
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Cómic
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59 Chs


-Akane Pov-

(Akane): "Hey Nano, you awake?"

I whisper to my childhood friend sleeping at the bed next to me. Rin and his kid went somewhere for a little "talk" so I thought me and Nano should have one ourselves. I'm curious about where they've gone, but I trust that they haven't abandoned us.

(Naneko): "Yeah, I am. I can't sleep for some reason."

Nano says that slowly as if she's thinking of something. I can't blame her, she suddenly transformed into that thing just like last time at the orphanage. I don't remember much during that time other than the guy touching me before I lost control and killed him. Though I do remember the feeling of enjoying his screams just before he died, everything else was just a blank.

(Akane): "...I'm sorry for making you come here to train."

I tried keeping my smile up to avoid everyone from worrying about Nano, but even then, I can't help feeling a little guilty about it. One of the reasons I joined Rin's factions is because I had a strong feeling that Rin would be having tough fights in the future and would get much stronger. I like fights, I even go on missions with Sora to exterminate Goblin nests or other minor Demons but I've started getting bored of them. Well, I can't do anything since I'm not an Exorcist and the Academy is full of seals to protect it so I'd have to go outside if I want any challenging fights.

(Naneko): "...What are you saying sorry for?"

Nano says that after breaking out of her thoughts as she looks at me with a resolute expression. One that you won't expect from the lazy kitty.

(Naneko): "I realised something... after I woke up from that transformation-."

(Akane): "That you have a crush on Rin?"

Nano seemed to be trying to word her sentence properly, probably to not get me thinking about the past, but I used that as a chance to tease her instead. It was a good opportunity if I do say so myself; however, I suffered from the same pillow attack Rin received earlier today.

(Naneko): "Oh come on, I thought we were having a serious talk here!"

Nano glares at me as I laugh it off before getting back to our previous talk.

(Naneko): "Anyway, I realised that I can't keep running away, you know? If I keep going on like how I am, then I might eventually be consumed by whatever is inside me. When I saw Rin dealing with his flames earlier, I thought of how stupid my reasoning is. That goofball is Satan's son for god's sake! He's got more things to worry about with the Order and other Satanic Cults but he's just messing around with his kids. Seeing him under that much pressure, yet enjoying his life sorta inspired me, I guess."

Naneko says that with a self-deprecating smile as she mocks and compares herself to Rin. I was about to cheer her up but Nano gave me a look telling me to let her continue.

(Naneko): "I sorta didn't like him when we first met. I could tell from my eyes that he's unstable. One minute he's calm, the next minute his aura becomes chaotic."

(Akane): "You have any idea why?"

Naneko says that which confuses me greatly. She has the ability to know when someone is in a bad mood or experiencing any other negative emotions, so finding out Rin has moments of depression is startling. I guess I don't know much about Rin as I thought I did...

I know I love him but I don't know much about him. I need to get closer to him.

(Naneko): "I'm not sure but he'd become unstable after someone mentioned something. If I have to guess, it's a trauma he's dealing with that leaves him more depressed than sad."

Nano says that after thinking a little as I absorb what I hear. A trauma huh. Maybe it has something to do with him awakening his flames?

(Akane): "Sounds like a shoujo manga."

And it'll be Nano's task to help Rin out and eventually fall for him when the chances of that are highly unlikely.

(Naneko): "Haha maybe, but seeing that kid do his best in whatever, even doing crazy things like raising kids makes me want to change a little."

I was expecting another pillow to the face for my comment but this time Nano was surprisingly calm. She was facing towards one of the flames Rin left behind to light the place up a little.

(Akane): "I can understand you. I haven't spoken to a guy before without being scared for my life, even with normal humans. Something about them makes me both scared and disgusted."

Even I can't wrap my head around it. Even though I know I could break their bones with a simple flick, my instincts always tell me to run away. The only time they don't kick in is when the adrenaline comes in and I become battle-hungry. Or if they beat me like Rin did. Only he's done that though. I've fought with the other club members but none of them tried stabbing me before. They were too wimpy to even try fighting me which got boring.

(Naneko): "Both of us are just weird huh."

Nano says that with a relaxed smile as I give one my own.

(Akane): "What else is new? We're in a club full of weirdos after all."

Everyones weird, and I like that. It's never boring at the clubroom and now Rin's place is just like that. His kids have been a blast to hang out with. I thought they'd be more of a headache to deal with, but surprisingly they were more well behaved than I thought. Other than their cheeky natures, which I can relate to.

(Naneko): "Good point. Who do you think is the weirdest out of the lot?"

