
Mission Accomplished?

Liam nervously laughed and then addressed David politely, "Sir, why don't we talk about all this later on? The rescue team is still searching for you out there. So first, I think we should let them know that we found you. We have to get out of this planet as soon as we can."

"Yes dad, he is right. Everyone is already very worried about you so let's get out of here first." Natalia was tapping her feet restlessly because she really wanted to get out of that cave where she felt as though she was being suffocated.

"Alright! Let's get the hell out of this planet." 

David walked over to one corner and carried his backpack. He had several things which he had collected from this planet over the course of his stay so he was not going to forget that bag that easily.

Liam sprinted ahead of them so that he could inform everyone about David as soon as he got out.