
The one I've been searching for (1)

Meanwhile at the office of the CEO of VinTranCo, Daryle was busy organizing the piles of documents starting from trips schedules, bus repair requests, leave requests of employees, partnerships with motor suppliers, cash flow, and everything. She started this routine since she arrived from Highland City. She would start at two o'clock after her one hour lunch break from the ticketing booth.

Now it was now six o'clock. She didn't mind working for long hours. In fact it was her way to keep herself occupied, besides she is earning tripple the salary of a regular employee already. She placed all the stock of urgent documents on top of the CEO's table and looked around to see what else she might have missed.

At the top floor of the building in his private suite, a tall handsome man was staring at his computers. One was a monitor for every corner of the whole bus station premises and another with his business transactions. He clicked the window of his office to check how hos newly hired employee was doing. He was so impressed that her work was neat and efficient. He noticed the stock of documents piled on his table. 'Are those documents necessary?' He thought as he smiled inwardly. He instructed her to put only those urgent documents on top and put those less urgent at the side.

He got up and headed downstairs to his office. Daryle still have two hours to work. She will be off at eight o'clock pm. As Vince reached the door, her attention was now at her computer monitor checking any engagement requests for her big boss. The door clicked and the door opened gently.

Daryle turned her head to greet her boss. "Hello sir Vince." She said as she moved her swivel chair closer to her table.

"Hi Ms. Daryle, how's your day? Seems you have been working tirelessly." He asked but the truth is, he had been monitoring her since this morning.

"Not really, I'm just enjoying my work." she smiled but she focused again at the monitor.

"Are these all?" She heard Vince said.

She turned to her back and saw Vince browsing his fingers on the stock of documents on top of his table as if assessing the weight of them. She smiled as she said "Sir Vince, I think those are really urgent ones. If they are not enough, there are more beside your table."

"I was actually thinking these may not be necessary. This is more than enough. " He smiled back.

"Some are urgent requests from your employees. I saw two paternal leave applications. Probably they are first-time dads." She said then laughed.

"Hhmmm. First time dads huh? Good for them." Vince said as he sat down on his swivel chair.

" Sir Vince, there are also a lot of requests here from foreign motorpart suppliers. They want to partner with your company. Shall I set up a meeting for you?" Daryle asked.

Vince lifted his face from the documents he was signing. 'I thought she is just entertaining herself with the computer. She is actually working!? Is she willing to take this task for me.?' He doesn't remember instructing her to do this job. He looked at her for some while then scribbled his signature on some documents.

"If you set up one business meeting for me, would you be willing to accompany me there?" He lit up a smile as he lowered his eyes to the document he just grabbed. Although he is the boss, he is still shy to express his true intention with this exceptionally skilled and talented young beauty in his office. He still cannot figure out how to start courting her. She is so different with his girlfriend whose interest was to hang out with friends and boast about her rich boyfriend. Vince had actually started ignoring her purposely since moving down to Capital City.

"Only if I'm needed sir. And what time and day." She said.

"Yeah right, I understand. Is there any request for tomorrow?" He asked.

"The next day sir. A Japanese company. Possibly seven pm." She answered.

"Hmmm okay, you are coming with me right?" He asked again.

"Unless I'll get sick, I'll try." she replied. "By the way, are you going out for dinner tonight sir?Or shall I call your chef?" She remembered her routine. The chef she was referring to was the restaurant he used to call for food delivery.

"I wish I could go out for dinner but you have given me much work tonight." He said again like yesterday and the other day and the day before yesterday....

"Ha ha! Im just loving my work sir Vince !" She grinned as she dialed for food delivery.

Vince noticed her happy countenance and was delighted to see that she was enjoying her work. Now, he had to plan his ways so that she will notice him as a man and not as her big boss. He only have three months to do so.

The delivery arrived and she set his food on the coffee table beside her boss' desk. Made sure her table was tidy and she bid goodbye.

Vince's heart was full. If he will have this lady as her woman, he would settle immediately. He had no reason to delay marriage. She's all that he thought he was waiting for. She's a total perfect package!