(Akane): "It has to be either Sora or Tsuno. Those two are just on a different wavelength with each other."

We both laughed as we talked about the past few years after the orphanage incident where we met Mephisto who became our guardian, how we entered a new middle school and high school, how we entered the club etc. We ended up talking for about an hour before Rin and his kids showed up. I don't know if it's just me but they looked closer for some reason.

Oh well, we didn't question why they suddenly left and instead went to sleep. I have a feeling they'll tell us in the future if it was important.

-Rin's Pov-

The next couple of days inside the pocket dimension were relatively peaceful. Everyone trained their abilities and made visible improvements but we didn't only train. We did some sports like football or baseball with the teams being boys vs girls, where we had two different versions of the game. One being the regular game with our strengths lowered to average humans, and the other where we could use whatever abilities we want. It goes without saying that the second one was our favourite, but the first was more to train against normal humans to avoid suspicions.

We didn't only just train and play sports. We did some studying where I tutored everyone English, minus Naneko since she was already good at it so we just talked in English to annoy the others, then we did some singing and dancing. Naneko shined at the singing and I was surprised to see Kuro sucking dancing more than me. He kept getting his steps mixed up often.

The last couple of days made me realise how much we need an instructor in our spars. I can't guide everyone with their skills since they know themselves better than me, but for techniques and stuff, having Chelsea around for those would do us a massive favour. Maybe Sora too since she's an Exorcist as well, though I don't know what Meister she specialises in. Right now, everyone is trying to develop their fighting styles which should be fine for now but might hinder them in the future.

When I suggested this to everyone to find a style they find suitable for themselves, Midori instantly replied with, "Can we use anime as an inspiration", which caused everyone in the room to laugh before agreeing since some have similar abilities to ours. Though we can't watch anything in this dimension yet, I still need to figure the laws around this place and how wifi works before going about it.

A little review on everyone's progress: Kage can control her Aura now and her shadow, she can only make it grow bigger or smaller and can only use it for travelling short distances so far, but I have a feeling she'd get much better at using it soon. She's been trying to increase the range of her shadow blink skill, but she's told me she finds it difficult to do since she fears that her shadow will "consume" her. I feel like her powers will be the most powerful out of the lot but they seem to be the most troublesome to train at the beginning.

As for my other kids, their techniques in fighting have improved and they're becoming more troublesome to fight against without my flames, forcing me to become better at evasion and defending myself. Especially Kuro's air jumps, he's become able to jump 3 times in a row before needing to land on the floor for a short recharge break. I wonder if that air jump skill is copyable. Reminds me of one of the six powers from one piece.

As for Midori, his ability skins durability have become tougher and can do a full-body harden now, but it only lasts a few seconds at most. The most annoying thing about these two is their teamwork. Kuro would distract me with his fast but relatively weak attacks to give Midori the chance to attack me from a blind spot. I don't want to risk tanking an attack from him without my flames as support. I found out from my analysis skill that Midori's skill makes the demonic energy on his skin to crystalise, I tried copying it myself, but it only gave a small increase in defence, nothing like what Midori's made.

Next is Akane whom we both practise our weapon making skills using some pictures we have saved on our phones. We usually compete with each other on who could make the most detailed weapons, which usually ends up with us arguing until we get the others to vote. Afterwards, we usually challenge each other to a spare with said weapons to see which ones are more practical. Akane seems to have taken an interest in the scythe, which she often carries around affectionately. I may have created the next weapon-otaku when I introduced her to RWBY and their unique weapons.

And finally, Naneko, who has been training her basic combat abilities and her partial transformation skill. Her kinetic vision is the most annoying out of the lot. She can easily judge the correct time to avoid an attack as well as good at finding the weak points of an enemy, giving everyone a decent amount of challenge unless they overpower her in speed or power. I've been keeping an eye on her a lot during the last few days in case she gets possessed again but even after the few days of sparring, she didn't show any signs of a second possession. Though she's been becoming lazier and taking naps, along with Kuro, the moment training is done. The two cat demons love their sleep.

Speaking of Naneko.

(Rin): "I don't know whether I should be embarrassed or just punch you for nearly polluting my children's eyes. Again."

I woke up along with Kuro and Midori like any other day in the pocket dimension, ready to start training until I covered my kids' eyes from the bad sleeping posture of Naneko. I took a deep breath before sighing in disappointment, looking the Neko who's sleeping on her back with her shirt lifted up, revealing her midriff and a bit of her underboob. She isn't even wearing a bra!

