
My Life as The Avatar

I died and was reborn as aang after he was trapped in an iceberg. Self insert.SI Power hungry person decides that the main character hasn’t used a tiny bit of his potential. After reincarnation, he believes that he will get all the itches and become overpowered, maybe rule over a country or two.

VinixxVidixxVici · TV
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37 Chs

Vs sokka

I saw a guards hand enter his pocket and pull out with a knife. It was covered is some sort of liquid that was transparent. It was a poison.

He was dragged out from the field as he was was practically begging to not be held accountable and that he had been forced by something but he had no evidence regarding this claim.

The entire mood of the fight science had turned somber as they had seen one of their own people attack the avatar for no reason.

Most of the members had accepted that my 100 year hiatus was an accident and very few blamed it on me. So to see an attack on an innocent for a crime he hadn't committed was a pretty good hit in the moral of the soldiers.

This was quickly offset as the chief, the elders and Pakku arrived for the 4th last round of the tournament. They knew what had gone done but they provided a jovial attitude for the next round. It would be the 5th round and I didn't even bother looking for my opponent as i knew who he was. I walked down into my area.

By the time I had arrived, my opponent was already standing across me with a spear and a boomerang in his hand, he had slicked his hair back into a ponytail as he has a full face mask that had white, blue and black markings in a human like pattern.

It was of course sokka.

"Aang. I know that we were all buddy buddy for a while but I won't be holding back and I recommend you to not hold back. You can bend water if you want. I need to prove myself against your full power. And I won't lose!"

As he said this, he charged at me with his spear while he threw his boomerang. I knew exactly what he was doing so I decided to respond without bending.

I rushed towards him and I sidestepped his spear but he seemed ready for that as he performed a flawless side kick. I had no choice but to take it headon as I crossed my arms bracing for the impact. But surprisingly, I felt no impact, I felt air move out of the way as a boomerang nearly hit me but I managed to duck under it.

"No bad, Sokka. Not bad at all."

"They don't call me the wildcard for nothing aang."

"Well I guess I have my own wildcard."

His eyes widened and his body tensed as he looked around suspiciously for something to happen. He took his eyes fo from me for one second but in that moment i struck with a flying kick.

He barely managed to block it with his arms but even then he was pushed back to the bounds of the field.

He of course tried to charge at me but I was ready for that and I tripped him and grabbed him mid air before judo throwing him into the boundary.

He a managed to barely hold on as he threw his boomerang straight at me before throwing his spear at me like a javelin and following up with a charge of his own.

I mahange to dodge the boomerang by sliding under it and dodge the spear/javelin by jumping over it and landing on top of sokka.

He started to attack me with max ferocity. Throwing punches, kicks and a bit of martial arts but I managed to dodge them all with my feathery light body and my pretty small surface area.

It was at this moment when the boomerang that sokka had thrown to come around but this time, sokka had forgotten about it. I moved out of the way as sokka's own boomerang managed to hit sokka out of bounds.

I pushed my hand out to him as a gesture of friendship.

"Not bad at all. I a rekh managed to dodge your attacks but you need to be more aware of your surroundings. Especially in a war when stray attacks are more common then in one on one battles."

"You weren't all that and either. I always thought that the avatar would be someone would always rely on his bending for everything and wasn't a warrior. I guess I shouldn't have underestimated you."

"Don't worry about it." I did steal your girl but technically you haven't even talked to her yet so I say we call it even.


I heard a scream from one of the other platforms as I turned around to see an extremely large near 7ft tall man standing in front of a spear wielding opponent.

At closer notice I could see that the spear was extremely well decorated and well kept, most likely a elders son. But when I looked further, I saw many cracks running across the entire spear. The spear would fall apart any second now.

"Haha. All you weapon welders are the same. Always whining without your weapons. It was one of the main reasons I like to use my fists. They are honest and you can't take them away from me!"

I could actually see a lot of people in the crowd agreeing with his ideology. Probably a sales drive or a recruitment tactic for using fists and from the reaction, I could say that it was working.

Well as long as he doesn't try and include my in this, I have no problem with this. Though I did notice that according to my predictions, the man wou,d be my opponent for eight round.s o after this, random, Chief, unarmed burly man and final round Pakku.