
My Kingdom Fall

A dangerous rebellion attacks and sparks a war between the four great kingdoms of Medivia. The rebellion seeks refuge across the sea. As the tensions rise, the war is right around the corner. A brave soldier chases after the rebellion, hoping to get revenge. A skilled soldier leads a great army under a strong king. A powerful influencer searches for a lost soul. Divine power influences and changes the balance of the war. A new king rises, challenging anyone who stands in his way.

NexusAzara · Fantasía
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67 Chs

Dying Light

Murmurs fill the streets. The people are required to get inside their homes and away from the harbor. King Nick Arnald is standing on the docks talking to a messenger that was sent from Kingdom of Dusk. Nick is rather short and is completely bald. If he didn't wear his crown the light would be reflected off the top of his head. He has green eyes and has no kids or a wife. He also is the only king that doesn't carry a sword but he does have a bodyguard with him all the time. Within the hour, the streets were empty and only soldiers were marching through the kingdom. The Kingdom of Light has a very weak army but it matches, if not greater than, the naval power of Raven Tower. The Kingdom of Light has many war ships and strong cannons just like Raven Tower. King Arnald shakes the messenger's hand and agrees to become part of the Republic. Kingdom of Light will support with naval defense and offense. On the sails of the ships is the kingdom symbol, this symbol is also the sigil on Nick's ring. The symbol has the two gods, Kayotic and Kryptonick, with their hands extended out, like the statue.

Kingdom of Light is expected to enter the war within two days. During those two days, all of the ships are being prepared for combat and the provisions are being stored as well. To fill empty spaces, King Arnald ordered a draft, which allowed the citizens to be chosen to fight, to help make sailing the ships easier. The messenger sailed back to the Kingdom of Dusk. In the fleet are three hundred galleons, four hundred brigitens, and one hundred and fifty sloops. In total, there are eight hundred and fifty ships. All of the ships would sail off at once and sail directly to Raven Tower. King Arnald thought that this was the best option because it gives the upcoming war two fronts. One front is the assault that King Clover will lead on foot. The second front is a naval war to distract Raven Tower from advancing too far into the Kingdom of Dusk's territory. If King Dominus conquers too much land and takes over cities, then the war would be over.

Nick returned to his palace and was advised to stay there during the war by the Counselor. The Counselor takes care of Nick because he is quite old. He is sixty years old and he is also the oldest king in all four kingdoms. By the time he returns to the palace a guard rushes and stops him before entering the grand doors.

"Wait! King!" the knight said

"Yes? What is it?" King Arnald asked, slowly turning to the knight

"We have spotted a Raven sloop on the horizon! What should we do?" the knight asked

"Set sail with all of the ships! Attack that stupid tower and bring down Tartarus once and for all!" King Arnald said

"At once, sir." the knight said.

The knight bowed before leaving. Kingdom of Light is the only kingdom without different ranks for the knights. All the knights look the same with their silver armor. Even the commanders and the general look the same. The Counselor meets Nick inside the palace. He is a slim man and is taller than the average man. He, too, is bald. He also has blue eyes and a deep scratchy voice.

"The war has begun." the Counselor said

"Yes. All the preparations have been completed. Now our assault on the Dominion begins." Nick said

"Something strange happened to the scavengers." the Counselor said

"What do you mean?" Nick asked

"They have disappeared. We have not seen any activity anywhere in the Dunes." the Counselor said

"That is strange… Perhaps they have finally killed each other." Nick suggested

"Or Hunter Rina died." the Counselor said

"That is also a possibility. They could have killed him or a Titan." Nick said

"There are too many possible reasons for this." the Counselor said

"Yes there are." Nick said.

Nick and the Counselor began to walk to the bedrooms where they would say good night and hope for a better tomorrow. Nick did not want to enter the war at first, but, after hearing that John had fallen, he had no choice but to help Clover Shard. He had never heard of Krimson Reagon and was very curious about him. Sadly, no one else had heard of him either. This was rather strange, since he was a commander of his own unit and now the false king of Golden Gate. The only thing that was published about him is that he is incredibly smart and dangerous. He is, if not, the best swordsman ever to live.