Why is she sleeping like that? I have no clue as well, but after getting more than an eyeful I used my flames to make a crystal before throwing it at her head to wake up.

(Naneko): "Aaah!"

(Rin): "Wake up and put some clothes on already. There are kids here for god's sake."

But I have to admit, they are a sight to behold, however, my kids are a priority. They may be Demons but it's too soon for them to get tainted.

(Naneko): "Geez, be gentler with a lady."

Naneko says that as she quickly gets up whilst glaring at me. Oh come on, you haven't even tried to fix your appearance!

(Rin): "If the lady wore clothes and didn't try being carefree like that then maybe."

(Naneko): "Boo."

I massage my temples with my left hand, whilst using my tail to cover Midori's eyes, as I take a deep breath. Naneko's been too comfortable around us lately, but shouldn't modesty still exist? I've been dealing with this kind of stuff for the last few days now and as stimulating as it is, I have to think about my kids' safety! You never know how this'd affect their mentality after all!

(Akane): "You like what you see?"

Akane suddenly appears behind me as she leans on my back and whispers in my ears. I can't tell if this is her succubus nature or herself acting like this, but it's been my daily occurrence now. She loves flirting huh.

(Rin): "Who wouldn't? But my kids don't need to see them yet."

Call me overprotective but they're not seeing those kinds of stuff until later. I just realised, what do I do if they start watching porn? Ahhhh, I have no clue, I need to do something about that.

(Midori and Kuro): "See what?"

(Rin): "Nothing important."

My kids asked in curiosity whilst patiently waiting for me to stop covering their eyes. They're surprisingly obedient, but I won't let go until a certain Neko covers up like a decent person.

(Naneko): "I-I didn't mean to show them off…"

Noticing my deadpan glare, Naneko reacted with a red face whilst fixing her clothes. I guess I might've been too harsh but oh well. She took her fucking sweet time.

(Akane): "Hmm, you sure about that? Those melons of yours seem a little restricted."

Akane says that while suddenly appearing behind Naneko. I was about to let go of Kuro and Midori but then I had a feeling that'd a bad idea. Good thing I listened. Akane and Naneko are usually are a bad combo to begin with when looking after my kids.

(Naneko): "Come close to me and I'll whoop your ass."

Naneko says that as she jumps out of the bed when she senses Akane's hands approaching her. Her hands were moving in a creepy manner, most likely to cop a feel of them. Can't say I don't want to do the same.

(Akane): "Aww, you wouldn't really."

(Naneko): "Don't think about it, bat-brains."

Akane begins chasing after Naneko with a cheeky smile on her face as Naneko tries escaping from Akane's grasps. The two ran around the bed in circles with us as the centre watching the stupid shenanigans of the two demons. Seeing as these two were still running around after a minute, and because I woke up like 2 minutes ago, I summoned more Crystals to hit them with to stop the stupid play.

(Naneko): "Hey!"

(Akane): "Ah~"

Oops, I forgot Akane's a masochist. Oh well, Naneko, you take Akane's share instead.

(Kage): "Just another morning, aaaaa~."

Kage says that, waking up to our mayhem before yawning and doing some stretches to wake herself up. She didn't even begin to question what we were doing before sitting next to us.

Afterwards, we had our usual morning routine of bathing in my flames and sparing each other before training our skills. I frequently used Naneko as a guinea pig for my analysis ability much to her dismay, but it led to me get a better image of her body and her demon composition. If I continue doing this, I might be able to force that demon inside of her to talk to her and either fully merge with Naneko or for Naneko to consume it.

(Rin): "Alrighty, I'll be back in a few hours or a day to collect everyone. Make sure to take breaks, okay?"

(Midori, Kuro and Kage): "Okay!"

I say my goodbyes to the kids as I entered my flame portal to the dormitory. Although we've been in the pocket dimension for almost a week, only 2 hours have gone by in the real world. The only reason I'm here by myself is to cook everyone meals so they won't have to starve themselves while waiting. The transition from surviving on that world energy to relying on normal food is painful, to say the least, hence why I'm here.

It didn't take too long to make a basic meal ready, the only problem is that it'd take about 10 families worth to fill 'em up. The only reason I'm alright is because I'm used to hunger. I rather have myself starve than them. Naneko and Akane suggested to help out, but I politely declined saying I missed cooking. Thanks to my flames control, I was able to make all the food in just a few minutes before summoning everyone here so we can have a feast.

