
Chapter 1

This time I'm doing it, I can't wait anymore, if I wait any longer they will kill me.

I'm tired of this life already but I can't die, the little ones still needs me, I can't die so I just have to end it, end all this pain.

I don't believe in God.

I don't believe in God because I always prayed, prayed for the end of my misery, prayed for someone to save me, prayed to meet someone who understands me yet none of my prayers have been answered so I stopped praying.

But right now, I will pray one last time.

If there is a God, then hear my final wish, I wish that today become the turning point of my life, the day where all changes.

I open my eyes to look around me, I'm in my classroom, and everybody is in groups, gossiping, bullying, and mocking. That's all they keep doing. All of them are wearing masks hiding their true selves.

There's one group that everyone seems to avoid.

There are 5 people in this group, they are all good looking, but the reason they are eye-catching is their unique personalities, they all have different characters but all of them are kind and honest, they say everything that's on their mind and never mock other people.

They are also all talented in something, be it singing, drawing, or science. They are all outstanding in their respective fields.

The bell announcing the end of the day wake me up from my daydream, I get up from my seat and walk up to the popular group, I stop right in front of one of the three boys and stutter.

"Ca-can I talk to you on-one minute please"

That was the only thing I could say, I began feeling uncomfortable because he wasn't answering, even though I wanted to explain more but I couldn't say a sentence without stuttering.

I can't talk fluently to people I didn't know for years at least, so the fact that I could say a sentence is a miracle.

"Come with me, let's talk in a calm spot." I hear his voice the moment I was going to force myself to explain better. I nod my head with strength when I realize what he meant.

He tells his friends to wait for him and walks out of the class, I follow him quietly.

I wonder what he is thinking about, he seems used to this, now that I think about it doesn't this look like I'm going to confess? Maybe that's what he's thinking, It's true that he is popular with girls, I guess he will be surprised when he hears what I have to say.

We reached the art classroom while I was in my thoughts, we walk in and then he closes the door, he stares at me waiting for me to speak.

I take a deep breath and say without stopping:

"I-I heard that your mother is a famous lawyer s-so I wish to talk to her, please I-I won't bother you again but I need t-to speak to her, I-I beg of you."

It might be too direct but I thought that making it short would be for the best.

I close my eyes and wait for his answer, this is my last chance, if this doesn't work ...

"How do you know my mother is a lawyer, no one in this school knows." He asked, looking at me suspiciously.

I knew he was going to ask, his identity is a secret after all, and the way I found this information isn't exactly legal.

"I-I will explain everything to you after talking to your mo-mother. I'm no-not threatening you or anything, I didn't tell thi-this to anyone, I swear I'm the only one that knows."

My voice became fainter by the end of my sentence.

I don't feel well, I think I'm going to faint, maybe I lost too much blood.

I can't feel my legs anymore and my head is heavy, maybe I should sleep a little bit ...

No, I can't sleep I have to hear his answer. I-I can't see his face, my sight is blurry, I'm falling, I can't fall, please say yes, make it end.

"Hey, are you alright? You're so pale." I can tell from his tone that he is worried, I'm grateful but right now the most important thing is ...

"pa-parents, I must meet your parents, please."

That's the only thing I could say before I fainted.

Hello, this is my first story so it might seem a little messy, also English is not my first language so my grammar too is not perfect, if you could give me advice or correct some of my errors I would be grateful. I hope you enjoy reading my work.

KuroiTenshicreators' thoughts