
My Isekai: I Had a Fun Life in a Fictional World with my Cheat Ability

Currently is going hiatus! ——— A wish fulfillment fanfiction about a guy from our world who got transmigrated as Yuuya Tenjou from "I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World" with Ability Creation… Read on your own discretion! ——— More Tags: (Adult), (Ability Accumulation), (Ability Creation), (ACG), (Beautiful Female Lead), (Beasts), (Dragons), (Elves), (Fan-Fic), (Fantasy), (Romantic Subplot), (Handsome Male Lead), (Harem-Seeking Male Lead), (Human-Nonhuman Relationship), (Lazy Male Lead), (Level Up), (Lucky Male Lead), (Magic), (Mature), (Overpowered to Plus Ultra OP), (Perverted Male Lead), (Polygamy), (Scheming Male Lead), (School Life), (Science Fiction), (Skill Accumulation), (Skill Creation), (Universe Travel) ——— Misc. Info: • Update schedule: 3~4 chapters/week. • Chapter length: 1,000~1,500 words per chapter.

Eromaru · Otras
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23 Chs

Chapter 2 - Transformation (5) [Edited]

Kaori looked anxious and scared. She threw a look to appeal to the bystanders around her to help her, but those people averted their eyes or ignored her.

On the other hand, I was silently gazing at her, stunned by her beauty.

'Man, she is really pretty! The LN illustrator and the mangaka did not give the real her justice!' I mused in my mind.

When I saw one of the delinquents grab Kaori's wrist, I came back to my senses. I inwardly cursed myself for standing there like a fool when Kaori was distressed.

Without further ado, I approached Kaori and those delinquents in a hurry. It was time to be a hero for a damsel-in-distress!

As I approached them, I could hear their voices.

"Hey hey, it's okay, isn't it? Come have a drink with us."

One of the delinquents, who I assumed the leader of the group, said to the girl as he held her wrist.

"I already said no! I've refused you so many times already! Please, let me go!"

Kaori refused while trying to release her wrist from the guy's grip to no avail.

The others joined and spoke up.

"Don't say that, darlin'~!"

"Hey, come on, let's go!"

However, Kaori kept refusing and trying to get away, "I don't wanna! Let go of me, please!"

Because they focused on themselves, they did not notice my approach. No matter, they would notice me soon.

Once I was close, I announced my presence to them, "Hey! That girl does not like what you guys are doing! Can you leave her alone?!"

They stopped and turned their heads to me, but they became dumbstruck after seeing me. Even Kaori was dumbstruck when she saw me.

It couldn't be helped, I suppose. Even I was aware how supernaturally attractive I was after transforming!

'Man, I feel embarrassed by their over the top reactions to my handsome look!'

Such a silly thought flashed in my mind. However, I kept up my game face as I stared at the leader of the delinquents.

"What is it, pretty boy? Do you have business with us or something? Huh?!" The leader of the delinquents said to me threateningly.

After seeing scary monsters in Argena, these delinquents looked harmless in my eyes.

'So, how should I deal with these scums? Killing them was too much, and too easy, but it would cause more problems if I killed them here. I guess I can use magic to modify the memories of the crowds, but it was also a bother. Hm, I suppose I can make them faint. Later, I'll deal with these scums as a whole.'

I contemplated my next action carefully. This happened only for a moment since my mental capabilities were enhanced.

'Alright, let's just make them faint for now!' I came to a decision.

Next, I said to the leader of the delinquents, "Look! That girl does not like your pestering. Can you all just leave and stop bothering her?"

As expected of such a cliché scenario, the leader of the delinquents became outraged by my demand. Then, he released Kaori's wrist, approached me quickly, and threw his fist at my face.

"Look out!"

I heard Kaori's scream, but there was nothing to worry about. After all...

'So, slow.'

The leader of the delinquents was so slow in my perception. His movements were as slow as a snail!

I easily dodged his sloppy punch, and he stumbled forward because he missed his mark.  Then, I slipped into his personal space in an instant and gently chopped his neck, making him faint.

With the True Martial Art that was at Lv MAX, I intuitively understood how to make someone faint without hurting them.

Once I knocked out the leader cold, I turned to the other delinquents, who were dumbfounded by what they'd seen.

And soon, they snapped out of their daze and reacted in a cliché way.

"Damn you! How dare you hit Big Bro?!"

"Let's beat him together! He is just one person!

"Yeah! We outnumber him!"

"Let's teach him a lesson not to meddle in the Red Ogre gang's affairs!"

The rest of the delinquents shouted before attacking me together.

As the delinquents attacked me, I easily dodged their punches and kicks. Their attacks were slow and sloppy.

I could not help but feel annoyed by their…flailing. It felt like they were insulting me with their shitty forms!

When the opportunity presented itself, I gently delivered a gentle chop on their napes with my hand and made them faint like their leader.

And so, those delinquents ended up on the ground around me. All fainted.

There was an eerie silence before the peanut gallery started cheering. I ignored the crowd and headed for Kaori to check her condition.

"Are you okay?"

"Ah, um, I-I am fine! Tha-thank you for helping me!"

Kaori snapped out of her daze and thanked me with a deep bow.

By the way, she was blushing. Hard.

'Looks like Hentai Protagonist and my supernatural charm affected her. I bet I've left a lasting good impression in her heart!'

After thinking that, I spoke up, "Please call the police to apprehend them before they wake up. I've only made them faint. They'll wake up soon."

"Understand. I'll call the police immediately," Kaori responded to me with a nod and took out a smartphone from her handbag.

Next, she called the emergency number of the police.

While Kaori was talking to the operator through the phone, she kept throwing me a furtive glance. When our eyes met, she would avert her eyes bashfully.

The more I saw her adorable reaction, the more I desired her to be mine. However, I did not let my intention show on my face.

By the way, I've been keeping my gaze on her while keeping up a straight face. But the truth was that I was appreciating her beauty.

I had to be discreet, or else I would creep her off. I could not destroy the good impression I made before her. I did not want to ruin my chance to seduce one of the female leads!

Finally, Kaori ended the call.

After putting her smartphone in her handbag, she turned her head to me, bowed deeply to me, and began speaking.

"Once again, thank you for helping me. I couldn't imagine what would happen to me if you did not help me."

"Please raise your head. I just did what any decent person would do," I responded, pretending to be humble.

"Yeah, any decent person… but, only you helped me…" She muttered under her breath.

Her voice was too low for ordinary people to hear, but I could hear it without any problem.

I pretended as if I didn't overhear her muttering. Still, I could see her faith towards humanity was shaken.

'Well, I'm done here. Time to go, I suppose,' I decided to leave.

I was satisfied with leaving a lasting impression in her heart for our first meeting.

However, when I was about to leave, Kaori stopped me.

"Please wait!"

"Yes? Do you need something?"

I asked her, who asked back.

"May I know the name of my benefactor?"

"Tenjou Yuuya," I answered, using the Japanese name format where surname was the first, given name the last.

"Tenjou Yuuya-san, is it? My name is Honjou Kaori. Once again, thank you for helping me."

This time, I gave her a nod. Then, I left because I could hear the sound of a police car's sirens approaching in the distance.

Ordinary people couldn't hear it because it was still very far, but it wasn't a problem for yours truly!

Anyway, I did not want to be bothered by the police. I had knocked those guys, so the police would likely bring me to the police station for questioning.

Even though I could plead self-defense, it was still a bother. So, like any smart person in my situation, I wisely retreated.

Length: 1,330 words.

Revision Date: Nov 4, 2021.

Eromarucreators' thoughts