Once that was done, I headed to the Cram School whilst entrusting my kids to Akane and Naneko. I think I may have over abused the pocket dimension, the lessons are slowly becoming less and less useful as they're making me fall asleep. I had to have Shiemi to wake me up a few times whenever I snoozed off for too long or if a teacher asked me a question. Once lessons were over, I did a little stretch before talking to the girls.

(Izumo): "I can't believe you slept for most of the lesson. Keep that up and you'll be failing the class."

Izumo was the first one to talk to me once I finished packing my things up. She always carries that constant frown on her face but lately it's been getting a little better. Hopefully the same could happen with her tongue though.

(Rin): "Thanks for worrying about me but I already memorised the lessons before. I sorta got bored so I took a nap."

Maybe I should start learning things outside of Exorcism? I feel like I'd get to the point where I'd stop going to cram school because of this. The pocket dimension is such a cheat thanks to the time delay.

(Izumo): "Hmpf, who's worried about who, idiot?"

Izumo rebukes with her usual tsundere tone as I simply give her a smile which pisses her off even more. She's fun to annoy.

(Noriko): "Awww, Izu-chan is being shy again."

Noriko stands beside me whilst also giving Izumo a cheeky smile. This girl likes teasing her more than I thought. She never misses jabbing a few blows when there's a chance. Much different from the anime where she came across as shy.

(Izumo): "Stop calling me Izu-chan already! And I'm not being shy or anything."

Izumo replies with a red face as she makes up an excuse. She really can't take compliments huh.

(Shiemi): "Haha, certainly doesn't seem like that. Izu-chan's cute like that."

(Izumo): "Don't call me cute!"

Even Shiemi joined in teasing Izumo who couldn't handle compliments to save her life. We talked a little more before heading out of the classroom and to Shiemi's house.

(Suguro): "That guy doesn't take lessons seriously…"

I heard Suguro grumbling under his breath which made me turn around to look at him. He looked startled by the sudden eye contact as I gave him a little glare with a smile.

(Izumo): "Hmm? Hurry up, Rin."

I entertained the thought of scaring him a little but went against it considering Shura, who's still disguised as Yamada, and the teacher would realise if I released a little of my aura. Sucks to be a Demon sometimes.

(Rin): "Yeah I'm on my way."

I give one final look at Suguro who looks annoyed at my smile. Getting his approval of me won't be too difficult, but it's just long. I guess I'll have to make a fitting appearance during his episode.

(Miss Moriyama): "Welcome to the Shop. Oh, good evening lad and Shiemi's friends, I'm Shiemi's mother."

After spending the next few minutes talking about random stuff and music, we finally made it to Shiemi's house where we got greeted by a surprisingly energetic Miss Moriyama.

(Noriko): "Good evening, miss Moriyama."

(Izumo): "Hello, we've brought you a little snack for letting us study here."

We all said our hello before Izumo handed Miss Moriyama a strawberry cake. It seems a little expensive though, I wonder if I could make some for the kids.

Not to mention I'm surprised she can talk without an attitude. I guess she's able to respect her elders at least?

(Miss Moriyama): "Oh my, how thoughtful. Shiemi, be a good host and make tea, would you?"

(Shiemi): "Okay!"

Miss Moriyama gracefully accepts the gift before asking Shiemi to make us tea. Like mother like daughter, I guess. Shiemi went out of the room with energetic steps and a red face. Looks like she's nervous and excited about having friends over.

(Miss Moriyama): "She's never had friends visit before so I'm really happy right now."

Miss Moriyama says that with a sigh before having a big smile on her face. I guess the worries of a mother aren't to be underestimated…

Stop thinking about that.

(Rin): "Ouch, I visited just yesterday as well. Isn't that something to be happy about?"

I distract myself by faking my unhappiness on what Miss Moriyama just said. I need to get rid of that bad habit. Just move on for god's sake!

(Miss Moriyama): "Oh? Why would I get excited for my daughter to invite an employee over? I'm only kidding but I'm happy Shiemi's made friends in a new environment for her."

Ouch, I thought she was serious for a second. Looks like Miss Moriyama is able to entertain guests by herself.

(Noriko): "Shiemi's a lovely friend to have as well. It's been fun going shopping with her."

(Izumo): "Though she's a little ditsy and doesn't know what personal space is."

(Miss Moriyama): "Haha, sorry for my daughter's cluelessness. She was only home tutored before so she's been living under a rock. Hope you all take care of my little blossom."

(Noriko): "Of course!"

The girls talked to Miss Moriyama for a bit as I leaned on the wall and waited for the conversation to end. I don't hang out with Shiemi much after Cram School so I don't know much about their adventures of shopping and such. Though I have been invited a few times for a quick snack at certain fast-food joints and the like.

