
episode 8

(The episode opens with Hirashima and Soap arm wrestling)

Soap: Are you being weak on purpose?

Hirashima: No, I don't want to crush your arm

Soap: You are just that strong, I don't believe you

(Hirashima knocks Soap's hand down)

(Soap's arm are twisted)

Soap (feels their shoulder): One, cool. Two, oww!

Hirashima: I told you

(Hirashima taps Soap's shoulder and it's shoulder is healed)

Soap: Thank you and I won't ever doubt your strength again

Onishi (not shown): Breakfast is ready!

Soap: Great, good thing, he always start at 10:00

(Soap runs downstairs)

(Hirashima's tail goes up)

Hirashima: I have to go

(Hirashima speeds away)

(The screen switches to Hirashima entering a bakery on fire)

(A woman who has long blonde hair in a bun, white skin, freckles, glasses, wearing an apron, blue shirt, long pink skirt, and heels named Sarai appears, looking shocked)

Sarai: My bakery!

(The fire is out and Hirashima burps)

(Sarai runs into the bakery)

(Hirashima speeds away and fix all around)

(Sarai looks shocked)

Hirashima (as a blur): Please don't scream

Sarai: Who are you? And how are you fixing my bakery, like this?

(Hirashima reveals himself and smiles)

Sarai (shocked): You're that that mutant

Hirashima: Nice to meet you, word of advice make sure the oven isn't on

Sarai: I knew I forgot something, oh well I probably was doing that because it wasn't going to make a difference

Hirashima: Because this place is empty and hasn't had many customers in a while

Sarai: Are you a fortune teller or are you a stalker?

Hirashima: Fortune teller

Sarai: Okay, then tell me how I get back in business

Hirashima: Where's your recipe book?

Sarai: On the bookshelf

(Hirashima grabs a red book)

Sarai: Anyway, I doubt you can help me

Hirashima: Watch this

(Hirashima moves at super speed again)

(Sarai looks amazed as she sees Hirashima as a blur)

(Hirashima reveals a bunch of blueberry cupcakes with velvet frosting)

Sarai: My cupcakes and these smell amazing

Hirashima: No, taste testing (runs out the bakery with super speed)

(Hirashima whistles)

(A bunch of people outside are texting)

(The people look up and sees the cupcakes)

A woman: Cupcakes (runs)

(The woman walks to Hirashima)

(Hirashima hands the woman a cupcake and the woman tastes it)

The woman (looked surprised): Holy Moly

(A man runs to Hirashima and Hirashima hands the cupcake)

(A bunch of people gather around Hirashima)

The crowd: Cupcakes! Cupcakes!

(Hirashima runs into the bakery and the people follow him)

(There are a bunch of cupcakes on display)

(A bunch of people are holding money)

(Hirashima taking the money and giving cupcakes to people)

Hirashima: Believe me now

Sarai: Yes, and now can I try your cupcakes since it's my recipe?

Hirashima: Got it

(Hirashima gives a cupcake to Sarai)

A woman: I'm coming here everyday

A man: Me too

Woman #2: Me as well

(A bunch of people agree)

Sarai (looks at Hirashima): Thank you

Hirashima: You are welcome

(Episode ends)