"Keep me posted, Counselor." Nick said

"Of course, sir." the Counselor said, bowing, "Goodnight."

"Good night." Nick said, opening the door and entering his bedroom.

The Counselor's room is across the hall from Nick's. The walls are paper thin so the Counselor can easily hear Nick if something is wrong. Nick takes off his crown and robes and walks over to the window. He stared out the window and into the vast Dunes. The sun rested and the sky was painted. "What a lovely sight for sore eyes." Nick said to himself. He watched the dune hills as the wind gently picked up sand and carried it away majestically. His eyes opened wide when he saw one man standing on a dune hill. The man was too far away to see any features, not to mention how poor his eyes have become, and he seemed to just be standing there. Nick rubbed his eyes and yawned. When he looked back at the dunes, the man was gone and the sky was dark. The moon was too shy to show itself, but the stars are just as beautiful without her.

Coldness filled the air and Nick waddled over to his soft chilled bed. Gentle breezes relax him as he sleeps and makes him feel almost weightless. As he began to drift away, he heard a strange noise coming from the Dunes. He tiredly and unwillingly got out of bed and looked out his window.

Bright lights covered the Dunes like a flock of fireflies. His jaw dropped in terror as the scavengers marched towards the kingdom. There was the man again. Nick knew it was the same man as before. The man had a knight's armor on and he was close enough for Nick to see him. His armor was a strange color, red-like, and his sword glowed in the darkness. Next to the knight were two men. One was a human and the other a beast. Behind them were hundreds, if not thousands, of scavengers. Again, he heard the strange sound. It seemed to be a horn.

Nick turned around and saw the man standing in front of him in his room. The man in red. He quickly turned around to the window and noticed that the middle one was gone. He turned back to the man and looked into his eyes with fear. Nick yelled as loud as he could, but he could not muster a thing. He became frozen in place.

"Who… are… you?" Nick weakly asked

"I am Krimson Reagon." Krimson said, grabbing Nick's hand, "What a beautiful ring."

"What… are you?" Nick said with a small piece of confidence.

"I am a demi-god." Krimson said

"How are you… here and… why?" Nick asked

"I am here to kill you and take your ring." Krimson said, "If only I got here a few hours earlier."

"Hurry this up!" a voice hissed from the shadows, "You stepped out of line back at Dusk, don't do it again."

"I'm Sorry." Krimson said

"Who's there!?!" Nick asked

"None of your concern." Krimson hostilly answered

Krimson ripped off Nick's hand with almost no strength. He took the ring off his finger and attached it to his necklace. It hung next to John's ring. Nick yelped in pain and cowered next to the window.

"Your kingdom will fall." Krimson said, unsheathing his sword.

"Please don't!" Nick begged.

With one swift swing, Nick was cut in half like a hot knife cutting through butter. Krimson walked over to the window and lit a flare. The army of scavengers, led by Leviathan, Hunter, and Krimson, all began to charge. Within seconds, the back gate fell and scavengers flooded the streets.

"No…" the Counselor said, entering the bedroom, "What have you done?"

"I killed him." Krimson said, flaunting the rings that hung on the necklace.

"Who are you?" the Counselor asked

"I am Krimson Reagon." Krimson said

Krimson held out his hand and clenched his fist. The Counselor began to suffocate and he fell to the floor. Seconds later, he died. Krimson stepped over the body and left the palace. He rushed outside and saw chaos. Buildings were on fire, civilians were being slaughtered, some of the remaining knights have already fallen. Krimson rushed over to Leviathan. Leviathan was eating as many humans as he could. He was feasting as if he hadn't eaten in years.

"Leviathan!" Krimson yelled, "I'm going back to Golden Gate!"

Leviathan nodded his head in response and returned to his dinner. Krimson opened a portal and hopped through it. It closed the instant he went through. Leviathan and Hunter went on a killing spree, murdering everyone in their path.

"Destroy everything!" Leviathan yelled to the scavengers, "This kingdom is now yours!"

