Match your pulse with the rhythm of combat, and you'll dominate any fight.
The men began to flee. It was the only logical thing to do when faced with such an inexplicable monstrosity. They tried to get as far away from the black circle as they could, though more than a few had their feet swept out from under them by the corpses that were being dragged their way.
"Magic…" The Earl hissed. "It's him, isn't it? He's pulling some sort of spell. He means to scare us, and tempt us into killing him. Do not yield. Gag his mouth, so he can utter no further magic words!"
A gag was stuffed into Vol's mouth with a promptness. If he could, he would have laughed at their lack of understanding. Their efforts did nothing to protect themselves.
"Wait! Earl Maddon! It's reaching for the men as well!" One of the Second Boundary men cried.