
Episode 12

(The episode opens with Hirashima and Onishi is dancing at a party at night with flashing lights and plenty of people)

Onishi: It's a while, since we party

Hirashima: That is true

Onishi: But, we had fun at Las Vegas

Hirashima: Too true, hope we can go back

Onishi; I bet we will

Hirashima: Yeah

(Hirashima's tail goes up)

(There is a tornado outside and sucking up cars, trees, and animals)

Hirashima: Oh no, trouble is coming.

(Hirashima's eyes glow and a bunch of people are put into a bubble)

(The screen shows Hirashima inside with Onishi alone)

(Onishi sees the tornado inside the house)

(Hirashima puts a shield around Onishi and the house)

(Hirashima is heading outside)

Onishi: (stops Hirashima) Whoa! You are going out there to face a tornado (freaks out) like an actual tornado

Hirashima: It's actually a magical tornado that absorbs the souls of humans and animals.

Onishi (panics): Seriously, how I am supposed to feel better after hearing that

Hirashima: I understand that you are horrified, but I don't go, we won't have a home

(Onishi kisses Hirashima on the lips)

Onishi: Just be safe.

Hirashima: I'll be back, don't worry (goes outside)

Onishi (looking out the window): You better keep that promise

Hirashima (voice echoes): I will

(Onishi look worried)

(The screen shows Hirashima heading to the tornado)

(The tornado is sucking up everything in its path)

(Hirashima put his hand on the ground, green glow comes around the ground and the green aura enter the tornado)

(The tornado is trying to take Hirashima's power)

(Hirashima fly around the tornado, his body glows, and blasts with the tornado with a white aura)

(The tornado backs up and shrinks a little)

(Hirashima appears with glowing wings made of a pure glowing rainbow aura and blasts the tornado more with the rainbow aura from his wings)

(The tornado fights back with a red aura)

(Hirashima hits the ground, looking a bit weak)

(The tornado tries to pull Hirashima into it)

(Hirashima uses his wings to try to fight back)

(The tornado takes Hirashima in)

(Onishi looked shocked)

(Hirashima inside the tornado, his eyes turn red, his tail glows and releases a white aura)

(The tail looks it is about to explode)

(The tornado is starting to release souls)

(Hirashima cuts his tail off and flies out of the tornado and lands on the ground)

(Onishi looked relieved and runs outside to Hirashima)

(Hirashima sees the the tornado explode and all kinds of souls are freed)

(Onishi tackled Hirashima and kisses him)

Hirashima: I told you I'll be fine

Onishi: Don't make light of this, I saw you struggle

Hirashima: Oh, right

A ghost: Thanks for saving us

Hirashima: No problem

A female ghost: Hold onto that love

A male ghost: How beautiful

A boy ghost: Just like my parents

A girl ghost: I know how annoying

(Episode ends)