The scavengers yelled and tore down everything. Within a few hours, the Kingdom of Light has fallen. The soldiers out on sea are fighting for a fallen nation without even knowing it. Hunter Rina and Leviathan stood at the docks, staring into the horizon.

"The Dominion will fall as well, won't it?" Hunter asked

"I don't know what he has planned." Leviathan responded, sheathing his swords.

The waves roar as they clash against the ships. The two great navies clash just outside the harbor of Raven Tower. Shouts are blocked out by cannon fire. Pure chaos fills the bloodied sea.

"Captain Jerald! Captain Jerald!" Noah yelled

"Yes!" Jerald yelled back

"Their numbers are dwindling!" Noah shouted

"They should fall within the night!" Jerald yelled.

After a restless night the Kingdom of Light outpowered Raven's fleet. Once they got closer, they realized that there was no way to get to Raven Tower. The docks have been fortified and layered with cannons. There was a single sloop outside of the harbor. This sloop is the only ship in the entire navy that has the sigil of Raven and Crow Tower on the sail.

"Do NOT advance! Do NOT advance!" Jerald yelled

Jerald's ship was the only one to advance. He dropped the anchor when they were in shouting distance to the sloop. Shock overwhelmed Jerald when he saw that one man was on the sloop. His armor was a strange dark red color and sword was bright red.

"Who are you?" Jerald shouted

"Krimson Reagon! May I come aboard?" Krimson said

"Leave your sword on your ship!" Jerald yelled

Krimson dropped his sword on the deck and raised both hands. Jerald slowly approached Krimson's sloop until Krimson jumped on board. Krimson was welcomed with swords pointed at him. Jerald raised his hand and the knights lowered their weapons. Jerald walked up to Krimson.

"Why are you alone?" Jerald asked

"Because I came here to tell you that you are losing this war." Krimson said

"We can overwhelm your harbor and invade Tartarus." Jerald said

"Those cannons are unmanned." Krimson said

"What?" Jerald asked

"I told them to help Lavernius on foot and march towards Dusk." Krimson said

"We will stop you." Jerald said

"Good luck getting out of Tartarus. There are three hundred soldiers there." Krimson said, "Oh and Nick sends his regards"

Krimson pulled out his necklace and showed it to Jerald. Jerald drew his sword but Krimson dove into the water and vanished before Jerald could attack him. Then Jerald ordered them to dock at the harbor. Krimson was right, the soldiers are all inside. In front of them stood the mightiest tower, Raven Tower. Raven Tower scrapes the sky and holds the most dangerous criminals, not to mention the Moonlight Commander, and the strong point of King Mortis' kingdom. If Raven Tower falls then so will Crow Tower.

"Are we going in?" Noah asked

"Yes. There are three hundred Moonlight Knights in there. But we have five hundred. We have to capture this area and avenge King Nick Arnarld." Jerald said

"What about Commander Xion?" Noah asked, "He is the second best swordsman in this territory."

"We will kill him, too." Jerald said

Jerald is a short but brave man. With short blonde hair and brown eyes. He is said to be the bravest man and he will never back down from anything. He would rather die fighting than to run away. All of the soldiers barge into the tower and are faced with the last three hundred Moonlight Knights.

The Moonlight Knights parted and a tall Moonlight Knight walked through. He towered over the other knights and sent a chill down every one's spine. He spoke in such a deep tone that it was almost, and oddly, soothing.

"My name is Xion Zyphor. I am the Commander of Raven Tower. I see that you have defeated my fleet and made your into my Tower." Xion said

"My name is Jerald Malikai. I am the Captain of this fleet and of these men you see before you." Jerald said

"I assume you are here to free Victoria and James Akaza?" Xion asked

"What? They are alive?" Jerald asked

"They are at the top of Tartarus." Xion said

"We can end this peacefully." Jerald said

"I wish we could. I have orders to kill all of you." Xion said

"Surrender." Jerald and Xion said simultaneously.

They both looked at each other. Silence filled the room and no one moved. The Moonlight Knights looked at each other and then looked back at the Royal Knights. Jerald stood there speechless and so did Xion. For ten minutes, all eight hundred of them stood in silence and motionless.