
My Kidnapper is My mate (A Love Story)

It was last night when Jenny had her last bite from her pizza before yawning and deciding to go to sleep. After the third strike coming from the ancient wooden clock in the house to announce midnight, something strange happened in that old house. A terrifying howl is been heard from Jenny's room. Her only old-man-servant came running to check what's going on and how come a howl is been heard inside the house. Mr. Jefferson climbed the stairs two at a time and headed straight to her door. Her kidnapper and to be precise is a prince and an alpha. However, after revealing the truth to Jenny, she finds it hard to believe and tries to escape, but in vain. The surprises don't end here! She gets kidnapped by other creatures and even discovers herself being part of this 'mystical world'....

Fatima_Chaouch · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

(Jenny's POV)

"A werewolf! As if my life wasn't miserable enough! A werewolf! God help me! I'm losing my mind.." I shouted in despair throwing my hands in the air in surrender.

"So, what else is it out there? Witches and vampires too!" I must be losing my mind! This is a nightmare for sure and I should get up by now. I'll pinch myself so hard to get up and end this misery.

"Ouch! No! this is real!"

I will need a shower it will calm my nerves, then I'll be able to think straight. So, I headed to the bathroom, which was by the way all in white marble with a big bath enough for two persons and a shower just next to it. It's so nice here. I can positively stay here for hours.

"Ugh! Why everything is not working out well for me! I'm a total disaster." I murmured to myself feeling hopeless.

I took my clothes off and chose to take a shower instead. I'm not in the mood for a bath, I just want some warm water to stream over my anxious shaking body. After showering, I wrapped a towel around my body and picked some clothes from the dresser just by the bathroom which is huge too, and a lot of clothes are perfectly lined in perfect order of color too!

"I will pay for them. I'm not going to take anything from him! Who knows what is he up to!" I said to myself while putting on a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. "They fit perfectly on my body! Why does this sound creepy!" No, I'm certainly not going to think about this now, no more stressing out. I looked at the mirror checking myself in the mirror. My stomach suddenly rumbled in total despair for food, I don't remember the last time I had food. I'm desperate now for food, I should go and look where I can have something to eat.

The kitchen, however, isn't really big. It's small and cozy, it's beautiful. I like it even more here. On the corner next to the large square window my kidnapper standing peacefully while looking at me folding his arms to his chest. He isn't so bad after all he's really hot.

"Jenny stop it!" I gasp at myself.

I walked slowly to the table and sat on one of the 6 chairs and stretched my arm to bring close the nearest plate. "Pasta! So yummy" my stomach chanted in great happiness. After finishing my plate I lay back on the chair and sighed in satisfaction. It's delicious indeed. Looking up at my kidnapper, I found him staring at me with a big smile.

"What? Ever seen someone this hungry? And it's your fault, by the way, you kidnapped me without giving me the chance to even have breakfast." I explained myself while shrugging.

"it's just sweet watching you eat!" he says with a voice full of passion I believe.

"Yeah! Right! Now, care to explain why am I here?" I ask in the determination

He nods his head in acceptance and takes a seat next to me.

"Listen Jenny" he calls my name for attention. I look at him in the eyes and he carries on. "we are going to make a deal first and if it doesn't work you can reject me and we will both go to our previous lives and you'll never see me again, that I promise!"

"And what's this deal exactly?"

"first my name is Xavier and as you know now I'm not a normal human being, I'm a werewolf. And werewolves live differently, we aren't quite like humans. We live in packs with an alpha leading the pack and every werewolf needs to find a mate to reproduce and continue the line of werewolves. This mate is someone crucial in every werewolf's life without them we can't…" he stops at this thought and then carries on with a and mating is not about choosing someone you just like it's far deeper than that. It's like a bond born with us with that specific person and nobody else and once we find this mate we have to complete the bond. But, there is one role the female mate can accept or reject the male mate but no the opposite." He finally said while looking at his fingers.

"So you mean… that I'm your mate!"

"Yes! The deal is that you accept me for now and try to get along with me and if I didn't reach your expectations, you can reject me and you're free to go."

"So, you mean I should act like a mate and if it didn't work, I can go back to my like. Are you positively sure you're telling me everything? I feel like you're hiding something from me." I eyed him doubtfully. I have no reason to trust him even after what he's said.

"Hey, listen! Don't think too much about it now and I will tell you everything at the right time! Ok! For now, just make yourself home. Mr. Jefferson will join us soon too, so don't worry!" Smiling at me with reassurance. His smile is so genuine and beautiful that everything feels peaceful for a moment.

"Really! My Jefferson?" I scream in total happiness while jumping off my seat

"Yes! Your Jefferson!" He rolls his eyes with a smile.

I run to my room so fast squealing with happiness and joy. Mr. Jefferson is the closest person to a father. He's been the only man in my life and the only one who has ever made me happy. I missed him so much! But at the same time, I have mixed feelings about my kidnapper, it's a mix of pain and joy at the same time. I'm hopeless in this situation. I spent the next three days locked in my room thinking of everything he's said to me. From time to time, Xavier would come to check on me and bring me something to eat. Seeing him for that short of time makes me feel happy for a moment and tons sad after he leaves. Sometimes, he would just knock at the door to check on me without coming in. it's adorable I guess, and it's bringing my guards down about him.

"You can't trust him Jenny" I repeat to myself more and more. I can't give it to him because I'm still not sure about him and the whole story of mating. I'm feeling lost with all these feelings going inside me. How am I going to deal with all of this? Around him everything is weird and powerful; my feelings, my body, and even my thoughts they're so obsessed with him. I long for him when he's not around now and when he is I'm scared to death that he'd hurt me or even worse, eat me alive! Am I his mate for real and what is this mate thing! I can't think anymore, I should go to sleep for now to rest my head and my heart. I slid under the sheet and covered all of my body with the silky bedsheet closing my eyes firmly and trying to stop thinking about anything.

"Stop thinking Jenny! Just breathe and fall asleep. That's all you've got to do for now. Tomorrow is another day and maybe I'll have more answers and find out more about this hot Xavier who is a werewolf and my mate... Ugh! Why is everything so hard about my life! I have no friends, no parents even and I'm now mated to a werewolf who recently kidnapped me and made me go through hell! … I'm overthinking again! This is not helping! Stop thinking Jenny now and fall asleep... what if he's a good person for real and I can have a different life with him! No, no, no Jenny you're hallucinating! I surely need a rest and to stop thinking about these unbelievable thoughts of an impossible romantic story with a werewolf!"