
My Kingdom Fall

A dangerous rebellion attacks and sparks a war between the four great kingdoms of Medivia. The rebellion seeks refuge across the sea. As the tensions rise, the war is right around the corner. A brave soldier chases after the rebellion, hoping to get revenge. A skilled soldier leads a great army under a strong king. A powerful influencer searches for a lost soul. Divine power influences and changes the balance of the war. A new king rises, challenging anyone who stands in his way.

NexusAzara · Fantasía
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67 Chs

Heriphitio and Triton

Lavernius stood still and let his body cool off. His glowing veins dimmed, but there was still a faint glow about them. He sheathed his sword and went into the cabin. The cabin looked like it was about to fall over. The door creaked as he opened it. The holes in the roof lit the house. A bed and a table sat against one wall. There wasn't much else. Lavernius moved to another room. This one had a desk and some chairs. A shattered window allowed sunlight to enter the building. On top of the desk were several books and papers. Some were blank and others had writing. Lavernius left the cabin and looked at the map.

"A volcano?" Lavernius asked

"Yeah, that giant thing that spews out lava." Owen said

"I don't think I've seen one, but I have heard of them before." Lavernius said, opening a portal.

He walked through it and it closed immediately behind him. In front of him was a steaming mountain that stretched to the clouds. He stood on a dirt path that led to a blacksmith's hut. The air was warm and the area around was mostly dirt and stone. It smelled of sulfur. Lavernius looked towards the hut and began to walk towards it. Smoke escaped through the chimney. As he got closer, he heard metal clashing. He stepped inside and saw a man beating on something with a hammer. He wore a thick leather glove on his right hand. He was wearing a dark green tunic and trousers. The man's hair was long and tied back and had a long beard. He looked up and saw Lavernius. He stopped hitting the item and wiped the sweat off his forehead. His left arm was shriveled up and looked unusable. His eyes glowed gold.

"Heriphitio?" Lavernius asked

"Yes. That's me." he said, sadly

"What happened to your arm?" Lavernius asked

"Want to sit down and talk?" Heriphitio asked

"Sure." Lavernius said

Heriphitio led him into his hut. They sat down at a small table. Heriphitio brought tea out for them.

"Why are you here, Stranger?" Heriphitio asked

"I'm here to kill all the gods." Lavernius said, bluntly.

"Oh, do you still want to hear the story?" Heriphitio asked

"Yeah." Lavernius said

"I used Cosmic Energy to make this dagger." Heriphitio said, pulling out a dagger from his holster. The dagger was warped.

"Cosmic Energy?" Lavernius asked

"The most powerful form of Energy. It has the ability to create and destroy matter. It even has the ability to bend reality. Only Kryptonick and Kayotic can use it fully. I tried to, but it destroyed my arm." Heriphitio said

"Why did it?" Lavernius said

"It is highly radioactive. If your body is weak or you can't regenerate fast enough, it will destroy it. It also drains your strength and stamina." Heriphitio said

"You sound... depressed." Lavernius said

"I lost my wife... my son... it is hard to make weapons with one hand." Heriphitio said

"Did you know where the Excalibur is?" Lavernius asked

"Yes. It is at the summit of the volcano." Heriphitio said

They sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Are you going to kill me?" Heriphitio asked

"Yes. I'll make it quick." Lavernius said

"Could you kill me with this?" Heriphitio asked, sliding the deformed dagger across the table.

"Sure." Lavernius said

Lavernius grabbed the dagger. Heriphitio closed his eyes and Lavernius stabbed him in the heart. It was a quick and painless death. Lavernius carried the body outside and burned it. The smoke stopped coming out of the chimney.

Once the ashes were gone, he opened a portal and stepped through it. On the other side was the peak of the volcano. Lavernius looked around. There was a plateau next to the pit of lava. It was all rock. Lavernius walked around and saw a sword lodged in the stone. The handle was made of jewels. The blade was made of obsidian. There were words inscribed on the sides. On one side they read: God Slayer. On the other side they read: Excalibur. Lavernius gripped the sword and easily pulled it out of the stone. He hung it over his shoulder. When it was free, the volcano rumbled and trembled. Lavernius quickly opened a portal and jumped through.

He was standing on the beach. The sun was beaming down on him. On the shore line, there was a lime-stone building. The waves crashed against it. Lavernius drew Excalibur and walked towards the temple. As he got closer, the waves got more aggressive. Inside was an altar and nothing else.

"Who dares to enter MY temple?" Triton asked

"I am Lavernius Bear. Are you Triton, god of the seas?" Lavernius said

"Yes. Have you come to worship?" Triton said

"Not exactly. Show yourself!" Lavernius said

Triton walked out of the shadows. His skin was scales, his teeth were like a shark's, and his eyes were gold.

"I've heard your name before. I just don't know where." Triton said

"My name will be the last name you hear." Lavernius said, unsheathing Excalibur.

"A fight you want, a fight you shall get." Triton said, running at Lavernius.

Lavernius dodged and countered with a thrust to Triton's gut. Triton blocked it with his arm and threw Lavernius off. Lavernius swung as hard as he could. The immense pressure of the swing sent a shock wave and cut off Triton's arm, as well as destroying half the temple. The god fell to the ground and clutched his bleeding arm. The bleeding stopped and Triton stood up. Lavernius quickly dashed at him, swinging Excalibur again. Triton ducked under the attack. Triton's arm regenerated slowly. They stood still and stared at each other.

"You are strong." Triton said

"I'm just warming up." Lavernius said

The temple began to crumble around them. They quickly ran out before the roof fell on top of them. The ocean's waves got taller and more aggressive. Triton tried to flee into the ocean, but Lavernius tackled him before he could get any deeper. Lavernius used gravity Energy to bring Triton back to the surface and onto the sand. Lavernius rushed Triton and cut his body in half. Excalibur went through his body like a hot knife through butter. Triton's blood splattered all over the place. Laverius walked over to the body and cut off the head, just to be safe. The ocean calmed down. It was still and not even a little ripple was on the surface. All the fish swam away. Lavernius watched the sun set over the vast ocean.