
My life as a monster

[Hello new author here plz support me with your love . I have just started writing web novels. but I hope you my readers will help me. In This amazing journey. Plz give your thoughts on my work in the coment box. I hope to upload daily.] Read the story. Synopsis Coming soon

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Alex gain the skill of hard skin. Then his entire body started becoming a little black. "I can feel my defense stronger than before". Than Alex stared at the rabbit like monster. The monster then attacked Alex with his claw. The claws struck Alex but he was not even scratched. "I like this, but you won't like it" with this being said Alex look straight into the rabbit monster eye and smile while he made a claw by using his feet and attack the rabbit on its eye. The rabbit started to cried loudly due to him being in pain by losing his eye. His fur was now covered in red.

The rabbit started attacking alex in frenzy but Alex defense was too strong for itt after some time it's attack got slow and slow until it was too slow. Then Alex kick his leg straight at the rabbit other eye taking it out.

[congratulations for Host to defeat the rabbit monster and getting 10 points] °

Alex looked at the dead rabbit and then started to leave this area because he knew the blood of rabbit will make monster appeared due to its smell.

Then Alex started running from this place but suddenly after taking more than 100 steps Alex suddenly falled and his head started to pain. "whatttt" Alex then started rolling on the ground due to him being in pain. After some time the pain stopped but Alex was still in shock due to the pain in his head.

"just what happend". "system what happend to me explain"

System:host you were getting these headaches because.....

Catch you on next time on this novel. Keep watching if you want to know more about Alex...