(Miss Moriyama): "Oh, I shouldn't be keeping you all busy with myself since you're here to study. Rin, could you take the girls to Shiemi's room at the garden?"

(Rin): "No problem."

I said that as we gave our thanks once again before taking Noriko and Izumo to Shiemi's room in the garden warehouse. When they asked why Shiemi lives in the warehouse I answered that it's an important place to her before opening the doors

(Izumo): "Wow."

Izumo, just like everyone else, is a little surprised by Shiemi's room. Her room's full of plant decorations, almost like she's trying to transfer the garden into her room. This is the first time I've been to a girls room so I'm a little nervous for some reason.

(Shiemi): "Oh, I've been decorating my room recently and I thought having flowers around would be a good idea."

While we were busy admiring Shiem's unique room, the person herself suddenly appeared with a tray full of green tea. I took this chance to help her out a little while she talked to Izumo.

(Izumo): "Yeah, it looks good but I think you should make it look less of a forest and more of a room."

Izumo hides her amazement and compliments by acting like her usual harsh self. Breaking a tsundere is harder than I thought it was.

(Shiemi): "Oh ok, I'll do that now."

Shiemi, being the hardworking spirit she is, decided to 'clean up' her bedroom after Izumo's comment. I sighed to myself as Shiemi's once again forgot about the reason for us being here

(Noriko): "I can help."

(Shiemi): "Thank you Nori-chan."

(Izumo): "If Noriko is joining in then I guess I can help."

The girls soon agreed to help Shiemi out as I gave myself a massive facepalm. Yep, these girls are too carefree.

(Rin): "Hold up a second, we came here to study, not to help decorate the room."

I said that with my arms crossed as all the girls present a frown on their faces, even the cheery Sheimi had one. It caught me a little off guard but I can't have them mess around right now.

(Rin): "You guys can change the room after we get some studying done or you when my shift starts."

I sighed a little at their attitudes and wondered if it'd be better to just read a book instead. It feels like I'm wasting my time dealing with them.

(Shiemi): "Fine mother."

(Noriko): "I didn't think you'd be a party pooper like that."

I got hit with some verbal rebukes before getting the trio to study. To be honest, I'm just worried the girls will spend the whole day decorating instead of studying. I rather avoid that if possible.

We spent the next 2 hours being taught by Izumo, for memorisation techniques and verses in the bible, and by Shiemi who taught us about herbs normal people use and Demon herbs, their uses and how to apply them. Though in turn, Noriko and Izumo ended up helping Shiemi with the names of the plants. Even after being taught their official names, Shiemi still refers to them by their nicknames.

Looks like we should be getting high grades in the next test if we review these notes. I wonder when Suguro's episode is going to take place? He's been giving me glares for no reason even though I keep getting high marks in our class. I feel like our relationship in the future will be an interesting one.

(Shiemi): "I'll get us some snacks to eat."

While we were in the middle of studying, Shiemi suddenly closed her notebook as she suggested getting something to eat. I guess studying for this long is tasking for her.

(Noriko): "Oh, I'll help as well."

(Izumo): "Same here."

The girls soon spoke as they got up, however, Noriko held Izumo's shoulders, preventing her from getting up.

(Noriko): "There's no reason to have 3 people get snacks. Stay here and take a little break."

Noriko says that with a gentle voice and smile before turning to Shiemi who's waiting at the door.

(Izumo): "...Okay…"

Izumo says a little dishearted as she looks at Noriko's back with a little loneliness. I guess this'll be the first time I've seen them separated from each other.

(Rin): "You really like Noriko, huh."

(Izumo): "What's that?"

The room had an awkward atmosphere and since I wasn't in the mood to study anymore, I decided to talk to Izumo a little. We don't usually talk when Noriko isn't around so I thought it'd be a good opportunity to get closer to her.

(Rin): "I didn't mean anything weird, just wanting to start a conversation."

(Izumo): "Is that so…?

(Rin): "I'm probably sticking my news in your business but I feel like you're being over-reliant on Noriko."

I say that honestly as I recall the anime. Unlike before, Izumo's a lot nicer than before, but that's only because of Noriko's presence. If she suddenly disappears, she'd become more troublesome to deal with, especially if I want to help deal with her problems.

(Izumo): "Who cares? Why should I rely on others?"

Oi, you realise you sound like a selfish brat, right? Though I can understand.

(Rin): "I can relate to that mentality. I'd rather rely on myself than others, but relying on others helps you out more than you'd think it would."

