
Saying Goodbye to Hall 1200

Mitch closed the door of room 11-15, but before he took his first step he was blocked by another kid. He was a head taller than him and he looked brave and ferocious. His back was wide and strong, definitely showing he was a man who was destined to protect.

"Mitchell, I didn't think you'd leave before me."

"Come on, Ali. You know it's by luck, right?" Mitch wore a helpless expression but he was thankful nonetheless.

"Come on here." Ali went ahead and hugged Mitch. His personality was a contrast of his looks. Who knew someone like him is a sentimental type of person.

Mitch always considered Ali as a big brother. First of all, Ali was older than him by two years. Secondly, he was the first buddy he ever made when he arrived at the orphanage.

Mitch actually wasn't supposed to be staying in 11-15. His real room was at 16-20 in the same 1200 hallway. He only transferred in after another friend of his, Jane carrying the number 1211, left. He recalled Jane all of a sudden. She was the same as other kids at the orphanage. But there was something about her that was different. There was this weird feeling he always felt, a different kind of warmth that Ali, Sasha and his other friends make him feel when he was with her.

Mitch would always feel tingly around her, sometimes he would feel his face burning up together with his ears. Even his heart was like a galloping horse, beating fast. It felt weird but he didn't detest it, in fact, he wanted more.

'I'm recalling a lot today...' Mitch thought as he closed his eyes and hugged back.

"Hey, over here Mitch!"

"You better treat us when we get out, okay?"

"I, Franz, would like to shake your hands. Don't wash it until you get out, promise me!"

"Franz, you're being weird again."


After his bear hug with Ali, numerous kids started to flock Mitch one by one. Since they all stayed in the same hall for years, they developed a bond with each other. They were like mayo and ketchup in a hotdog sandwich, you can never have just one, it was always a 2 in 1 deal.

"Franz, Vince, Mika, Walter, Doris.." Mitch recited their names one by one. They were his brothers and sisters even though they were not related by blood. The bond they had is stronger than blood as well. So what if they weren't related, if they all agree that they're siblings, they were siblings!

"You should let him go now, see the clock? He might not make it in time." Ali pointed at the huge clock at the hall. The small hand was firmly resting on 9 while the large on was only an inch away from 2.

"Right, right. You should go now."

"We'd like to send you off but we can't roam freely during these hours.."

"No problem, I'm satisfied as is. I will really miss you guys. You should all head back now or the caretaker might scold you. It's never a good feeling." Mitch said. He experienced the said scolding before. To be honest, it wasn't much of a scolding but a warning and instead of being scolded harshly, he was made to do twice the work he regularly did. He didn't want his good friends to get pilled up with chores so he gestured them to go back inside.

"Alright, Mitch, take care of yourself." Ali said as he reluctantly entered his room. The others did so as well after giving out words of encouragement.

Soon, Mitch was all alone in the empty hall. Silence once again reigned. He walked with heavy footsteps, each step was for a new future. He couldn't help but smile as he started to sing.

"A, B, C, D..." He started skipping in joy as he made his way to the end of the wall where a metallic door stood. He always left and entered through this door. The number 1200 was written on it meaning that the hall was exclusively for orphans starting 1200 to 1299. He was finally leaving this door, not for breakfast, lunch or dinner, not for chores or free time, but for adoption.

"I can't wait!" Mitch couldn't help but cry out in joy. He hurriedly covered his mouth.

"We can't shout, during these hours, right right." He breathed in and out to suppress his joy. He then stretch his hands and pulled the door open. A creaking sound of metal grinding against metal resounded at the hall. The same sound occurred after a few seconds but Mitch was nowhere to be found, he had already left as the door closed.

"L, M, N, O, P..." Mitch walked, as he sang quietly in a happy tone. He has liked this song since it was introduced to him. He learned to read letter with this song and learned to write with this song. It was the only song the orphans knew. Easy and catchy.

He sang and walked in a confident manner, soon he arrived at a huge double door. The words 'Adoption Hall' was written on top of it.

"I can finally get the chance to feel the sunlight again.." He muttered under his breath and entered.