
Chapter 8

Moments earlier...

"...and if forced to, fake a deep accent" Harry then said as he slowly swayed from the path which we were walking through. Harry keeps walking through the crowd tilting his eyes here and there apparently he was in search of something,

 "Where could that man be at this moment" he was thinking when suddenly, he spots someone, "finally!" he thinks aloud as he walks to the man known to be the owner of the event hall. The man was an average height man that looked like he would be clocking his fifties soon, he had a neatly trimmed moustache and a raven black hair which was combed sideways, making him look more elegant than ever,

 "This man's wealth is broadly showing in how he carries himself and dresses, I better not blow this" Harry then says inwardly as he adjusts his bow tie and starts walking towards the man. On reaching the man, Harry pretends he was not looking as he bumped into the man intentionally, but made it look like a mistake, 

 "Sorry sir" he immediately says as he then walks forward then stops, he then turns around and looks at the man in a way that made it seem he had been looking for the man since, "Aren't you the CEO of this magnificent hall?" he then asks,

 "And what if I am" then man then replies,

 "I've been looking around for you since, where have you been?" he then asks again,

 "Why would you be looking for me?" the man asks extremely confused, 

 "You dropped this" he then says as he brings out the man's phone he had earlier stolen from the man's pocket but no one noticed then hands it to him, the man then immediately touches his pocket just to realize his phone wasn't there, he then looked at Harry,

 "Thank you so much, you're a saviour" the man then says as takes the phone from Harry,

 "Please sir, do you mind showing me the way to the restroom please?" Harry then asks pretending he needed to pee really bad, 

 "For the good deed you just committed, you deserve to use the VIPs restroom" the man replies with a wide smile spread across his face, "it's on the second floor, on the first hallway on your right"

 "Thank you sir, you won't regret this" Harry then says as he leaves, oh the man was going to regret it as he didn't know what was up, Harry then keeps the card he stole from the man's pocket when he took the phone.


 "I was quite smooth back then" Harry says as he shows me the card that we would need to open the door, "now what's remaining is to carry the real keys from those men, so this is what you're going to do, after I take you to the restroom as your bodyguard, then after approximately fifteen minutes scream like your life depends then pretend you sprained your ankle, the rest will play from there, and when you come out just wait cause you might not see me, now let's go". Then we began walking, me like a man who was proud, him like a dude you wouldn't want to mess with, and he had broad chest and shoulders, so it kind of fitted him, but I don't know about myself. We then reached there and I entered while Harry leaned on a nearby wall. After some time, Harry then acts like he has a terrible urge as he speeds towards the door the two men were standing in front of but before he could even reach anywhere, they immediately rushed him although he kept on struggling with them they still didn't budge,

 "Please come on, isn't that another restroom, I really need to use it" Harry then pleaded with them

 "You dumb bodyguard" the man curses, "this is no restroom, wait till your boss is done then you can go..." Suddenly, they heard an extremely loud scream from the restroom, and they all rushed there, then they heard the scream again,

 "You guys check what's going on let me call for help" Harry then offers as they enter the restroom, he then smiles as he changes course of direction and runs towards the other door, he then brings out the men's keys that he swapped with another one and opened the door, he then immediately close it behind him so no one would see him, he then comes across another door, he then notices the card slot on the door making him immediately bring out the card and insert it, after the door reads the card, it ejects the card then some kind of keyboard hologram projects requesting he types the pin into it, Harry then looks around the card for the pin then finds it written on a tape on the edge of the card, he then quickly inputs it then the door opens, "woah!"he exclaims as he looks around at the different sorts of Jewels and diamonds all shining into his eyes, "they sure have one heck of a gold collection" he then looks around, "now where could my diamond be, aha!" he finally spotted it, the 'Golden diamond' this was what all the plans were for, "I better pick it now" he thinks as he walks over to the glass case the diamond lay resting and opened it, immediately he took it, another hologram projected reading that 'eye recognition required before thirty seconds', 30, 29,..., "Shit!, If I don't put an eye recognition now, the alarm is going to ring, better contact Andre" he then speaks into the receiver, "Andre are you there"

 "If it's about the eye recognition stuff, I'm already working on it" Andre then answers from the other end,

 "This guy sure is something" Harry thinks as he looks at the thing counting, 15, 14,..., "come on man hurry" Harry then says to Andre as lt occured to him there is a chance he might get busted,

 "...and done" Andre says from the other end as the hologram reads 'recognized',

 "Whew, that was close" Harry sighs as he keeps the diamond in his suit then approaches the door, "now to think of a way to distract those men in front, well I guess I'll just dive into their mist, no time for plans" he then smirks as he majestically walks out.

The two men in front were discussing when suddenly the door at their back opens,

 "Hi boys" Harry then greets them,

 "What the hell were you doing there!" one of the men shouts as he grabs Harry's hands while the other man holds his second hand,

 "It's over for you, thief" the second man then says as Harry smiles, then immediately, he wriggles both his hands from the grip of the two men and uses both fists to hit the nose of both men making them move back in pain,

 "You'll pay for that" the first man says as he fires a punch towards Harry which he dodges after which he uses his already clenched fist to give the man an uppercut then grabs his head and smashes it against the hard wall in the process knocking him out of his consciousness, the second man then was about to call for backup when Harry slapped the phone from his hand then grabs his arm and twist it backwards making the man scream in pain, the man with anger then fired another punch which Harry catches then twists that certain arm as well, as the man's both arms were rendered useless, Harry then grabs the man's head then snaps it, after which he runs off.

 He then enters the restroom only to see I was not there,

 "Where the heck could this boy be" he then mutters as he runs out of the restroom, then towards the elevator only to see me patiently waiting for him,

 "Are you done?" I asked him as he reaches me,

 "Of course I'm done" he says panting as the elevator opens then we both enter,

 "Why are you panting" I then ask as his pantings were loud,

 "This is because from here on out, its a race against time" he then replies as the elevator door closes.