
The beginning


Hello my name is Kaiser a bored man who does nothing but read fanfics now, my live was pretty "normal" at the beginning I had a twin brother who was with me all the time , we were the little devils of our streets trying to feed our selfs and make our mama less stressed and to focus more on herself that was what our little brain thought at the time but that changed after our mom fainted and rushed to the hospital their the doctors found that she was seriously ill and couldn't live for more than 6 months after hearing that we were petrified thinking how can our mom die without we give her happiness that she deserves for what she has done to us ! And after six months she died .

Weeks passed after our mom died me and my brother changed after that we started fighting people, getting into gangs fights and selling drugs for money as we grew older our gang fights started to get more violent as our friends keeping get stabbed or shoot from the opps watching our friends been murdered we went for revenge and we killed two guys and injured one that was our first time taking a person life but we didn't care about it since they killed our friends, time passed me and my brother were walking to a chicken shop to get some food as we keep walking we passed through two guys we didn't care as we were talking and laughing at each other but the ended when suddenly I heard two gunshots looking around I saw my twin brother on the floor dead looking at him I started crying and screaming in rage at this moment I felt so broke i didn't know why but as they say Karma is a bitch .