
Quests: Making A Team (part 12)

Quests: Making A Team (part 12)

War between Teams;

They were carefully advancing to the left part of the forest.

It was considered habitat for level two monsters and usually stronger chaser came here for hunting. 

Qiao lead them very slowly.

"Spread and look for a monster but be careful too," after some time he ordered.

The senior teams got their hunt quick and made sure to deal with it fast. 

"Since we are done now, let's move out to search for the youth," the team leader spoke to others and then they headed out. 

They were familiar with areas where they could find them so it was simple to reach them. They were experienced and quite familiar as to which part of the forest was safe to venture at what time of the month or days. They had much information about the forest and its various habitats and directions.