Just talking to the people at the club or my kids helps me out from overthinking things.

(Izumo): "This coming from the guy who adopted demons as his kids. Sounds a little creepy if you ask me."

(Rin): "Hmm, fuck you, even if it's true, but I usually ignore other peoples opinions. No point in listening to them if they want to bring my mood down."

I say that while giving her a middle finger before leaning on the floor and looking at the ceiling. Haters will always be haters, no point in caring on what they say.

(Rin): "But being honest with yourself would do you some favours. Maybe it could help you out for whatever shit you're dealing with."

I say that while making eye contact with her. Izumo eyes shook a little in surprise before quickly getting angry

(Izumo): "Don't talk as if you know what my problems are!"

Well, I do know, but, haah, I suck at dealing with people. Specifically tsundere. Unless it's to annoy them.

(Rin): "Yeah, will do."

Seeing as she'll only get angry the more I talk, I decided to agree while closing my eyes for a little nap. Studying is difficult even for a demon after all.

(Izumo): "I'm gonna help those two out. Shiemi might've been clumsy again and made a mess."

Izumo stands up after getting annoyed at me before heading out. I guess helping her out is gonna be a little difficult to do. If she didn't like talking to me, she could've said she's gone to the restroom or something. Oh well.

(Rin): "I guess it's about time now huh."

I say that with a sigh as I put dealing with Izumo to the back of my head before spreading out my Demon aura. It didn't take long for me to find some resistance deep underneath Shiemi's bedroom before finding a point I can't go any deep. Though something felt weird about the distance. Spatial manipulation?

Regardless, it looks like I've found that tree now. Now I need to find a way to explore that without alarming the girls. I can't just dig down from the garden, now can I?

(???): "Nee?"

Just as I was thinking about a way to even go to that garden without destroying the place, I suddenly heard a voice coming from underneath Shiemi's bed. I had an idea of what it might be so I checked the bed to confirm it. Under the bed, I saw a small green creature with some darker green patches here and there over its body, with a yellow flower around its left eye, an orange flower around its right eye and a small lily pad-like hat.

Isn't this Nee? What's he doing here before the summoning episode?

(Nee): "Nee, nee!"

Unlike other Demons like Kuro, Midori or Ukobach, I can't seem to understand the Greenman through words, just like I can't understand coal tars. I wonder if that's because it's intelligence is too low to form actual words or because I can't connect with these Demons. I was tempted in making a contract with Nee this instance but I held it off considering Nee's Shiemi future familiar. I think the future with me and this little buddy would be interesting though.

(Nee): "Nee!"

(Rin): "I have a feeling I'm going to get in trouble for this."

Nee kept telling me to follow him under Shiemi's bed for some reason as if to guide me to the tree I was talking about earlier, so I decided to listen to him. My instincts aren't warning me or anything and at least now I have an excuse for sneaking around using Nee as a kind of scapegoat. I wonder how they'll react though? Izumo will definitely flip her lid for sneaking around in a girls room while Shiemi will either get embarrassed then reprimand me or just say nothing to me and try to calm Izumo down. Though I'm not sure what Noriko would do. Something tells me I'd see a side of her I've never seen before.

Though I must admit, seeing what reaction she'd give would be interesting. I got down on the floor to see where Nee went and found a human-size door under the bed. The little guy uses its weak-looking limbs to open the trapdoor before jumping down with a cute "Nee". I sighed a little before looking down the hole that's not much of a fall and I can't open the trapdoor fully without moving the entire bed. Not to mention there's no light sources.

I took another sigh before resigning my fate as I crawled my big body into the trapdoor. Cramped! I could hardly move but I somehow managed to slither my way down till I could finally stand up. That was awkward as hell.

(Nee): "Nee!"

The little guy congratulates me as he pats my hands before jumping down to the next stair. I chuckled at its cute little act thinking that it's as innocent as a kid. I wanna make a contract with him even more now, but I'll wait until afterwards.

(Rin): "This walkway is surprisingly long…"

I thought it wouldn't be much of a walk since this was in the anime but I think I've been gone for 15 minutes now. I'm sure the girls will be worried about where I went… Guess I'll have to prepare myself for an earful later.

(Rin): "Now, where are you taking me, little feller?"

I say that as I smile at the little plant Demon. It's only response was the usual "Nee" which made me laugh even though my situation is more than odd. I wonder how these Greenmen communicate with each other? Sorta reminds me of pokemon.

(Rin): "Hmm? How's light down here?"

