
My Kidnapper is My mate (A Love Story)

It was last night when Jenny had her last bite from her pizza before yawning and deciding to go to sleep. After the third strike coming from the ancient wooden clock in the house to announce midnight, something strange happened in that old house. A terrifying howl is been heard from Jenny's room. Her only old-man-servant came running to check what's going on and how come a howl is been heard inside the house. Mr. Jefferson climbed the stairs two at a time and headed straight to her door. Her kidnapper and to be precise is a prince and an alpha. However, after revealing the truth to Jenny, she finds it hard to believe and tries to escape, but in vain. The surprises don't end here! She gets kidnapped by other creatures and even discovers herself being part of this 'mystical world'....

Fatima_Chaouch · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

Chapter 7

"I can't believe what I've done just now! I moaned !" I screamed in my head, desperately throwing my arms in the air. "How can I do that? How can I feel this way about the same person who kidnapped me? I need to stay away from him no matter what!"

I rushed to the bathroom, took my clothes off, and poured myself under the lukewarm water hoping it would wipe away what happened in Xavier's bedroom. After a while, I stepped out of the bath and dried myself, then put on my pajamas and went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about the touches and the emotions that rushed into my system when he got closer. It was the first time I ever felt this way toward anybody. I don't know how this is possible though I'm conscious and aware of who he is and what he is! How is this possible, and how come my body reacts to him with such strong feelings?

"Knock knock! Can I come in?" I heard Xavier's voice coming from outside my bedroom.

"Wait… just a second." I jumped out of my bed, feeling my heartbeats speeding. I decided to open the door after long minutes of thinking over and over about the moment we had earlier.

"Hi!" He said casually


"I came… to ask you if you want to join me. I sometimes have a walk outside in the woods after midnight." He asked in hesitation, touching his hair nervously.

I thought about it for a second, then I answered shyly.

"Yeah, sure!" I'm losing it.

"Meet me down in 5."

I nodded, closing the door behind him. I don't know anymore what's happening to me. I rushed to change into some pants, a shirt, and sandals. After that, I went downstairs and found him at the door waiting for me. I looked at his face down in the moonlight. His face looked amazing, with his eyes changing colors to light hazel under the moonlight. It was mesmerizing.

"Here you are!" He cheered in a way I'd never seen before. Is this the same person who kidnapped me just a few days before? What's happening to that cruel man, who had no feelings and certainly no sympathy for anyone?

"Come on let's go. I'm taking you to my favorite spot in the woods. You're going to love it."

We walked side by side in an awkward silence through the big bushy trees with no hope of him taking the initiative to talk first.

"So… a werewolf…" I said and immediately regretted it.

He looked at me and smiled gently with no words coming out of his mouth yet

"How did it happen to you? Were you born as one or became one?"

"I was born as one. That's why I'm the alpha. My parents were werewolves, and so are my ancestors. We come from the first werewolves that ever existed in this world. So you can say we are royals."

"Really?! And where are your parents now?"

"They are not here. That's all you should know for now." He answered, clearly not sharing any further details.

"So.. How old are you?"

He laughed at my question, and that was the first time I ever see him do that. I smiled uncontrollably, looking at him and how genuinely cute he was.

"Sorry." He apologized, giggling. " I'm 180 years old."

"What!" I yelled loud, shockingly. " you're serious?"


"So you never die? You're immortal?"

"Well, it's hard to explain but to make it simple, only royals can live for centuries, but werewolves, who were turned to one, live like humans mostly."

"Wow! I bet it was hard for you to live this long! I can't imagine myself living that long watching all my loved ones die one after the other while I'm stuck in immortality."

"Look! Here we are!" Xavier said pointing at a small river with trees around it and different types of flowers and roses magically decorating the place. By looking at it, you feel like you're in some kind of a fairytale. I could feel the gentle cold breeze and hear its sound, too through the branches. Everything feels perfect here. I could stay here for days.

"It's beautiful!"

"I know! Here let me help you." Xavier extended his hand to mine to help me sit down under one of the amazing big trees.

"I come here every time I want to escape being an alpha. I come here to clear my mind and feel the peace, I guess."

"I understand. It's amazing here and peaceful."

"Exactly, peaceful."

There was awkward silence again, but this time we were looking at the water and the moon glade. It's mesmerizing. I watched that water dancing to the cold breeze, and so is the grass surrounding the place.

"Jenny. I want to talk to you about something, but I need you to have an open mind and spirit. It's a big decision that you'll have to make that might change your fate forever."

"Ok! What is it?"

"Being an alpha wasn't by choice. I was born to be one, but I can only choose who can rule with me and be at my side to help me out with the pack. But I can only choose someone who is already from a strong bloodline of werewolves. What I mean is that I chose you because you're …"

"Hold on a second! Don't.. what?"

"Don't panic! Let me finish first…"

Before I could say anything else, something felt wrong, and I collapsed on the ground. Everything was a blur, and all I could hear were some faint voices. Then and out of nowhere, a werewolf was at my side hitting with its paws on the ground and growling loudly. With everything going dark, I could barely see the pale men surrounding us mumbling things I couldn't understand. I tried to move, but my body wouldn't respond, I could feel something tingling in my neck, and my eyes felt weighing tons, I hardly made it to take a quick look at the werewolf attacking the men.

"Xavier!" I whispered with all force left in me when darkness and silence finally took over.