
My Level Up Dungeon App

Ordinary high school student, Shion Reita (Tama Da Shion). One day, an app called "Dungeon Survive" is installed on his smartphone. Benefiting from this app, he gains skills. Eager to explore, he decides to challenge the dungeon and level up. However, what he doesn't yet know is the fact that among the numerous players, he is the only one capable of leveling up

Mercury_2244 · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Episode 7: Reactions from Classmates

It was fortunate that I challenged the dungeon on a Friday. I could prepare both my uniform and casual clothes over the weekend. It's a stroke of luck amidst misfortune, as they say.

And then, on Monday.

As soon as I entered the classroom, everyone looked at me. And all my classmates began to stir.

"Who... is that?"

"A suspicious person... but... wearing our uniform, so are they a student here?"

"But I've never seen them before. A guy that big, you wouldn't forget seeing him once..."

"Who on earth is that? And what business do they have coming to our class?"

"Hey, isn't he kinda cool?"

"Yeah, right? ...He's kinda my type."

"He's a bit too big, but his face is like an idol's... totally okay."

"With a body that big, I bet his... you know, downstairs, is also quite big... I want a piece of that..."

Suddenly, most of my classmates were flustered by my sudden increase in height. Not a single person realized my true identity. To them, with my height increasing by over 30 centimeters overnight and my appearance improving, they wouldn't recognize me as the same person as before.

But... this is an opportunity.

Until now, I've received indifferent reactions from the students, but this is a chance to showcase the new me. While their initial reactions may be suspicious, once we talk a bit, they'll realize I'm Rei Tashiro.

"Um, excuse me..."


Summoning my courage, I spoke to a nearby male student, who inexplicably let out a short scream. ...How cruel. What a shock.

Even though I'm socially awkward, I mustered up all my courage. What a terrible reaction. Ah... this is depressing.

"Hey... are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I-I was just... scared..."

"But... your voice, I feel like I've heard it somewhere before?"

"Even though he has a slim handsome face, his voice is kinda nerdy, right?"

"...Where did I hear it before? I feel like I heard it recently..."

Before I could follow up, the male student I approached went back to his friends far away. He seemed to be contemplating something... but why mention my nerdy voice? They're making me self-conscious.

But... this is slightly troublesome.

Since they haven't realized my true identity, some of my classmates seem to be treating me as a suspicious person. While many students are sending admiring glances my way, there are also those with fearful expressions. It seems revealing my true identity promptly would be wise.

"Um, I'm... Rei Tashiro."

I held up my student handbook and announced it.

Then the classroom fell silent.

...Did I say something strange?

"Rei Tashiro...?"

"Who's that?"

"Do you know him?"

"No, I've never heard of him...?"

...These guys are really harsh.

The old me was a gloomy loner, a loser with no redeeming qualities... but at least remember my name. Don't treat me like I don't exist.


I sighed and took my seat.

It's really... tough.

Even though my appearance has changed, and even though I look better, no one seems to notice me. Instead, if a stranger suddenly came to the classroom, everyone would treat them as suspicious.

"Hey, who are you really?"

As soon as I sat down and sighed, a gruff voice was directed at me. I looked up, and there was a delinquent.

"Woah!? What's with that reaction? It's annoying."

I involuntarily recoiled and fell off my chair. I was surprised, because there's a delinquent at school. ...No, on closer inspection, he's not a delinquent.

The rugged man in the uniform had a familiar face. That's right, I remember him. He was in the same class as me, a guy who didn't fit in with our school's excellence and who I found frustrating when I first enrolled.

"Uh, um... are you... Yamada?"

"Who's got such a plain name like that?"

"Th-then... Sato?"

"Are you... mocking me?"

I shook my head.

In the past, I would have surely been afraid of him.

But now that I've conquered the dungeon, I feel nothing even if he tries to intimidate me. Neither fear nor awe.

But... I can't remember his name. I remember him as an incredibly bad guy, someone who was really difficult to deal with and who bullied one of our classmates. But I didn't have any information about him.

"Heh... I'm Motohira Morimoto."

"I'm Rei Tashiro."

Even when I heard his name, it didn't ring a bell.

Perhaps because we had no connection.

...I'm in no position to blame others for not remembering me.

After I told him my name, he suddenly became displeased. Did I say something wrong? I haven't made any slip-ups like saying "mo" too much in names, have I!?

"...I don't know who you are."

"I-is that so?"

"But your well-proportioned face pisses me off."

"Uh, thanks?"

"You... are you mocking me!?"

He suddenly lunged at me. His fist hit my forehead with a thud, but there was no pain. It didn't hurt more than a mosquito bite.

But unlike me, Motohira seemed to be suffering.

He held his hand and crouched down in pain. Ah, serves him right.

"Eh!? Motohira's fist... didn't work!?"

"Motohira might have a bad attitude, but he's the local boxing champion!"

"He once fought and defeated a hundred delinquents! And now... he's struggling!?"

"Who is that handsome guy!?"

The surrounding students were astonished.

Huh, he was such an amazing guy.

But. He's just human after all.

His strength doesn't even compare to a goblin's.

"You... remember this."

"Huh? Did I do something wrong!?"

"Someday... I'll beat you up!!"

"Eh, w-well..."

With that declaration, Motohira and his lackeys left the classroom. They slammed the classroom door and left roughly.

After he left, the classroom fell silent.

And then--

"Wow!! You're amazing!!"

"You!! Pushing back Motohira!?"

"That's seriously awesome!! You handsome guy!!"

"Tell us your name!! Let's hang out!!"

"Wow, you're really a great guy!!"

"Both your face and your strength are amazing... let's be friends!!"

"Make me your girlfriend!! Please!!"

"Let's mate!! I want your seed!!"

Once Motohira left the classroom, the students gathered around me one after another. Some of them made slightly extreme remarks, and while their sudden praise seemed convenient, it was just a minor issue. What mattered was that I had become popular, and that feeling was pure happiness.

In my entire life, I've never been surrounded by so many people. This situation surrounding me is all thanks to "Dungeon Survival". Enjoying the newfound popularity and attention from the bottom of my heart, I was basking in my new popularity .

"Ah, ahaha..."

 However, since I have a communication problem, I was unable to give a friendly reply. I have to improve not only my level but also my communication skills.