
My life as a god

Dale was an orphan just a simple boy in a church orphanage, his father left him at the church for an unknown reason. 15 years later, After After 15 years of being an orb,han something happened to him. Sorry for the grammar im still improving I hope whoever was reading this right now is alright about it. I'll try my best to get my grammar good. His power: Flicking his finger he can do whatever he wants by just flicking. But when he's on the earth his power gets weaker the earth was formed for mortals so he can't do anything about it but there's one thing he can do actually. By slaying the earth's evil "Acheron"(means:Rever of sorrows). But before killing the earth's evil he needs to kill his trillion armies. (I mean that's a lot, but both are good and evil so they can summon many armies.) Dale explore all the planets and when it was 3000 planets there someone stopped him and that's where his enemies were shown. Before that he experienced 2997 life of unknown persons he was reincarnated, rebirth, transmigrate, etc. When he gets to another body he can't remember anything, it's all because of the system dale made himself the system wants dale to experience all the hard work that the world can give before dale get back to his original body. Dale's appearance:His weight is just right balanced not chubby not skinny either, and handsome and 6-foot height he can change his hair color every time he wants his eyes are like a void space. Pss: this is a long long long story ill update it every ti, If I have time. Thanks

shame_lie · Fantasía
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11 Chs

The space and earth and the people

It's 7 in the morning.

And the dark mist in Dale room is completely gone.

while dale was resting he began to shake.

"krog kroghhh."

after the shaking Dale's body was disappear and all over the world has freeze.

dale was appeared in unknown place it was a space he was floating and the mid air in it and he feel strong in there, therefore he feel confused and something was coming towards him.

it was a energy light it stop in front of dale while dale was startled by it.

"ahh, what was it."

he can't clearly see because of the light coming from the energy.

while he's floating and the light energy was cracking, and disappear like bubbles.

"what just happened! it disappears."

while dale was confuse about the light disappearing.

he began to look around for the exit.

he still can't find the exit.

and the area was so big and it feels like endless space.

the space that dale was floating in was shaking tremendously while he's not wearing anything he was so scared and curious.

"what happening! I just know that my clothes was gone! where should I go the place is shaking it's so scary and here."

dale was floating away and still was to find the exit.

until he find something in the left side of the space there's a floating scroll and it's imitating so much energy, and the left of the scroll there's a planet earth.


he float towards it and he look at the planet. dale discovered the planet earth globe it's look like a little ball but it's also imitating some aura dale can see an aura in the planet and the scroll after he look at the planet he float towards the scroll and open it.

"let's open this scroll it has so much energy."

he opened it and some aura was flying and get to dale's body.

"ackkk, huf huff what are those it feel like a knife."

he was pale while holding the scroll therefore the scroll start to float, and it dive towards dale head and dale was fell in the space he was floating and he was like sleeping.

after so much time dale was now awake and he look like a new person his body was become more matured his face was become more handsome.

while dale was waking he look at his hand and his head hurt, and some written words flying through dale's head he feel like dying and dying again like loop.

"@#!*... helpppp ackk."

after so much pain dale was slowly getting much more less in pain, he stand up and look allover his body therefore all the written words that are flying, and dive through his head are all the secret of the universe and earth and all the planet allover the billion miles of universe and also multiverse.

he has now much more knowledge about the universe he has more power.

but that ends there he fell down and waking up in the hospital in his room.

And sister maria was crying.

The body of dale was still weak he wonder if it's real or just dream?

"dale are you fine?"

he touches the face of dale while crying.

"yes sister maria I'm fine. just what happened in here why are you crying?"

while dale was in bed and looking at sister Maria his eyes suddenly shine and disappear after a second.

"after I was leaving the whole place was shaking, and allover the place except for your room was broken, and about why I was crying because your pulse was gone for 10 minutes and the doctor was not here because there so much patient in frontline in hospital."

While holding dale's hand Maria was crying.

"is that so... but hey I'm okay now sister maria and I think tomorrow I can be discharged in here!"

he held the hands of maria and cheering him.


he's looking at Dale eyes and he feel comfortable.

"okay you will be discharged here tomorrow so you should be resting now."

while the other was breaking apart some people was trying to rebuild all the room.

dale was still the same not like in his space room.

he call it space room.

the space that he thought that it was dream.

it's tomorrow morning they are ready to go back home, while sister maria is paying the bills in hospital Anna and Joel was waiting in the front of the church waiting for dale's arrival.

"it's 9 o'clock in morning now, where are they they should be here for at least 7 I think."

while Anna was standing and talking

Joel was sitting in the stairs in the front of the door while his face has bored Expression.

"yawnn... we should wait they really gonna be here just wait."

and dale and sister maria was walking towards the church and Joel saw it.

"oh I can see them now I can see them look Anna it's sister Maria let's go."

Joel was pointing at sister Maria and dale.

dale was waving at them.

"guys we are here..."

"I thought you are not gonna be in here and you will be in the hospital forever."

Anna was standing in front of dale and dale was smiling and Joel hug him tightly.

"ohh I miss you so much brother dale, Anna let's group hug why are you still standing in there?"

Anna was running and hug them.

"you kids is so fun to watch we should go in the church."

and then sister maria slowly open the door all the eyes glance allover the place was in dale face they glance at him while biting there lips.

and the woman is approaching dale.

"why the hell was that kid still here! he should be burning to death because of him father homir was dead, we know it your the source of the bad luck in here."

while pointing his finger towards dale, dale was looking at them he has no expression at all.

"sigh... so you you'll say that I'm the one who killed father homir? did you know how much I owe him I feel like useless after he dead Thanks to people who support me they give me courage to stay, and you even though you don't know what's really happened you suspected me for what reason? because I'm the child of demon? so what if I'm really the child of demon you don't have the proof evidence to show."

he was so pale while talking and shouting while standing in front of everyone.

"yeah you're right I think we're in wrong were so sorry dale."

"yeah sorry we doubted you! we really don't have a proof and evidence to show I hope you will forgive us?"

they feel down and looking slowly walking away.

"you all should not apologizing to me you all should apologize to father homir."

he shouted so loud, and the people who slowly leaving was stopped and looked back.

"ahmm dale we should go to your room we're sorry."

while he held dale arm they apologizing to him.

"yeah dale we're sorry."

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