
My Kidnapper is My mate (A Love Story)

It was last night when Jenny had her last bite from her pizza before yawning and deciding to go to sleep. After the third strike coming from the ancient wooden clock in the house to announce midnight, something strange happened in that old house. A terrifying howl is been heard from Jenny's room. Her only old-man-servant came running to check what's going on and how come a howl is been heard inside the house. Mr. Jefferson climbed the stairs two at a time and headed straight to her door. Her kidnapper and to be precise is a prince and an alpha. However, after revealing the truth to Jenny, she finds it hard to believe and tries to escape, but in vain. The surprises don't end here! She gets kidnapped by other creatures and even discovers herself being part of this 'mystical world'....

Fatima_Chaouch · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

"Miss Jenny, would you prefer to have your breakfast here or downstairs?" Mr. Jefferson asked in his usual polite tone. His voice comforts me after everything I've been through these last few days.

"Em! I guess I'll get down to have it with Xavier. I've stayed long enough in this room. I think it's time for me to face it and get used to this new life. What do you think Mr. Jefferson? Am I thinking right?"

"I think you should talk to people and enjoy others' company. Maybe Xavier's not a bad person."

"I don't know!! I'm still unsure what he is! He confuses me a lot!"

I walked in reluctant steps to the dressing room while looking at my tiny little feet and toes, inattentive to Mr. Jefferson leaving in silence. I grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and a white shirt and headed straight to the kitchen.

"Look who"s here!" Xavier shouted in excitement, his eyes shining with pure happiness. I think it's happiness that I see in his eyes. Maybe my eyes are seeing wrong.

"I thought of having breakfast with you all." I shyly said, staring at all the different faces around the table.

"Come and sit here next to me." Xavier pointed to the chair just next to him.

I walked in heavy steps to the table while my mind was screaming to run and never look back. When I finally reached the door, I thought of seriously walking away, but I couldn't. I sat down, checking everyone up, and everyone was staring back at me with smirks all over their faces. There are about three shirtless boys and two wearing t-shirts- Xavier is one of them and some other guy too- and three girls who look my age wearing proper clothes and smiling genuinely at me except for the one sitting right opposite. The other two's presence warmed me up. Finally, some girls I can talk to and be friends with, maybe!

"Here is your plate of omelet ready, Luna." A deep voice said behind my ear while handing me the plate. When I turned around, another shirtless guy looking so divine, wearing a chef hat and white shorts, standing behind me and smiling ear to ear.

"Luna!" I repeated with a perplexed thin tone of voice.

"Jamie!" Xavier shouted his name in a harsh voice. It felt as if he howled. The other guy just smiled and turned back to his kitchen. I kept staring at Xavier with a feeling of terror crawling inside my heart. My whole body tensed and started to shake, but I tried not to expose my fear

"What's a Luna?" I asked shaking my fear and confusion away.

"Something I'll tell you about later. But now let's enjoy our breakfast together."

I didn't stop thinking about that word and its meaning, but something else bothered me even more. It's the feeling of someone burning me with her looks. It's one of the girls sitting just right in front of me looking at me with pissed eyes holding her fork tightly so that it could break into halves in any second. I looked her in the eyes, but I couldn't stare long enough to show her I'm not afraid of her because Xavier pulled my hand to his and pulled me out of her gaze to his warm sweet looks.

"Listen… I know we didn't have the best start, and I did you harm more than good. So, let me make it up to you and have a fresh start together."

I couldn't say a word, he took me by surprise. I didn't expect that coming from my kidnapper let enough from a freaking werewolf.

" Ok. What do you have in mind?"

"What about A picnic in the woods just the two of us? We can take whatever we like for food, and I happen to know the best place ever. You won't regret it. What do you say?

"We can do that… I mean going out will help me feel better. "

" you're right. I'll take care of everything. We'll meet right after I come back this afternoon."

The rest of the breakfast time went by smoothly and I even forgot about the girl with pissed looks. After helping them clear the table, I went back to my room to have a shower and change into more comfy clothes for a picnic. I wore a red and white dress which covers most of my tights but not enough and white sandals, too.

After checking myself out for the last time and tightening up my hair into a ponytail, I headed downstairs feeling cheerful for the first time. On my way, I heard a voice just downstairs, two talking in hushing.

"Why do you think she's the one? Did you look at her? She's always scared and anxious she can't be one of us!"

"That's enough Selena. She's one of us now deal with it"

"Stop saying that! She won't be and I'll prove it to you and everybody. She can't be our Luna. I'm way better than her for sure"

"Enough! Go back to your room. I won't hear any of your nonsense anymore."

"You're going to regret it"

Suddenly total silence invaded the place after what she finally said. I wanted to go back to my room and crawl into my bed, but Xavier's angry howl scared the shit out of me and I trampled on my feet to slip with my butt showing.

"Are you ok?" I hear him saying coming upstairs to check on me. I turned over pulling my dress down embarrassed by the whole situation.

"I'm fine… don't worry about it."

"Here! Let me help you."

"Thanks!" I shyly whispered.

"You look good in this dress. I guess you're ready to go right?" he said while checking me up with intimidating looks.

"Yes," I said with a barely heard voice.

"Ok. Let me grab what we need for our picnic and my jacket too."

" umm.. I'll go downstairs and wait for you."

"Be right back."