
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

Note: Before I start. I'm sorry for not updating I was busy. I'll try my best to keep on updating. Thanks for the patience and understanding.

Like, comment, review and vote power stones for my book please.

Much loves and kisses. XOXO💖💖💖


Hurray its Friday I have to pack my bags but my bed seems softer and more comfy how is that possible over night. I really don't want to get up but I have to.

I woke up to see myself in a strange different room then I remembered the events of yesterday. I went into the bathroom to do my business and wore the same clothes of yesterday that I washed and dried when Connor gave me an oversized shirt and a jogger pant. I sat in front of the mirror with no hair brush and make up so I just used my hands to brush down my wavy hair.

I got downstairs to see the duo drinking coffee and discussing. When they noticed my presence the looked at me like they are seeing me for the first time.

"Good morning" I said with no response from both men "Earth to two big people" I yelled lightly and they quickly adjusted and still didn't say anything"Good morning people"

"Good morning" they answered simultaneously as I went into the kitchen to make my coffee

" How was your night?"

" It was good but I had body pain because of someone " Connor said giving Andrew a knowing look. Then we both turned to know the boss's answer but he just stared at us weirdly saying

"I slept well but woke up with a light headache. And you?"

"Like a baby, thanks for asking unlike someone in front of me" Connor just smiled at me guiltily. "Umm... Boss Connor said I should take the day off is that okay?"

He raised his eyebrows saying "Connor? And yes you can take the day off"

"Yeah we're over the formalities. she's a cool person bro" Connor said. I don't know why but the boss suddenly got upset and walked back into his room. I just felt this strange hurt in me. Geez this never happens to me, am I falling for my boss? this is impossible, I'm just hallucinating.

I was so lost in my thought that I didn't hear Connor calling my name till he used a spoon to hit my hand painfully, I winced and gave him a playful glare.

"Quit looking at me like that over called your name over a million times I had no other option but to do that. Now that you're out of your trance I want to tell you I'm going home to get prepared for work so if you want to join me get your back let's go"

"You done? OK let's go but I have to say goodbye to the big man up there"

" What big man? Are you talking about God?"

"Remind me of how I started talking to you, you're so annoying"

" Oh my. First, I'm your boss so treat me with utmost respect. Second, who's the big guy?" he said proudly

" Do you want to know something? one, I don't care. Two, I don't care. Three, I don't care. Lastly..." before I could finish he interrupted saying

"Yeah yeah, you don't care again we understand. Such a cold soul, why do I have such people around me?"

"I'm happy you got that fact right but that wasn't what I was about to say. Lastly, outside work you Connor Shawn ain't my boss" I said as I walked away towards the stairs and turned to see Connor moping as I grinned widely and suddenly heard a thunderous voice ahead

"What's with all the noise?"

Before I could look stop I hit a soft wall and slipped, as I braced myself from the hard impact I'm about to receive but I felt nothing as the boss was holding my waist and he pulled me up. We stood there till he said

"Are you OK?"

"I... I...I... th...think...I'm...f...f...fine. Um... th... thank you sir" I replied as I blushed

"Be careful next time so you won't fall" I've never heard my boss say such nice things to anybody

I stood there mesmerizing his forest green eyes compared to my brown ones. He looks so handsome anmanly for a moment till we heard clapping and whistling

"I would like to see your lovely moment all day but I have a job if you both have forgotten so Athalia if you want to join me so I can get you home come with me" the jerk Connor said as I jumped off his body and walked to get my bag as I mumbled a 'sorry' to my boss and glared at Connor.

He dropped me at Reina's kitchen and unfortunately for me Reina and Nevaeh were talking. So I 'tried' to walk in like a normal customer but Vaeh has a sharp eyes so she saw me and yelled

"To those people hiding there's a pin an where you're about to sit so you better beware" Reina understood as she turned to look at me and laughed loudly.

I walked towards their table embarrassed and sat down

"Do you think you can run away and not get seen? impossible" Veah said. Nevaeh and I became close during the week that we even gave each other nicknames, she calls me Lia (like my siblings but most times they call me Lee) or Atty and I call her Vaeh OE Vee

"How was your night my grand daughter?

" It was fine. I slept like a baby. You?

"Slept well" Reina replied

" And you Vaeh? "

"Uggh I didn't sleep a wink last night. I had to work on a report to be submitted today. Never ever will I procrastinate" she said as she sipped her coffee slowly. "I have to go to work now before I get late"

" What? You're already late madam, I'm sure your boss should be at work by now while his secretary is here drinking coffee"

"Oh my goodness, I in trouble, I've never been late in my five long years of working" she said as she hurriedly drank the rest of her coffee and grabbed her bag and ran out. Reina and I laughed seeing her reaction.

"Aren't you going to work too" Reina asked

"Nope I have an off day so no work. Oh and I came to tell you that I'll bed going out by this afternoon. I won't return till Sunday "

"Where are you going?"

"To see my family" Reina only knows part of my story but she doesn't know that my family is 'Dominguez'. She only knows I have five siblings, my mother is no more, my father is still alive and he's only six years older.

" Okay, have a safe journey and don't forget to call always'

"I will grandma"

Two hours later I left to my apartment.