Once we reached the end of the staircase, we suddenly got greeted by sunlight. I had to cover my eyes a little from the intensity, it feels like looking at a lightbulb but worse. It took me a little while to adjust my eyes before I got a look at the sight.

(Rin): "Whoa."

I had no words to describe what I was seeing other than that. It was a forest. A forest with tree's that look like they go on forever along with various flora I've never seen before. Even some of the trees were weird yet amazing. Some had spring leaf's, some had autumn leaves, some had sakura leaves.

Now it's starting to feel like an isekai. Well, other than the fights and demons, I like the exploration side of isekai's and now's my chance! I wonder how these grew down here though? Even this place in general, I'm confident in my ability to measure time, so I doubt there was a time dilation in this place. Might be a little space manipulating to have these long-ass trees fit underneath their yard.

Hmm, I wonder if the herb Chelsea gets for her little brother medicine is harvested here?

"Oh? We have a guest."

Whilst I was in the middle of my amazement, I didn't have a chance to admire the rest of the plant life when I suddenly noticed the presence behind me. Sensing it is a demon, I got ready to jump back in a defensive stance but then I noticed what it was.

"Wa-wa-wait! I don't mean any harm!"

What I'm looking at is a short good looking man that's about 20 cm tall with leaf green hair, emerald green eyes and pale yellow wings. His clothes are mainly leaf gowns that sparkled in a magical glow with no shoes. Huh, shouldn't I be saying that?

(Rin): "A fairy, huh."

Fairies, A group of Demons that are known for their mischief, almost like the goblins, but they naturally possess affinities to the 4 basic elements which are reflected by their hair colour. Making them one of the few demons that don't really relate to any of the Demon kings. Of course, other versions of fairies exist but those are less commonly seen. Since this one has green hair, I assume he has wind affinities.

But how come I can see one?

(Nee): "Nee! Nee-nee!"

(Fairy): "Oh? Is that so?"

While I'm in the middle of my analysis, the Nee suddenly jumps up to my shoulder and starts having a conversation with the fairy. I had to stand there awkwardly like a person who had to wait for his friend to stop speaking to someone else in another language. Luckily It didn't take long before their little talk was over and the fairy looked towards me with a bigger smile.

(Fairy): "Nice to meet you, I'm one of the residents of this garden here. It seems like this little one has taken a liking to you."

The first thing he told me was a little surprising. I guess I'm a demon magnet huh. I guess that's a perk of being Satan's son.

(Rin): "Is that so…? Pardon me but what is this place?"

While they were talking I had a better look at the rest of the area. I could see plants of all shapes and sizes along with a beautiful waterfall and a lake. Something like this definitely has something to do with demons just from how surreal the environment is, to how they managed to fit such a big environment under their house.

(Fairy): "Oh, this is the fairy garden. It was a place made by the previous successor of Shemihaza, the Emperor of Creation."

Shemihaza, the Emperor of Creation? The name sounded familiar so I had to focus a little on where I heard the name. My memory of Blue Exorcist isn't the best since I was only a casual reader but I somehow remembered some stuff about him.

We didn't get taught this in lessons but he's part of the Grigori and the one to witness Rin's trial. That person wasn't mentioned much throughout the series though, so I have no idea what kind of character he was or how powerful he is. I wonder if he and Shiemi's family have some kind of connection? And what's this successor deal?

(Rin): "Oh wow, so this garden was artificially created? Must've taken a century to grow these trees if they were to grow naturally."

I say that in amazement as I studied the fairies expression. Something tells me this situation is off. The lack of fairies in the original series also makes this feeling stronger.

(Rin): "May I ask if this Shemihaza has any relations with the Moriyama family that lives above?"

I asked to confirm my suspicion. If it is what I think it is, then that means Shiemi is Shemihaza's daughter or some kind of relative. Regardless, it'll explain some of the stuff that happens in the later chapter for Blue Exorcist.

"I think I can answer that question for you."

The fairy looked unsure of how to answer before we heard a familiar voice coming from further in the forest. Seriously, am I that bad at detecting people or are they just too good at hiding?

(Rin): "Hello Miss Moriyama, beautiful garden you have here."

The one who spoke was Shiemi's mum. Her being here already makes my suspicions grow stronger. Seems like I'll be getting some answers today.

(Fairy): "Greetings, my queen."

While I was expecting a reply from Miss Moriyama, the green-haired fairy suddenly got on the ground and knelt. Strange, I don't recall fairies behaving like this. It's been said they're childlike and mischievous, not subservient to a human. Unless there's a good enough reason for her to have a queen title.

(Rin): "Queen huh, I didn't realise my boss has such a title."

