
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

"Oh my goodness" was the first thing she uttered when we got in.

" So.. what do you think?" I asked smiling

"What do I think? Dude this place is AMAZING" She said yelling the 'amazing' fortunately there weren't a lot of people in the restaurant. She just said a baby-ish sorry and continued talking " It has this warm homely feeling that I never feel at home" she said before realising what she said

We saw Reina the owner of the restaurant coming out with a spatula in her hand and walking like She's going to war. Seeing Athalia she lightened up and gave her a big hug. " Talia, my baby grand daughter how are you? where have you been? Did you forget all about grandma?

"one, Ray ray you're not that old to be a grandmother of someone my age and I'm fine, two, in case you forgot I was job hunting and three, I found a job at Tom and Co. In addition and finally, I came by yesterday morning but you weren't here." I only knows a few people in my life and Reina is a part of it. When I first moved into my apartment, her restaurant was the first I went to, as she saw me, she welcomed me by cooking the food herself which I have to say is really tasty then we started talking and she would give me advice most times. She's a mother figure to me since mine passed when I was twelve years. Reina is fifty two and is still strong and agile. She has no children since her children abandoned her and called her a waste of time, strength and money so she started a business on the only thing she loves doing which is cooking and it makes her happy. When her business progressed, she opened another branch, her two children heard of it and tried to come back to get favors from her but she warned them to stay far away from her because she doesn't need materialistic wicked children and threatened to disown them if they ever come back to her. She also told them that if they didn't change their ways their children would do the same to them. I have to say that was a brave thing to do but the love of a mother never stops which is why she used that method to correct them and if they don't change well its their lives, she can do less or nothing. She's really a good person, her husband left her to raise two children because he didn't want to have any responsibility that would hold him down from living life as he pleases, he was a womanizer.

Reina thought me how to make many dishes which I didn't know either how to make or of its existence or her own recipe. She will always say

"Cooking isn't about using the ingredients and what you ksyncor learnt. Its about putting your emotions in how you make it, no matter how much you know and how well you cook it means nothing to you if there's no feeling to it, its either you're angry, happy, stressed, grumpy or whatever feeling" and true to her words cooking while stressed or under any emotional pressure helps me relieve it.

"oh really, you came yesterday and you didn't think of coming to look for me in my office or calling me?" she said pouting and slightly hitting my shoulder twice with the spatula

"I was in a haste grandma" I replied giving her a pouty face also

"Who said I'm a grandma, Let me remind you I'm only fifty two" No one will notice she's that old because she looks like a woman in her mid forties

"Really! You literally called yourself a grandma seconds ago"

"I guess you heard wrong. Next time listen carefully" She said sternly like she didn't do anything


"Hmph" we said the same time and laughed.

We totally forgot about Nevaeh until she pinched my side. "Oh so sorry. Ray ray this is Nevaeh my colleague, the one who screamed and made you come out with a spatula. Nevaeh this is Reina the owner of this restaurant and my mother figure" I said introducing both women

"Good evening Mrs Reina" She said raising her hand for a shake

"Oh silly call me Reina or Ray Ray as this doll calls me. You're a beautiful young lady" she said as she pulled Nevaeh in for a hug which shocked her. "Hope Talia's being a good kid, she can be a handful sometimes" she said as I gave her a fake glare

"She's okay, we're just getting to know each other" She said giving Reina a genuine smile.

"Why don't you girls come and sit down and today's meal will be on me since I've gotten a new grand daughter and Talia brought a friend for once"

"You're not that old, Reina"

"You're not that old, Grandma" we said in a sync then we all laughed about it.

Reina went into the kitchen and specially made food for both girls. An hour later the food was ready and a waiter carried it to the table for three as Reina ate with us, we talked over dinner. We got to know each other better. I noticed Nevaeh seemed more relaxed as she heard Reina tell us her story. Reina mentioned how she uses her last name for her children not her husband's last name. We chatted for hours then we took our leave and went our different ways at 9 pm. Nevaeh tried to convince me to allow her take me home but I stood my ground since it's only a twenty minutes ride to my apartment.

As I got in, I just dumped my bag on the chair and went into my bathroom. I had a hot bath to relax my tensed bones and muscles then brushed my teeth, watched television for a few minutes then i felt sleepy and went to sleep to get ready for another work day