
MY LAST DREAM :01: Rise Of The Vertex Family

Aryan and his little sister Clare both awakened and started their journey in the MIRROR SPACE. . . . follow Aryan on his journey to become stronger, average chapter size will 500 words and it will always be between 450 - 700 words. special chapter would be around 1000 word if possible.

_ShivamPasvan_ · Fantasía
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17 Chs


[Congratulations On Awakening]

It was clear and emotionless voice that directly sounded in his mind.

As soon as Aryan saw this prompt rose before his eyes, all the information about system flooded in his mind. He started feeling a strong headache and soon he was knocked into half-unconscious state.

Aryan was able to hear and see what was happening around him, but was unable to move his body and soon enough he was able to see what was happening as the system prompts rose before his eyes.

[ System Merging progress : 1%....2%....21%....45%....65%....74%....89%....98%....99%....100% ]

[ System Merging Complete. Gathering Data From The Body Of Existence..... ]

[ All The Data Regarding The Body Of The Existence has Been Collected. ]

[ The Seed Of Tree Of LIFE Is Blooming In The Existence's ORIGIN ]

After that Aryan felt a sharp pain coming from his head and soul while he was completely knocked unconscious.

After more than a hour, Aryan slowly opened his eyes and sorted out memories directly transferred to his mind.

And soon enough he figured out what had happened and calmed down.


At the same time in the Mirror Space at one of the human bases, in one of the hotels many people were standing in the room while an old man who's aged seemed to more than 100 years was sitting in the sofa.

This old man had invited all the people here today.

Every people who was looking at the old man had gaze full of respect towards this old man.

"Mr. Prophet, why have you invited all of us here?"

One of the people asked as he couldn't his curiosity.

"Today, I have something important to tell you all"

Old man who was called Prophet said.

This old man was none other than world's oldest person. He had a ability to see FATE and DESTINY of the other beings and he was also able to see the glimpse of the future, but at this moment he had his face full of seriousness and what the next thing he said stunned said stunned all the people who was in the room.

"The second CHILD OF DESTINY has awakened."

All the people in the room were unable to believe what the Prophet had said and they were looking at the Prophet to elaborate more.

Seeing the gazes of all the people in the room turned towards him at once Prophet sighed and said,

"I don't know what happened but i had seen the glimpse of the future few months ago and now it has been confirmed because the second CHILD OF DESTINY has awakened just moments ago. "

" What...? "

This time it was not just one person but all the people in the room spoke in unison.

They were shocked to find that what Prophet had said earlier was true and that he wasn't joking about it either.

But who would've thought that what Prophet said about CHILD OF DESTINY was true and now what will happen humanity in future depends on that one person. it is something that will change the path which humanity would be walking will it be SLAVERY or RULERSHIP depended on that CHILD OF DESTINY.

"Now you all have only one thing to do, that is to find this CHILD OF DESTINY and keep him in the humanities side, unlike the one before. "

Prophet said as he stood up from where he was sitting and came to the window and started to look outside.

"Yes Mr. Prophet"

All the people in the room said unison, bowed and started leaving the room.