I'm a little wary of everything around me but nothing rings any alarms in my head so it should be fine to act normal. Miss Moriyana looks at me with a tired expression before speaking.

(Miss Moriyama): "You really can't stay out of trouble, can you? The title isn't something I deserve so don't put much thought into it. Now can you tell me why you've been snooping around?"

Isn't something you deserve, ay? So something to do with her husband I assume. Then that makes Shiemi a princess, huh. Shiemi-sama?

(Rin): "I got nervous about being in a girls room for the first time and I guess I got too excited. I found this little guy and before I knew it, I followed him down here. I never thought Shiemi is a princess though."

I explained to her whilst scratching my head to give off the clumsy vibe. Though it doesn't seem to work on Miss Moriyama who gives me a little glare.

(Miss Moriyama): "Is that so… and the reason you've been spreading your Demon Aura around my house?"

Ah, I'm busted. Seems like she's noticed somehow. So even after finding out she still let me carry on like normal. What's she planning?

(Rin): "Because I've been worried about the Dekalp Demon and how it got into the garden. I thought it had something to do with whatever is hidden under this garden."

I quickly came up with an excuse as I gave a serious expression. I really wanted to know why there's a damn tree here and now I know. Though using that information isn't gonna be easy.

(Miss Moriyama): "Haaah, you seem to have a better head on your shoulder than I thought. Truth be told, that was another reason why I wanted Shiemi to leave her grandmother's shed since there was a higher chance of her finding out."

(Rin): "Finding out about what exactly?"

Finding out about her heritage? I don't see why you should hide it from her though. Wouldn't it be better having her aware of her situation when young instead of when she's at her most emotional part of her life? I guess she wanted her daughter to live 'normality' like a human until she's 'ready' to find out. I guess that's what Father did, but it wasn't the best way of doing things.

(Miss Moriyama): "How about you keep on finding out yourself. But not until you finish your shift, boy."

Miss Moriyana says that after taking one last puff from her pipe. It's too bad I can't stay here a little longer, the forest has a calming aura around it. I hope I can visit again with my kids and have a picnic here.

(Rin): "Okay ma'am."

I'm satisfied with knowing about the existence of fairies, and some clues about this Garden. I have a few ideas of what this place is, ranging from just a simple fairy garden for peaceful and friendly demons to something more sinister.

(Rin): "I have a question… how come I can see these fairies?"

This has been on my mind for a while now. I've read that fairies only show up to those who are pure, such as children, or for whomever, they wish to reveal themselves to but…

(Rin): "I don't qualify for both the usual requirements to see fairies now, would I?"

I don't have a childlike innocence and I doubt this fairy wanted to reveal himself to me. After all, I've killed someone before, I doubt they'd reveal themselves to a murderer.

(Miss Moriyama): "You make a fair point. Seems like you might've been blessed by a spirit when you weren't aware of it, or maybe it has something to do with your heritage."

A spirit huh. In layman's terms, a spirit is classified as a benevolent demon that's kind to both our races. Now when would I get the chance to meet one of those, I wonder? I'm leaning towards the latter since I can see Satan having that kind of power.

(Miss Moriyama): "Hurry up with the questions or you might be late for your shift. Your main question is what Shemihaza has with the Moriyamas?"

I nodded my head in response. This question the most important one out of the ones I have.

(Miss Moriyama): "Shemihaza has been the guardian of the Moriyama's for centuries. It's due to them that we even have knowledge of herbs and how to treat Mashou."

Miss Moriyama explains in a roundabout manner, purposefully skimming the important parts. Dammit, she knows exactly what I want but she's avoiding it on purpose.

(Miss Moriyama): "Okay enough questions now. Your shift's about to start so get your butt to the front desk. Have fun finding out about the rest of our secrets, boy."

Why's she being overly kind? Most mothers wouldn't want their secrets to be found. At least that's what my mother was like. Ah, maybe I'm being narrow-minded.

(Rin): "Alright, I'll be going then. Sorry for intruding on your family like this."

The more I find out the more questions I have. Just wait, I'll get those answers soon enough.

Though I only want to find out to see what I can make use of, this is more fun than I thought.

(A/N: Alternative TItles: "We got the tree lads", "Princess Moriyama?", "Izumo doesn't need help")

Ah, that tree has given me so many questions about the anime. I know it's not canon really but it's made me wonder tbh.

Anywho, any ideas for what this tree could be? I got a few myself but hearing your ideas will take a load off of my shoulders.

Chapter 3/5 of the mass release. Thanks for reading!

S_jaycreators' thoughts