
My Legendary General System

All these young men chasing harems don’t seem to realize just how much trouble one woman is! - a strangely old looking 25 year old ... Please, officer, I swear he walked into my axe. It wasn't me, truly! ("I'm convinced, Captain...") - testimony from recently released convict ... Instead of stealing my woman, can you steal my wallet? Please... Actually, never mind. I preferred my wallet. - a merchant undergoing a raid

Nick_Alderson · Fantasía
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884 Chs

The Spring Raids - Part 6

Rage brought answer to Vol. The answer was simple. The answer had been there all along. Punch what was in front of him, and see what happened. Was that not as good a plan as any? It worked for the wolves – they fought and the strongest took charge. It had even worked for Vol. That was why he'd won even the few men that he had, wasn't it? Why stop now, especially when he was quite sure that he was stronger than Blackbeard himself?

The sensible thing would have been to draw back. The logical thing, even. That was clearly what Nootka expected of him. Sit down, shut up and be quiet. It was obvious to everyone that Vol was dissatisfied with Blackbeard's leadership, but so what? It was equally obvious to everyone that he didn't have the men to properly challenge it. Or so they assumed.

"Fuckin' Nootka," Vol smiled, shaking his head, taking a step forward.