
My Kingdom Fall

A dangerous rebellion attacks and sparks a war between the four great kingdoms of Medivia. The rebellion seeks refuge across the sea. As the tensions rise, the war is right around the corner. A brave soldier chases after the rebellion, hoping to get revenge. A skilled soldier leads a great army under a strong king. A powerful influencer searches for a lost soul. Divine power influences and changes the balance of the war. A new king rises, challenging anyone who stands in his way.

NexusAzara · Fantasía
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67 Chs

Birth and Death: Part Two

"Where's the Atlas?" Lavernius, "Is it close?"

"We are near Shark Sea, but the Atlas sleeps near Turtle Bay." Owen said

"Turtle Bay? Where is that?" Lavernius asked

"If you wish to be at that cave then, you don't need to travel there." Owen said

"I wish to be teleported to the cave entrance where the Atlas is." Lavernius wished

"Sure." Owen said

In a blink of an eye, Lavernius stood before an old mineshaft. The mineshaft was next to the beach. It had old rails running down it, and sand covered most of it. Old minecarts slept in the sand and were barely visible. The ocean clashed gently against the silky sand.

"Where are we relative to Light?" Lavernius asked

"North East. About a month or so away." Owen answered

"Wow..." Lavernius said

"No one has seen the Atlas in a long time, if not ever." Owen said

"There aren't many turtles here." Lavernius said

"Just because it has turtle in the name doesn't mean it's infested with turtles." Owen said

"Shark Sea is infested with sharks." Lavernius said

"No, it is not. People say that to keep their kids and idiots going into it." Owen said

"What really?" Lavernius said

"If it was infested with sharks, wouldn't they eat each other?" Owen asked

"Yeah, I guess." Lavernius said

"Back to what I said earlier." Owen said

"Has anyone touched the Atlas before?" Lavernius asked

"Not to my knowledge." Owen said

"What lurks down there?" Lavernius asked

"Only one way to find out." Owen said

Lavernius carefully climbed down into the cave. A light blue glow illuminated the cavern as Lavernius went deeper. As soon as he stepped foot into the cave, Lavernius could hear the sound of waves crashing against rocks and a deep rhythmic humming. Lavernius followed the tunnel down until he found a door with two golden handles. Lavernius pulled both of them open. When the doors opened, a bright blue light shone brightly. In front of him was the Atlas, floating above the ground like the Illuminati. It was shaped like a diamond and a blue ball of light was in the center. Water dripped from the ceiling into a small creek in the back of the cave. He started to hear a man humming. Lavernius turned around and saw a bright light. The light transformed into a being, almost human and also something much more. The god-like being began to speak.

"Hatred fills your heart." He said

"Who are you? Your eyes are gold." Lavernius said, grasping his sword.

"Fear not. I do not wish to harm you. If I did, you would already be dead. I am Kayotic." He said

"Why are you here?" Lavernius asked

"You are the first to come here. And you already have the power of the Illuminati." He said

"Are you going to stop me?" Lavernius asked

"Maybe, maybe not." He said

"Then why are you here?" Lavernius asked again

"You also have the orb. You are about to have three artifacts with you." He said

"How many are there?" Lavernius asked

"Four. The Wishing orb. The Illuminati. The Atlas. And, The Excalibur." He said

"Can I see your face?" Lavernius asked

"Of course. Come closer." He said

Lavernius walked towards him. There was a strange energy surrounding him. The god-like being extended his hand, palm up.

"Take my hand." He said

Lavernius hesitated for only a moment, taking hold of his hand. The god-like being's hand felt warm and smooth. The god's face was beautiful. His eyes were gold and shined brighter than the sun. He looked more human, he had no horns, no defects, human. He had golden wavy hair that was middle parted.

"Now, take what you came for." He said

Lavernius turned around to face the Atlas. He turned back to look at the god, but he was gone. He walked over and placed his palm on the Atlas. He didn't feel anything, but his right arm's veins were blue and his left were gold. The powers met in the middle of his body but did not cross or mix. Lavernius raised his sword, but hesitated. The sword came crashing down and split the Atlas in two. It fell to the floor and the light faded away.

"I've never heard of Excalibur before." Lavernius said

"It is an ancient sword. Its origins are unknown, but it holds power inside of it." Owen said

"Where is it?" Lavernius asked

"On the other side." Owen said

"I need to hurry." Lavernius said

Lavernius stepped forward. He held out his right hand, and opened a portal. Through the portal was the desert temple. He walked through it, slowly. When he reached the other side, the portal closed. The warmth from the desert increased, and he was standing in front of the temple. He ascended the stairs and entered the main room. In the center was the portal.

Lavernius walked up to the portal and placed his hand on its surface. It was cold, even though the sun was shining directly on it. The obsidian was smooth and hard. The portal hasn't been used in weeks.

"How does this work? Was Leviathan telling lies?" Lavernius asked

"Yes I believe so. It can be activated from both sides and is not on a timer. I think Leviathan didn't know how and had someone on the other side." Owen said

"How do I activate it?" Lavernius said

"Don't worry. It is simple." Owen said

Lavernius took a few steps back and held out his hand. He closed his eyes and focused. A deep feeling of anger filled his chest as he concentrated on the portal. With his eyes still shut, he felt the magic flowing into him, and when he opened them, the portal lit up. He lowered his hand and began to walk towards it.

"My, O, my... Lavernius Bear. Champion of King Dominus Mortis, razor of men, assassin of kings, killer of Titans, slayer of gods, and conqueror of the artifacts. You have become a legend." Krimson Reagon said, walking up the stairs behind him.

"Krimson... Reagon." Lavernius said, turning around.

"You've seen better days." Krimson said

"I haven't even peaked yet." Lavernius said

"We'll see about that," Krimson said, unsheathing his sword, "You'll pay for what you did."

"And you, will join him." Lavernius said, unsheathing his sword.

Lavernius lunged at him and they fought, each swinging their swords. Their blades clanged against each other several times. Lavernius pushed him back with a swing of his sword. They circled around, keeping their distance, circling, until finally Krimson rushed him. Lavernius moved quickly and blocked his blow, then thrust his sword at Krimson's throat. Krimson ducked and followed through with a kick. He sent Lavernius back a few feet. Krimson let loose and began fighting with Energy as well as his sword. Lavernius dodged all of the attacks and closed the gap between them. Lavernius swung and cut deep into Krimson's right shoulder. Krimson pushed him back using gravity Energy. Blood poured out of his wound. Krimson placed his hand over his wound and partially healed it.

Lavernius stumbled backward and Krimson charged him. He forcefully swung at Lavernius' neck. His blade made contact, but the second it did, it shattered. Krimson didn't back down, he kept swinging with his broken blade until he had no strength left. Lavernius grabbed Krimson's arm and squeezed his wrist until the bones broke. He yelled in pain and tried to break free of his grip, but couldn't. Lavernius ripped his hand off and pushed him to the ground. Lavernius stood over Krimson.

"This is the end for you, Krimson Reagon." Lavernius said

"I saw this in a vision... my end is here, but... yours is near.." Krimson said, in his dying breath.