

WONHEE let out a sigh of relief when Yejun fell asleep as soon as his back hit the mattress.

She pulled the duvet up to his neck carefully.

Then she sat on the chair next to the bed.


Tangerine Fairy turned to Wonhee. "Are you changing my name, Chu Wonhee?"

Wonhee smiled awkwardly while scratching her cheek. "I just realized that 'Tangerine Fairy' is too long. Can I call you 'Tannie' as a pet name?"

"That sounds cute."

"You like it?"

"I'll change my name to 'Tannie' in the System's database."

Wonhee smiled and nodded, relieved that Tangerine Fairy liked the pet name she came up with. "Alright, Tannie."

"Oh, I asked the System about my gender and it said I'm a boy."

"I see. Thank you for telling me, Tannie."

"And we're the same age."

"Then can I speak informally with you?"

"Go ahead."