body, the better control you have over your Mana channels, The stronger you are

Then there's Conjurers, who can expand the Mana outside world, but needed to supplement their core before they could their magic, they used this by their Mana veins which pulled Mana into their body from atmosphere into their core.

To be honest, my plan is to become both a Conjurer and an Augmenter. That's why I have been training diligently to control both Mana veins and Mana channels. While doing so, I've been contemplating something.

"Wait… are Mana veins and Mana channels essentially two sides of the same coin or are they fundamentally different?"

Sitting on a nearby boulder, lost in contemplation, I mulled over the concept. Mana veins, I pondered, act as conduits to draw in the ambient Mana from the external environment. Could it be possible that Mana channels are the guiding pathways, directing this flow of Mana to specific destinations within the body, like streams leading to a reservoir—the Mana core?

"It's like an intricate network, right? Mana veins serving as the 'electricity' pulling in the 'fuel'—Mana—while the Mana channels are akin to the intricate wiring system directing this energy," I muttered, rubbing my forehead in perplexity.

"Ah, I think I'm starting to grasp it now," I exclaimed, abruptly standing up, hand resting on my chin.

"Mana veins and Mana channels... they could possibly be intertwined... a singular system? Maybe the limitation of being classified solely as an Augmenter or a Conjurer is due to a lack of understanding about these interconnected systems," I concluded, eyes widening in astonishment as I connected the dots.

Intriguingly, Mana veins and Mana channels might just be integral components of the human respiratory system—a revelation mostly misunderstood or overlooked by many.

After making this discovery, I took a deep breath and entered a calm state to confirm my theory—and true to my expectations, there it was.

These pathways, which I now identified as the Mana Channels, seemed to be scattered throughout my body. How did I recognize them? They resembled pipe-like structures, a network intricately woven. And alongside them, though not visible to the naked eye, were the Mana Veins—almost akin to roots scattered around my body.

Describing these discoveries proves challenging; it's my first encounter with this complex system. Picture it: Mana Channels resembling pipes, surrounded by what resembles human veins, except for the distinct coloration. And to be honest it's kinda disgusting to see it just think of it like a rotten meat.. the little dot thingy? They might look a 'root' but yeah it was attach to the Mana channel

"It confirms it. Mana channels and Mana veins are integral to the human respiratory system. It's no wonder that this system remains largely unknown, given how difficult it is to detect and barely visible to the naked eye."

With this discovery I then decided to start training this— fusing them together as one, becoming both Conjurer and Augmentor.

"...Arcanitect... Yes, that name resonates with me," I said, smiling proudly to myself. With this revelation, I began to formulate another plan. I had never considered this path before, but now I was determined to become an Arcanitect, mastering both disciplines.





I lay on the ground, exhausted and drenched in sweat. Combining the two disciplines was far more challenging than I had anticipated.

Mana veins and Mana channels don't cooperate; they clash like oil and water. I wonder if they are having a love square? Nevertheless, I continue to persevere,  I continued to practice, pushing myself to the limit, until I could at least generate a orb Mana. It was far from perfect, but I knew I had to train harder and gain better control over this fusion of the two.

The intense training sessions have shown me that I need to focus on improving my physical stamina. It's not just about the power of my abilities, but also about sustaining them over a longer period of time.

I stand up and dust my clothes as I divert my gaze to the weapons I request from the maids: a sword and a dagger, and of course numerous of them...also, not a genuine sword and dagger, okay? It's made of wood.

I walk towards the weapon, grabbing the wooden sword and swinging it about.

"Hmm...it wouldn't be so bad, in fact, it's my dream to hold one and say something awesome chant while holding a sword..." I think to myself before giving it a shot. 

Taking a firm stance, I position myself in front of the training dummy, gripping the wooden sword tightly. With a burst of energy, I leap forward, executing a swift horizontal slash followed by a powerful reverse slash. The wooden sword cuts through the air, leaving a satisfying whooshing sound in its wake.

Pausing for a moment I examine the wooden sword in my hand

"Hmm... I guess I should train both dagger and sword just in case; after all, I don't know what the future holds me, so being careful is better than sorry."

With that, I begin training sword and dagger. I divide my training routine as follows: Mana channels and Mana viens are two days, followed by sword and dagger training every two days.




"**Huff**...**huff** Looks like I'm improving" I gasp for air as I wipes my sweat from my face

As I was wiping my face with towel a ringing sound echoed through the room. My gaze fell upon the glowing crystal located near the massive door. As I walked towards it and opened the door, revealing the head maid standing there with a smile on her face.

"Young master, Mr. and Mrs. Akazaki have informed us that they are coming to visit you. Shall we go to your room so you can take a bath and put on some fresh clothes?" The head maid asked politely.

As her words sank in, I couldn't help but marvel at how quickly a whole month had passed. With a thoughtful nod, I agreed,

"You know what? You're absolutely right."

With that, I left the training room, feeling the anticipation building up inside me. It was time to pamper myself and prepare for the occasion. A refreshing bath and a change of clothes were in order.

