
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

I looked strangely at the leg when I saw Manager Shawn come in and the first word he uttered was "Goodness gracious" I was about to laugh when I saw the look of seriousness and concern in his eyes. He then turned to me and asked " Miss Suarez what happened and how did he get here?

With no other option but to reply I said" Sir he had a little too much to drink and as for how he got here I carried him"

" By yourself? That's not possible"

" Yeah I carried him. No biggie I'm stronger than most women"

"Thank you. Honestly I don't know what's going on in the mind of this friend of mine"

"Friend? He's your friend? Was. I never knew. I think Nevaeh told me about it but I forgot"

He laughed loudly and said "Yes he is. Besides where were you taking him to and why are you still in the office. You should have gone home hours ago"

"I was taking him to my house since I don't know his. And as for why I'm still here, I was going home when I saw him in his office dead drunk, I couldn't move him so I cleaned up his office and when I noticed he was getting unbearable I knocked him out and the rest you know about"

"Oh really? Seems we have an assertive warrior with us" he smiled widely then I heard him mumble something along the lines of 'I wish he knows what he has and accepts it before its taken' I didn't hear him clearly but that was what I thought I heard.

" What did you say?"

"Oh its nothing" that jerk couldn't just repeat what he said few seconds ago. Just then the elevator doors opened on the first floor. I walked out seeing that the boss's friend is there and is capable of helping him till I heard

"Um.. Miss can you please help me get him to the car and I'll drop you off at your house"

I grumbled then walked back to him as I held one of his hands to lift him and Mr Shawn held the other. As we got to the car, we put him in the back seat lying on the seat then I got in the front seat and Manager Shawn on the drivers seat.

"So where do you live?

" Wiles Road. I'm sure that's of your route so you can just drop me at the bus station"

" You won't get a bus by this time of the night so I'll take you home" as I was about to reply he said "That's final" the next sound we heard was from Mr Thompsons my boss who is sleeping peacefully, he was sleep talking saying 'Get away from me you greedy worm' I don't know what's going on in his mind but what I'm sure of is that the alcohol is making or working miracles in him.

"Can I get to know you better?"

"You already know my name, I'm 23 almost 24 in two months"

"Oh me too. what day?"

"16th. You"

"24th. So we're almost twinnies

" Nope, you're eight years older so I'm the kid and you're the old man"

" Can I call you by your name? No formality"

"That will be cool"

"You can call me Connor. Mr Shawn makes me sound like my father"

"OK so how long is it to his Highness's house?" He burst out laughing like a maniac

" An hour. if there's traffic an hour and half" I just replied with an 'Okay' then I slept off.

An hour later i woke up to see magnificent building around as i heard Connor say 'good morning', i felt confused at first then i got his joke and hit him lightly on his arm . He then points the direction of the boss's house, as we got closer to his house I saw the huge but simply beautiful house, nope not a house but a mansion. The security guard came closer to see who is in the car, he knows Connor but doesn't know me so he kept on looking at me and gave Connor a questioning gaze, Connor immediately understood and said "She's your boss's new secretary now open the gate and stop delaying me... I mean us whatever". He turned back and opened the gate as Connor drove us in, we managed to get him in and used the remaining strength in our bones to lift him up the stairs put him in his room, when we dropped him on his bed we both fell to the ground in exhaustion.

Twenty minutes later we gained our strength and went back downstairs into the kitchen. As I was going down I took the time to look around the house as Connor showed me around, damn this man has taste, his house is a big structure with simple, elegant, classy design, It has a kind of modern day and ancient days touch comworkd, doesn't produce the loud billionaire vibe to it. I love this place.

Connor took me to the kitchen were I made coffee for both of us and started making the hangover soup Ray ray thought me so when he wakes up the hangover won't have much effect on him. We took it up and made him drink it as he was half asleep and awake the we went back downstairs again.

" I'm done so I have to go home" I said to Connor

"You should sleep over its almost mid night and we can't go out cause its dangerous. No buts, if, what its and maybes"

"You're such a child. Fine I'll stay but I have to go home early to get ready for work tomorrow"

"Oh that won't be a problem don't come to work. I'm giving you an off day, the work you did today is enough work to last two days"

"Oh no no... no need I'm capable of working tomorrow" that was just from the mouth, in my heart I like the free day

"Nope. Stay home and rest your head and body"

"Won't you remove it from y official leave days? And big boss might complain"

" No I won't and Drew wouldn't dare say anything so you're free" I was too happy that I forgot who I was talking to and hugged him saying thank you repeatedly. When I realized I jumped off him like lightening

"Its funny seeing you like this, you can hug me since we're friends now" I just blushed and say good night to him going to my assigned room.