
Episode 1

(The episode opens with a 15-year-old boy who has short black hair, brown skin, wearing a blue cap, green shirt with a red spot, blue jeans, and white shoes is riding on his bike)

(The boy has pizza boxes in his basket)

(The boy's name is Hirashima Kannon)

Hirashima (thought): Heading to a party (stops)

(The screen shows a construction sign)

Hirashima: Why today? Well, this is my last delivery, so I'm going to find a way to deliver this, so I don't get yelled at.

(Hirashima looks at a map and smiles; then puts the map in his pocket and heads off)

Hirashima (thought): This might be the most dangerous thing I ever did, but I'll be okay as long as I don't catch any of their attention.

(The screen shows messed up houses in a neighborhood, bicycles flipped over, nobody around, etc)

Hirashima (thought) (riding closer to the hill): That goodness, there doesn't seem to be anyone around

(A gunshot is heard)

(Hirashima heads to the alley)

Hirashima: I should be good here.

A familiar voice: Is that you, Wolf?

Hirashima (thought): (jumped) That's impossible, nobody alive knows me by that name.

This person: Bet, you didn't expect to see your old boyfriend.

(Hirashima turns around to see a boy who has short blonde hair, brown skin, wearing a brown shirt, red pants, and white shoes)

(This boy's name is Onishi)

Hirashima (backing up): Impossible, you should be dead.

(Onishi gets out his gun, and has an evil look on his face)

Onishi: So, you did betray us, and even wanted to leave me to die, well now I'm going to kill you like you wanted to kill me.

Hirashima: Onishi, please, I didn't want you gone, I promise. I was going to save you, but the fire was spreading too quickly. Please.

(Onishi walks to Hirashima and kisses him on the lips)

Hirashima (blushes): Onishi.

Onishi: Hiroshima, you may have played everybody else as a fool, but not me.

(Hirashima fell to the ground with blood spreading everywhere)

(Onishi drops the gun)

(Hirashima sees Onishi's evil smile with blurry vision)

(Onishi hugs Hiroshima as he cries)

(The screen switches to a gymnasium with lights everywhere with the word "Limbo' on a sign)

(This person has long curly purple hair, white skin, wearing glasses, a blue suit and brown shoes; has an Angel wings on one side and devil wings on the other side)

This person (looks at the camera): This is in-between heaven and hell, since some souls are hard to be placed, so I get to judge those souls.

(This person's name is Ainsley)

Ainsley (cleaning): Stupid gang, they never learn sometimes. Well, I can take a break soon.

(Hirashima fell down to the floor)'

Ainsley (surprised): HuH? (looks at Hirashima) More work? (looks in a file)And this guy's bio looks very interesting.

Hirashima (gets up): What happened? What are you?

Ainsley (looking insulted): How rude.

Hirashima: I meant who are you.

Ainsley (with a playful smile): My name is Ainsley and you see I was born female, but I changed to male, so I'm transgender and as for my hair I grew it out to mess with people; and you are here because we can't decide whether to settle you in heaven or hell because of your actions, so I'll judge you.

Hirashima (looks at Ainsley) (looking worried): So, what kind of a way will you judge me?

Ainsley (looks at a clipboard): You are going to be set back to Earth and will have to prove you can do good for others than yourself.

Ainsley (looks at the clipboard): That can't be right, I'm supposed to give a series of tests and see how you react.

Hirashima (smiles): So, I'm going back to Earth.

Ainsley: Yeah,

Hirashima (looks suspicious): What's the catch?

Ainsley (looking annoyed): Are you deaf? I said you have to 37 good deeds for other people, oh and you will be a mutant.

Hirashima: A mutant? So, I will have powers, yeah.

Ainsley: But, I will make this more interesting, oh and you have one month to do good, if you show no progress then you go to hell, but if you show progress you will be welcomed to heaven.

Hirashima: So, if I do it in one month, I'll be sent to heaven.

Ainsley: Yup, so don't screw up and use your powers wisely.

Hirashima (with a determined look on his face): I understand, I will do my best.

(Ainsley smiles, then kisses Hirashima on the lips)

(Hirashima blushes, while covering his mouth)

Ainsley: See you in one month (snaps his fingers)

(Hirashima disappears)

(The screen switches to Hirashima in the alley)

Hirashima: I'm back, wait, something doesn't feel right.

(Onishi looks up to sees Hirashima with a blue cap, white shirt, blue pants, and white shoes; and has a long python tail)

Onishi (looking scared and backs up): It can't be. Are you a ghost? Why do you have a tail?

Hirashima: I'm not a ghost, but I have been sent back to Earth to do some good deeds and then I can go to Heaven.

Onishi: But, your body was already sent to the hospital

Hirashima: I know, that's why it took me so long to get back here

Onishi (backing up): So, no hard feelings right

Hirashima: Well, I am pissed that you killed me, but since I have to do good in order to go to Heaven, I can't kill you

Onishi: Oh (runs off)

Ainsley: If you want to repent your sins, then go after him.

Onishi: As if, I would help my traitorous ex-boyfriend

Ainsley: Well, it's your choice

(The episode ends up with Hirashima looking at an orphanage)