Emerging from my room, invigorated and ready for the day ahead, I ventured outside, eager to greet my parents at the gate entrance. There was a palpable blend of excitement and nostalgia in the air, heightening my anticipation for their arrival.

While waiting, I glimpsed the familiar carriage approaching. Promptly, I signaled the guard to open the gate. As the door of the carriage swung open, my mother stepped out and walked briskly toward me, enveloping me in a warm, tight hug.

"Wahh~ I missed you, son~!" she exclaimed, gently caressing her cheek against mine. Her affectionate gesture made me laugh, and then I looked ahead to see my father standing there with a smile on his face.

"It's been quite a while, son. And what's this? Red light stage already?" he smirked, giving me a rough pat on the head. He seemed proud of my progress.

Upon hearing my father's words, my mother broke the hug and examined me closely.

"You're right... he's already at the Red light stage, and it's about to break through," she remarked while checking my mana core stage.

"Hahaha, of course he would! After all, he has our genes. It's to be expected," my father chuckled.

The air was filled with a joyful atmosphere during our reunion, our conversation flowing effortlessly as if time hadn't passed at all.

Upon entering the house, a magnificent feast awaited us, a clear testament to the household's anticipation of my parents' return. The servants, too, appeared to have sorely missed their presence.

As the evening progressed, the room resonated with animated conversations and contagious laughter. Overwhelmed by the festivities, my mother eventually succumbed to exhaustion, gently falling asleep. With the assistance of the maids, she was gracefully guided to her room for a well-deserved rest.

Observing the scene, I noticed my father standing just beyond the threshold, his gaze fixed upon the luminous moonlight. Intrigued, I approached him, my footsteps breaking the silence and capturing his attention. He turned toward me, a tender smile gracing his lips at the sight of my approach.

"Why are you still up? If your mother finds out—" my father began, concern etched in his voice, but I interrupted him.

"Well, she's already asleep, so she won't find out," I retorted playfully. My father chuckled softly and gave me a pat on the back.

"You've grown considerably in this past month, Ken. I'm proud of the person you're becoming. And, of course, your mother is equally proud," he said warmly, a smile gracing his face.

Returning his smile, I expressed my gratitude as we both gazed at the moon overhead. Feeling the chill of the evening breeze on my face, I took a deep breath and summoned the courage to broach a significant topic.

"Father," I started, sensing a momentary surprise in his expression before he composed himself.

"I sense this is something serious," he remarked, anticipating my inquiry. His intuition was right. With a determined look, I focused on him.

"Yes, it is. I need your assistance," I began, pausing to gather my thoughts. "When I turn 8, I wish to become an adventurer, without any protection."

A flicker of astonishment crossed my father's eyes before they narrowed in concern.

"Ken, that's perilous, especially without anyone to safeguard you. The life of an adventurer carries risks, particularly within the dungeons," he cautioned, his worry evident. Aware of the dangers, I was resolute in my decisions.

Well, it's understandable that no sane person would say something as ridiculous as this—especially knowing that your child is going to venture without any safeguard to protect him.

But in order to grow stronger this is essential for my goals, even if it's means risking my own life.

"I understand the dangers within the dungeons, Father. But if I don't confront these dangers, I won't grow. No pain, no gain, right?" I replied firmly, emphasizing my determination.

"Indeed, no pain, no gain," he echoed, smiling softly, acknowledging my resolve.

"Alright, before your 8th birthday, inform me of your needs, and I'll do my best to procure them. And don't concern yourself with your mother's apprehensions."

Puzzled, I inquired about his statement.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'll try to persuade your mother to agree, though she'll probably disagree. But fret not... everything comes with a cost," he sighed, a hint of dread crossing his face.

I decided not to press further, realizing the lengths my father might go to convince my mother, even if it meant facing her wrath.

With our conversation concluded, I bid my father goodnight and headed to my room, knowing I had to rise early to bid them farewell in the morning.




After bidding farewell to my parents, I swiftly made my way to the training room to commence honing my elemental skills.

Arthur, a Quadro-Elemental mage with the added advantage of a dragon beast will, seemed to be living the life of a protagonist. Yet, despite his exceptional power, I knew that he would face adversity in the near future..

"Meanwhile Im just ordinary college student who got myself in this world" I say to myself. Remembering my past my life before reincarnating to this world

"With Mana rotation fully mastered, and my progress with the Arcanitect training, things are looking promising," I mused.

As I surveyed the expansive training ground, a sense of seriousness settled on my face. At four years old, I knew there were more years ahead to grow stronger. However, if an unforeseen event were to unfold or, worst-case scenario, I lost my mana core, I needed a plan B. It was time to start working on it.

"Just you wait," I declared with unwavering determination. "I may not know why I came to this world, but one thing's certain: I will survive."

My arrival in this world remained shrouded in mystery, and I couldn't afford to waste time pondering it. Perhaps it was just pure chance that brought me here. Regardless, whether I'm an anomaly in this world or not, I will survive. Those powerful individuals should know not to dare cross paths with me.


Author: I wonder if my explanation about Mana channel and Mana veins make sense.

Since this is what I view from the two of them.

Anyway! Thank you for reading~