
Halloween special

(The episode opens with Hirashima walking with Onishi outside)

(It's Halloween night, people in costumes, and kids are trick-or-treating)

Onishi: For once it is peaceful

Hirashima: True

(A growl is heard)

(Onishi and Hirashima turn around to see a pitbull running away, looking scared)

Hirashima: Poor thing, come here doggy

(The pitbull jumped in Hirashima's arms)

Onishi: It's okay, calm down

(The growl got stronger)

(Onishi and Hirashima sees a monster with a Jack-o-lantern head, claws, and an animal body)

(The monster's shadow covers Onishi and Hirashima)

(A bunch of people scream and runs away)

Hirashima: Well, I got be honest, I didn't expect that

(The monster spits hot chocolate)

(Hirashima grabs Onishi and runs)

(The hot chocolate acts as acid and burn the ground)

Onishi: Did that hot chocolate become acid

Hirashima: Yeah, but right now, we need to get you somewhere safe

(The monster appears and spits more hot chocolate)

(Hirashima put the pitbull and Onishi in a bubble and creates a strong wind)

(The bubble is blown, hi in the sky by the clouds)

(Hirashima bunches the monster)

(The monster growls and tries to attack Hirashima)

(Hirashima catches the monster's arm and rips it off)

(The monster screams in terror)

(Onishi is in the bubble)

Onishi: Ssh! Little doggy, you are okay, nothing can break this

(A shadow creature shows up)

(The pitbull barks)

Onishi: What? (Turns around to see a shadow creature)crap

(The shadow creature enters Onishi's body)

Shadow creature (in Onishi's body): Now, I get that mutant that is destroying my monster

(The pitbull growls at shadow creature in Onishi's body)

(The shadow creature takes energy from the pitbull and passes out)

(The shadow creature destroys the bubble)

(Hirashima rips the monster to pieces)

(The people cheer)

(Hirashima sees the shadow creature in Onishi's body)

The shadow creature: Hello Hirashima

Hirashima: Get out of my boyfriend's body

The shadow creature: Now, why would I do that?

(The shadow creature blasts Hirashima with purple fire)

(Hirashima's eyes glow red)

(Hirashima gets up and freezes the ground)

(The shadow creature's feet froze)

Hirashima: Forgive me, Onishi

(Hirashima blasts the shadow creature with a white aura)

(The shadow creature sends a black cloud in the sky)

(The black cloud starts blasting Hirashima)

(Hirashima sends a sonic screams to the sky and the clouds are wiped out)

(The shadow creature cuts off Hirashima's tail and blasts him against the wall)

(The shadow creature frees himself from the ice and tries to blasts black orbs toward Hirashima)

(Hirashima grows Angel wings and blasts the shadow creature with white orbs)

(The shadow creature hiss as the orbs hit him)

(The shadow creature tries to attack Hirashima, but the attack is stopped)

The shadow creature: I can't move.

(Hirashima absorbs a bunch of white aura that turns a giant heart and blasts the shadow creature)

(The shadow creature exit out of Onishi)

(Hirashima catches Onishi)

(The shadow creature look weak)

Onishi (weak): Thanks, Hira

Hirashima: Of course

(Hirashima opens up a ground and a glowing white hand comes out and takes the shadow creature, then the ground closes)

Onishi (weak): Did?

Hirashima: You shouldn't question it

(Hirashima kiss Onishi on the lips and Onishi looks back to normal)

Onishi: Did your kiss just return my energy?

Hirashima: Yup, sorry I had to blast you

Onishi: It was to save my life, say what happened to that pitbull?

Hirashima (looked awkward): His soul is in a better place

Onishi (shocked): Oh my gosh, did you send a note to his owner?

Hirashima: Uh, he was a stray

Onishi: Oh!

Hirashima: Anyway, want to buy candy and get ourselves sick?

Onishi: Sure

(The episode ends with Hirashima and Onishi eating a bunch of candy)