
Lawrence Brothers

"All clear now," we said as we tried our best not to puke.

Clement then ushered us into the last chamber.

"This is the chamber where the map is hidden," Amy Lee said.

Clement nodded and said, "Everyone look for the map. You have half an hour.

"After that, for every ten minutes gone, one of you will die if you don't find it."

The hell with him.

This Clement is a sadistic bastard.

I cursed him silently but time is of essence.

Me and the rest of the team then hurriedly searched for the map.

I pretended to look anxious, like a lost deer in bright headlights.

"Huh, look at him, boss, as if he'll burst out crying anytime," Small Lawrence said.

The rest of Clement's team burst out laughing at my plight.

Of course, I was trying to look lost and dull their awareness.

"You sick fucks!" Bobby wanted to lash out at them.

I pulled him back.

"Sam, these fuckers—" Before he could continue, I shook my head vigorously.

"Time is ticking, just search for the map," I tried to calm him down.

He gave out a frustrated cry and carried on.

After a few moments, I looked at the stone statues in the chamber.

I pretended to be in deep thought.

Then came close to one of the stone statues and looked at it intensely.

Suddenly, I slapped my forehead, then loudly exclaimed, "I figured it out! The map must be hidden under the statues!"

Wrapping my arms around the statue, I tried as hard as I could to move the stone statue, but it wouldn't move even an inch.

"Come help me move this statue," I looked at the Lawrence brothers, asking them to help me.

Clement nodded and they came forward.

He looked at us, focused on my direction, in case I was playing punk.

"Use all your strength, 1…2…3…." I cried out loud.

In the meantime, Kurnawan went to the coffin, out came his Karembits.

With a swift motion, he slit the stomach of the corpse open.

He dug into the stomach, then after a while, he pulled out his hand.

This time with a scroll of the map in his hand.

Seeing that no one noticed, he quickly hid it in his shirt.

"Damn you, there's nothing underneath the statue," Big Lawrence cursed at me.

The stone statue had nothing underneath.

I apologized profusely.

All the while, thinking to myself, "Perfect, we have the map and now we just have to wait."

Just as I thought everything was going fine, the air smelled different.

The musty smell of mold in the chamber was now filled with the smell of spices.


The special condiments used to preserve the corpse had an overpowering smell.

Clement was no fool; he raised his pistol and pointed it in the direction of Kurnawan.

"Stop moving! What did you do!"

"I did nothing," Kurnawan said, showing his now empty hands and giving Clement his usual smile.

Clement walked slowly towards the coffin.

The Lawrence brothers kept their eyes on the rest of us.

Then it happened, a blow dart appeared at the back of Clement's neck.

Clement felt the dart, pulled it out, and looked at it.

He looked up, tried to open his mouth, but he blacked out and fell to the ground.

The Lawrence brothers turned around, fired a round of suppressive fire.

All the shots missed; the Dayak man immediately ran.

When they turned back to us, Sea Snake Fang suddenly slid out from the dark.

His two palms went at the Lawrence brothers' heads.

The Lawrence brothers raised their hands and blocked the palm strike.

Kurnawan rolled towards them and knelt, swiping at their Achilles tendons with his Karembits.

They jumped back, and Amy Lee threw a packet of red-colored powder at them.

Big Lawrence swatted at the packet.

"Puff" red-colored powder enveloped the air around them.

Their eyelids slowly closed, but just as their eyes closed completely,

They took out syringes and injected them into each other's spines. 

"Argh," both howled out as if in huge pain.

Then they started panting and growling like some beast.

Sea Snake Fang sidestepped and gave another palm strike at Big Lawrence.

Big Lawrence punched at Sea Snake Fang; it was so fast that it sounded like a whip, cracking through the air.

Unfortunately, Sea Snake Fang couldn't block it; he flew across to the end of the chamber, tumbling along the way.

All I could think to myself was, Monsters!

These Lawrence brothers are monsters.

Kurnawan went over to check on Sea Snake Fang; he was still alive.

Amy Lee threw another packet of red-colored powder again.

They growled and swatted it away.

It was enough to buy time for Kurnawan to carry Sea Snake Fang.

"Everyone, take cover!" Firecracker Tan shouted out loud.

I saw the glass jar in his hand; I quickly ducked down, covered my ears, and raised my body away from the floor.

Small Lawrence howled and took a swat at the glass jar as if it was nothing.


The glass jar exploded; glass shrapnel flew in all directions.

I caught some of it all over my body.

The Lawrence brothers took most of the impact, both now unconscious from the shockwave.

"Everyone, get out!" Amy Lee shouted.

"Bobby, are you ok?" I shouted.

"I'm ok, let's go!"

I was so relieved that he was all right.

When we got out of the tomb, Crystal Siti was in a trance; the Dayak man had taken care of her.

"Where do we go now?" I asked.

"I have a safe house. Follow my lead," Amy Lee replied, and we got into the Jeep and took off.

It was an empty warehouse, vacant for years.

There were no other buildings nearby, making it easy to spot anyone approaching.

After we entered the warehouse and settled down, Amy Lee took out a First-aid kit and proceeded to attend to all of us.

She first cleaned any open wound with a cotton bud and alcohol.

Then she took out the glass shrapnel slowly with tweezers.

Sea Snake Fang was conscious after a while; after checking on him, some of his ribcage bone were fractured.

He will have to be out of action for at least a few weeks.

"Sam, you have to be responsible," Bobby cried out in jest.

"Responsible for what?"

"My face is disfigured; how do I find a wife now?"

I looked at the small cut on his cheek and rolled my eyes.

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